This is a place for you to get acquainted with the list members. As of January, 29, 1999, there were 132 members on the list. Members come from all walks of life; some are professional writers, others write on the side while pursuing other careers. Our youngest member is 15 and our oldest is 75. Many states and countries are represented. Approximately half of the members have at least one published work. Practically every genre and format is represented from short stories to poetry to non-fiction to screenplays. There are those who write romance, thrillers, dramas, sci-fi, and almost anything else you can imagine.

This page will give you an opportunity to get to know us. Members are still sending in their bios so check back with us as this page will be continuously updated. Select a name from the index below or scroll through and meet all of the members who are profiled on this page.

Index of Write List Members

Angie- College student and poet
Kathleen Barton- Writer and artist
Chuck Bednar- Freelance writer and sports columnist
Roberta Britt- Teacher and novelist
Kim Charette- Writer and poet
Richard Chu- Writer
Marcia Colpan- Freelance writer and novelist
Aquila Corteleone- Poet
Laura DePinto- Writer and Poet
Kim Fernandez- Freelance writer
Katherine Free- Romance novelist
Richard Galloway- Freelance photographer and author
Kim Gaona- Romantic fiction writer
Lee Griggs- Freelance writer and researcher
Brendan Jackson- Conquering the world with his pen
Jaime- Poet and short story writer
Anna Maria Junus- Fiction writer
Jordan Kelly- Reader and writer of romantic fiction
Scotti Kent- Freelance writer, editor, and proofreader
Linda Lang-Writer of historical short stories
Larry Lawrence-Short story writer
Lana Loga- Fiction writer and poet
Sue McNeil- Writer
Allison Miller- Freelance writer and novelist
Gareth Morris-Poet, lyricist, and fiction writer
Megan Murphy- Erotic fiction writer
Vanessa Weibler Paris- Copywriter and media buyer
Bev Walton-Porter- Freelance Writer and Editor
Rauhnee Ranshanka- Poetry, fantasy, and FanFic writer
Sandkat- Writer at a computer software company
Rob Schwartz - Freelance Journalist
Christine Sievers- Fiction and journal writer
Kim Smith- Writer
Pirjo Sundin- Non-fiction writer
Mark Thibodeau- Suspense/Horror writer
Pamela Wilfinger- Editor and author of fiction and non-fiction
Erin Williams-Owner, Horror E-zine and Writer
Angie Wingers-Screenplay and Novel Writer
Sharon Wren- Comedy writer

Links to Members' Pages

Member Bios


My name is Angie and I am a 24 year old college student. I will have an A.A.S degree in Computer Information Systems in two years and then I will go for my major in Programming. I started wrting poetry 6 months ago and prior to this, my only experience with writing was keeping a journal. I haven't ever taken a writing course and the things that guide me are my passion, pen, and the words. My muse is mainly dark poetry and every now and again, I write something peachy. You can visit me at
The Abstract Poets or click HERE to e-mail me.

Kathleen Barton

Hi Everyone:
I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada although I grew up in a small village on the outskirts of Sheffield in Yorkshire, England. I am 45 years old, married and have two boys - 23 and 25. I run a dayhome, looking after several kids (I prefer babies) and this keeps the wolves away from the door while I try my hand at writing. I am an artist, and have sold several paintings, and I began writing as a result of several hours reminiscing with another Brit. expatriate. I began to write down the memories, adding some fabrication and the "Jenny Brownlow" stories were born. The idea of illustrating the stories myself seemed an obvious next step. The next step, of course, is to find a publisher.....
Please visit the
Jenny Brownlow Page to see some of my stories.

Chuck Bednar

Chuck Bednar is a full-time freelance writer and sports columnist from Wintersville, OH. He currently serves as the North American Sports Editor for The Canada Post and the NCAA Football editor for Suite 101. Bednar is also a columnist at e-sports! and has contributed to Rockies Golf Daily,, InQuest, and a number of other print and online publications. Already by the age of 21, his work has appeared in print well over 300 times. Visit him online at
Chuck Bednar - Freelance Writer and Sports Columnist or click HERE to e-mail him.

