Win my awards...

Just email me with the info such as your site's name and addy, which award you want, why you want it, etc. As you can tell by the nature of my awards, I'm not looking for beautiful web design that could bring a tear to your eye from it's elegance. I'm looking for a funky, groovy, psychedelic, kick ass, humorous, sarcastic, etc. site that could bring a tear to your eye for laughing your fucking ass off. So, if you've got an original, opinionated, absurd, gross, or just plain freaky site, you will definatly be a winner! Bonus points if I shit in my pants. J/K!
My groovy award that you can win!
Award 1
My award for kick ass pages
Award 2
another award
Award 3

Signing the guestbook will help, because it shows you are cool and not just some selfish jerk, etc.


If you win one of these groovy awards of mine, I'll email the pick-up page with the real awards (minus the word sample) on it.


But if you don't want the awards, just a link to my page, then maybe this is what you are looking for
To get the link instead, fill out the form as usual but put in the comment box that you want the link. Of course, they all link back so don't cheat yourself, man!
Grab a beer and have a look around!
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Home, Jeeves.
