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The Reading Of Auras:


            Have you ever met a stranger and the hairs on the back of your neck stood up on end or you just knew that you and that person were going to be good friends.  These and other unexplainable things that happen at first meetings I contribute to auras or reading them.  The reading of an aura is something all can do at birth, it is there to help us survive, it can either be exercised or left dormant until awakened.  There are few things that awaken this ability like practice and one’s adrenaline.

            A child does not know what society says that it cannot do, there for it just reacts to the stimuli that it is faced with, never questioning its feelings.  An adult has been programmed that certain reactions are not acceptable causing abilities to be made dormant or ignored.  Here is an example of what I mean:

                        A child who normally sleeps quite soundly awakens and begins to cry when someone he/she does not know enters the room or house before the child sees whom the newcomer is.  This is something most would consider just coincidence, I consider it a tool of survival, after all thousands of years ago nature was much harder to cope with or at least you could say the survival rate was much lower.


The Balance:


            Have you ever noticed that happy people tend to mostly be together? And sad people tend to wallow in there depressions with other sad people?

            There is a reason for this, let me explain:

The scale below represents the level of energy that people have.  Negative numbers represent negative energies, Positive numbers positive energies, and 0 is neutral.


-5         -4         -3         -2         -1         0          1          2          3          4          5


à         It is easier to go towards the right than it is to go left… Easier to be positive than negative.

à         Communication begins when the parties are at the same level.

à         Positive people are most content talking with positive people.

à         5’s are most wanted because they are always happy and content…everyone wants what they have.

à         Energy levels change more dramatic with exterior stimuli

à         People who are in the upper positives most of the time are there because they have learned to control their energies.