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News And Reviews


Life and Death are About to Collide

From the creator of "Atlantis" and "Little Eva's Wish" comes a journey in to the visions of one man; a revelation that signals the end of the world.

The time has come for the final revelation to be heard, and for the powers of good and evil to fight it out to the end.

This latest production has been in the back of the author's mind for some time now. Andrew Lane, whose most recent productions of "Atlantis" and "Little Eva's Wish" have gained critical acclaim, has drawn from the Biblical book of Revelation as inspiration for this new musical.

With a cast of sixteen young men and women, Andrew hopes to open up this intruging and symbolic book to a new audience, while also keeping the content intact.

In the tradition of "Joseph and His Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat", "Jesus Christ Superstar", "Children of Eden" and "Godspell", "Revelations" uses a modern rock score and strong lyrics to propell the audience into the prophesised world of future.

Below is a list of the cast who will be performing this new production:

Lead Vocalists

Brigid Nolan
Roseanna Moylan
Annette Eldridge
Daniella Crisafulli
D.C. Turner
Rhonda Williams
Kristen McLeod

Voice Of God
Luke Fitzpatrick

Pixie Turner
Scott Bampton
Kim Rice
Megan Curtis
Jess Lean
Rachel Meaden
Tim Fleet
Drew Lane


The following is a review taken from the Shepparton News on September 4, 1998.

Young Talent Shines

You have seen "Deep Impact" and "Armageddon" - well now the apocalypse has been captured in music by an aspiring young writer and director from St. Mary's College, Nathalia.

Andrew Lane has created a musical based on the Biblical book of Revelation. "Revelations" has everything you ever wanted in a musical production. The voice of God heralds eerily through the church as he sends the seven letters to the churches to heed the warning to repent. A myriad of moods and tempos from 24 original songs permeate this musical, from God's dictum that only the "lamb of God can open the final scroll" to the rocking and strident soudns of "Salvation!"

The second act is a prophetic one for it explains that only God can pass the final judgement when "all the nations will come" as one at the end of the world. However we, as an audience, will get to pass our own judgement when the show opens in just a few days time.

Fifteen young students from years seven to 12 have been finely tuned to perform this new musical.

Haunting melodies, powerful choreography and even sign language combine to project this story out to the uninitiated. "Revelations" is a musical and spiritual journey not to be missed.

Written by Mick Dowlan.