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The Church On The Web

The Church On the Web

by Claudia Smith               

  Would you have ever thought that Beatrice Baptist Church could have a worldwide audience everyday of the year?  Some of our church members as well as others that receive this newsletter probably have no idea what I'm talking about.  Beatrice Baptist Church is a part of the world wide web and has an internet site that is accessible by anyone anywhere in the world.  We have a unique opportunity to share with the world how the Lord has blessed this little church and how much He loves each and everyone of us, even those that access our web site from where ever they are in the world.  I am so thankful that we have this chance to share with the world.            

Edward Wiggins, a former resident of Beatrice and former member of this church, has built a web site for Beatrice Baptist Church.  At present the site has a wonderful picture of the church, prior to the installation of the new steeple, and each month the articles from the church newsletter are posted on the site.  Old newsletter articles are also archived on the site.  Edward  has included many of our favorite hymns that you can listen to.  His niece, Lynda Morgan Spann, has been learning how to update the articles and her email address in included on the site so that you can send her your pictures and stories to include on the site.  If anyone has a story about Beatrice Baptist Church or about past or present members we would appreciate you sending those to Lynda.  If you have pictures of the church or congregation you can email those to her also.            

There has been some discussion about setting up a new web site with an address that is much easier to remember and type in.  However, in the meantime, if you will email me or Lynda we will send you the address and you can cut and paste the address onto your browser and save it to your favorite list.  This will allow you to access the site much easier for now. Also try typing in beatrice baptist church on your favorite search engine. I used Google and MSN, and the Church site came up first on the list on both searches.

  Web address for Beatrice Baptist Church:

Web address for the Town of Beatrice:

Email Address for

Email for Lynda    

  Claudia B. Smith