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~~~More Beautiful Poems~~~

* For You *
by: unknown

From the moment our eyes met
I knew life would never be the same
If I dare forget you
the breeze will whisper your name
and the birds will sing of your passion
for life
I can still feel your heartbeat
in rhythm with my own
It is as if our souls have joined as one
We dance in the evening light
on a staircase of gold, while the
music plays
I fear I am dreaming, that you
may be but a fantasy conjured
from my hearts lonely lament
And if this is true, I pray
I shall never awaken.

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* No Title *
by: Arlene Heine

I traveled down a lonely road
It twisted and it turned
The path was paved with fire and thorns
And I was cut and burned

I tasted love and found it cold
Not warm and full of charm
I learned that walls I built inside
Protected me from harm

And then one day two eyes met mine
They saw my very soul
The love they gave healed all my wounds
And sought to make me whole

I walked the road again today
But everything looked new
Now roses bloom above the thorns
And all because of you

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* Story of One Heart *
by: Kristine Kruz

At the beginning of history
Our hearts were just as one
We all had a partner
A soul our souls would share
But we did not appreciate love
and took it for granted
The more we said we loved
The more we didn't show we care

and so we were separated by time
on a quest to find each other
Through life's greatest trials
The weakest one will despair
Lonely souls have went on life
Forgetting their goal to reach
and try to fill the empty space
with everchanging things
They look for love in various places
Hoping they'll find it there
Just like I said
'Tis what they do
They search and do not feel

If men and women have cause to fear
I know just what to say
It is to feel you are unloved
and all alone out here
But if we lift our hearts
To our God and King
and serve Him whole heartedly
He'll lead us back
To whom we belong
In perfect time
In his perfect will

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This Thing Called Love
by Kristing Cruz

People everywhere around me
They tell me what love is
I heard its something magical
An awesome feeling of butterflies inside

It will surely make you feel good
And bubbly allthe time----
But some times are better than others
Love can break your heart

Now I have to make a choice
After all the things I've heard
How am I suppose to know?
'Till I take the chance myself

I've already made up my mind
And know exactly what to do
For the first time in my life
I will welcome this thing called

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Moment of Meeting
by: Kristen Kruz

Even if we've only met
Seems like I've known you for so long
If maybe not in this time
In another time too perhaps

My heart longs to be with you
To touch your lovely face
To feel your glowing presence
Fill up my heart's empty space

I hope you find the chance
To place me somewhere in your heart
To be your comforter or your friend
Only time will tell what's next
If I should sleep and
you're not in my dreams...
That could only mean
You're right here with me

When the sun has hid itself
From the cold mist of the night
and fear has struck all beings
Except for the one who's waiting

I shall stand my ground and wait
Co'z only time will tell us when
Our separated hearts will meet
and be together in one accord

There will be no more shadows
and no more doubts
Only sparks of jubilation
Radiating from the eyes

All fear is cast away
The dread of past is long forgotten
The future is left undecided
and the present is all that matters

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