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Everyone loves bar tricks! Most are easily figured out, but they are really fun to use on someone who is wasted. Please email me with any you know of! Enjoy!

Heat an empty liquor bottle under hot water. Take a plastic sword and stick it through a straw, and put it in the bottle (with the sword balancing in so it won't fall all the way in). Bet someone you can get the straw out without touching the sword, straw, or bottle. How do you do it? Keeping the bottle pointed in a safe angle, drop a lighted match into the bottle. The bit of alcohol left in the bottle will force the straw out

Get a brandy snifter and an olive (less messy than a cherry), and bet someone to try to get the olive in the snifter without help from any other objects, including their hands. The only thig they can use is the snifter. How do you do it? Turn the snifter upside-down and put it over the olive. Move it in circles around the olive till it rises and rides the inside of the glass. Quickly flip it right-side-up and the shape of the snifter holds it inside. Nifty!

This one is cruel...haha! Bet a buddy that if you flip a match in the air and it lands on it's side, he has to buy you a drink. Tell him that if it lands flat, you will buy him a drink. He will most likely agree, because matches almost ALWAYS land flat. How do you get your free drinks? Just before you throw it, bend the match slightly without your buddy seeing you. Bent matches land on the side!! Make sure you bend it enough so that the crease is enough to balance it on it's side.

*Trick 4:
If you just feel like screwing with someone, tap the top of their beer bottle with the bottom of your bottle. The fuller the better, because the beer and foam erupt out of their bottle like a volcano, and it can't stop! Great to do on novices!

I am searching for more bar tricks because these are all i know! Please email me if you have more or know of where I can find some!

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