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A little about me...

Some nifto links:

Sandy's Compleat Audio Trading Page
Sandy's Compleat Video Trading Page
The Official Weird Al Webpage
Saundra's Weird Al Page
Lee's Allan Sherman Shrine

Hi! Since you were nice enough to come to my simple home on the web, I thought I'd give a little information about myself. First off, I am a HUGE Weird Al Yankovic fan! Well, not huge as in his song "Fat", but huge as in, an obsessed fan! I think his best al-bum ever is Dare to be Stupid. My favorite song on it is "Yoda". It's so moby! I think it's a lot better live, though. Because Al does this cool chant, and he plays most of the guitar parts with accordion. In fact, since you seem so interested in Weird Al concerts, go to my concert review/experience! My favorite color is purple, and I have brown hair, and brown eyes. I live in New Jersey. And I don't have that so exagerated accent. And my hair is only really poofy when I feel like having it poofy(which is usually never). I wear contacts, and surprisingly, I don't lose them! But I hate my glasses! Icky! So I hardly wear those. I wouldn't suggest talking to me about video games, because I'm not good at them, and I don't know much about them. Except that every once in a while I like to play my friend's Nintendo 64. But that's besides the point. I'm going to be 16 this winter. Then I can DRIVE!!! Ye-haw! And I'm also a vegetarian. Eating meat is so icky. Who could put a *dead* animal into their *mouth*?? *shiver* I have ten toes, and 8 fingers , and I'm like anyone else, I need Love..and Water...
Anywho, I guess since Anglefire wants my shopping list on here so bad, I'll let you read it now...

Shopping list for when I go to the grocery store

1: Vegetables
2: Milk
3: Twinkies
4: TV Dinner Kosher Meals
5: Tofu in the shape of Pat Sajak's head
6: Soup
7: A new Car

=========Concert Review========= Last summer I had the pleasure of attending my first "Weird Al" Yankovic concert. If you've never been, GO AT THE FIRST CHANCE YOU GET!!! The one I attended was in Wildwood NJ (The greatest state in the world) It was incredible! Sure, it started an hour and a half late but it is soooo worth it! Al puts on a show that is uncomparable to anything you've ever seen. My friend Stacy and I had an unusual experience. During the middle of the concert Al needed a drink or something and there was total silence while everyone waited. Just then Stacy dared me to stand up and yell "I LOVE YOU AL!" I finally agreed to do it and we stood and screamed at the top of our lungs. To our immense joy and surprise Al went to the microphone and said "THHHAAANNNKKK YOOOOUUUU". Now despite the fact that I have heard he does that every concert, since we were the only ones who made a sound, it's nice to think he was talking to us. Well then after we had picked our jaws off the floor we were able to enjoy the rest of the concert. I would have to say that it was one of the best experiences of my life! :)

Here's the most recent pic of me. IT was taken with a camera similar to that of the Flinstones.
I do usually wear clothes, you just caught me at a bad time :)

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