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Sick Men in a Hurry
The Poetry of Craig Heidrick

Craig Heidrick
These next few works are the words of Craig Heidrick, one of the Marginalist Writers group, who currently hails from Ohatchee, Alabama. His work has been described as minimalist, and compared to e.e.cummings. One thing's for sure, with a few phrases he can paint very concrete, stirring imagery.

Masked men you're voting them in webs of masturbating fools rule scaly ratmen passing laws beyond the touch of the law shooting buckets of shit into your mind election time SOUTHERN GENT Whore mongering fat men burning their minds sunday, monday night forever throwing horse shoes cheating chewing tobacco Yes I'll Pull Out The Chair,Tip My Hat,Smile Real Big love thy neighbor (as thy love thy self) all except Spics, Japs,and of course Niggers four wheel drive maniacs my tires are bigger then yours women second class subservant beaten Have A Nice Day Come Back Now, You Hear?
The body swells from the heat of the day strange marks tattoos on his face in the left hand a pipe wrapped in leather and feathers in the right a flower now missing one pettle on the hill a horse at full gallop and sitting in the shivering corner blind fear in the hands of youth MARBLES Ma you member where my marbles are? That's a fun game Billy always tries to take my favorite You know the blue one with the white stripe? I saw them the other day Suzy must of hid them The last time I saw my truck she had it I got new batteries I love the way it climbs hills Ma you know where my truck is?

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