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Picture's of my Grandson Benjamin Jr.

Little Ben is my first Grandchild. He was born on May 24, 1998. His mother Raychelle had some problems during pregnancy, one being Raychelle has RH negative blood type & my son Ben has B positive. She went into premature labor two months before his due date. There were many complications during that time & it was an emotional roller coaster for all of us. Benjamin Sr & myself went into the delivery room with Raychelle. I wanted to experience the joy of watching my first Grandchild come into this world. It was an experience I'll never forget, I couldn't hold back the tears of happiness when I watched Raychelle give birth & I heard Lil Ben cry for the first time. When he was born he immediately started turning blue, he wasn't getting enough oxygen. I stood there holding his mother's hand, watching, worrying. I didn't know what was going on & I didn't want to upset Raychelle. Thank Goodness she couldn't see what was going on. She kept asking me why isn't he crying. I looked down at her with tears in my eyes & I tried to reassure her that he was perfect in every way & that everything is just fine. I stood there & watched them work on the little fellow & my heart felt so heavy. I had this big lump in my throat, I wanted to break down & cry but I wanted to be strong for his Mother also. I gathered enough strength to start talking to Ray about different things to get her mind off what was going on with the baby. I told her how proud of her I was, how she had handled the delivery like an adult & I told her I loved her. The Doctor finally got Lil Ben's breathing under control & brought him to Raychelle for a few minutes so she could hold him in her arms before they took him to the nursery. It wasn't too long after that they finished with Raychelle & took her to her room. I then went to the nursery to find out what was going on. The doctor informed me that Lil Ben needs to be transported to another hospital that is better equipped for premature babies. She went on to say she thought Lil Ben was in need of a blood transfusion because Raychelle's and my son's blood was not compatible. I stood there numb like in a state of shock watching them work on the little fellow. It wasn't long after that the paramedics arrived to pick him up & transport him. Lil Ben stayed in Mobile for two weeks before he was able to come home. He didn't have to have the blood transfusion, thank goodness. He lost some weight while he was there due to the fact he didn't know how to suck a bottle, they had to tube feed him until he started sucking a bottle without any difficulty. We were told that happens with most preemies. Lil Ben was strong willed & pulled through everything just fine. I am so thankful & grateful to God up above for giving us this precious gift "A beautiful bouncing baby boy". I wanted to share some pictures of my Grandson we've had taken. Isn't he the prettiest baby you've ever laid your eyes on?
He is "Grandma's Pride & Joy" *S*.

Baby Ben

My Grandson Benjamin at two weeks old. This pic was taken when he was released from the hospital in Mobile after two weeks. He weighed 5lbs. 2oz. in this pic.
Little Ben

Little Benjamin at 3 months old. He weighs 13lbs. My hasn't he grown? Grandma loves to cuddle & rock him. I've started listening to country songs & I slow dance with him in my arms. I place him on my chest, one arm under his bottom, one arm craddling his head. He leans his head back on my arm & looks up at me while we dance.
He is "Grandma's Lil Man" *S*
Lil Ben Lil Ben

Little Ben at the age of 4 months old. He weighs 15lbs. He is growing up so quickly. He is cooing now, smiling at us when we make funny faces at him. He is spoiled rotten too. Hey "Grandma's" are suppose to spoil em *S*. Of course I don't believe you can spoil a baby enough.
He is "Grandma's Sweetheart" *S*.

Lil Ben Lil Ben

Little Benjamin at the age 4 1/2 months old. He weighs 17lbs. I can't believe how much he has grown. He is blowing bubbles now & laughs out loud. It's so cute to watch him kick his legs & swing his little arms. I love to tickle him & make him laugh.
He is the "Apple of Grandma's Eye" *S*.

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