Roberta Britt

Hi! My name is Robbie and I have been lurking for about two weeks now trying to get a feel for this list. Since I teach Senior Classes (for people over 55) at the Jr. College here in Ft Worth, Texas, I stay pretty busy. (I teach things like Computers, Genealogy, Drawing and next semester am contemplating teaching Creative Writing, for those who want to know what I teach. But also am taking several classes online which keeps me hopping. I write a lot and am working on a novel so don't have what you might refer to as much spare time after taking care of my hubby, house, quilting and cooking. I just wanted to say hi and let you know I am here. Glad to meet you all.

Kim Charette

My name is Kim Charette. I am 32 years old. I live in Maine. I am married with a daughter. I work in a canoe factory. My dream is to write. I have never been published, but hope to be some day. But if I never do get published, the satisfaction of writing is enough for me. I have written poems, articles and short stories. But vignettes are probably my favorite. Click
HERE to e-mail me.

Marcia Colpan

I'm 42 and I've been married to this wonderful man from Turkey for over 13 years. I have two beautiful children, Hope, who is 12 and Jonny, who is 6. No, that wasn't a mistake or a typo. I planned them that way. I have a live-in mother-in-law. Can anyone spell V-A-L-I-U-M?

I'm a professional daycare provider. That's right, they pay me to take care of children. 8 plus my own actually from about 6AM until 11PM six days a week. To this end, I'm taking courses at Penn State University in Human Development. I have a GPA at the moment of 3.89 (sigh) well, nobody's perfect. By the end of the year, I hope to have my diploma.

As I've said above, I own my daycare business and work long hours there. Then there's school, and then there's my writing. Good grief, that's my life.

You can find my writing at
Chip's Fanfiction Page, KMG365 e-zine, and my web page, on the internet. If you like newsletters, my work regularly shows up in Mother's Little Helper, a newsletter for ADHD mothers, and the Divorced Parents Newsletter. I've been published in Crochet World and had about 2 paragraphs in Ladies Home Journal. I'm working on my romance novel and also co-writing a guide for divorced parents with Terri Andrews.

Other than that, I don't do much.

Aquila Corteleone

At 42 I am now a mostly retired teacher of history who has spent most of his life dabbling in the arts. Recently, that interest has turned towards poetry - I can't say that I've ever taken a creative writing course, so my only guide is personal taste and a love of language. I don't truly have any great aspirations - having one poem already accepted for publication, I may count myself content and simply continue to write for my own pleasure. A small collection of my works and interests are available at
The Inked Quill or click HERE to e-mail me.

Richard Chu

I just wanted to introduce myself to you guys, I guess from most relevant to least relevant information. I'm 21 from Vancouver, B.C., Canada, and since I was in grade 5 I've always had a love of writing. I've experimented a lot in my writing "career" (more like hobby) everything from a script for a play I wrote in grade six for which I got an school board award (which is now lost somewhere in my stash of memorabilia that I just can't throw away), to stories, poetry, editorials, essays, and most recently a column for a university student paper. I've been told that I have a gift for writing, but I tend to think that I have a heck of a lot to learn to really be comfortable with my writing. So far the only good my writing has got me is A's for term papers. Beginning last February, I discovered something called Star Trek fanfic, and call it fate, or whatever, it drew me back into "creative" writing. I haven't written much, only one 77 page Star Trek story, and a couple Star Trek Voyager short stories, even diving into what is called "PWPs"--"Porn without Plot" stories (yes, I do experiment). Anyway, for the past month or so I've tried to really focus on my writing ability, attempting to get a grasp on the fundamentals and such on the creative writing techniques, methods, in weaving a story. And that's what led me to this list. As I was reading the list webpage I couldn't help but gaze in awe at what I was seeing--a list that had so much talent and experience. Anyway, if you are willing, I can send over a part or two of my first fanfic story--which happened to be the 77 page story (I was definately diving off the deep end with that one). Anyway, I'm very happy to be on this list, and I hope I have something to contribute.

Laura DePinto

Hi ya. Hmm. A bio? In print? OK here goes. I'm here because I love writing. I'm not making a living at it, but I sure would like to. I'm one of those writers who never quite let go of the dream to write that novel or publish those poems someday.

I know about the 90 percent work/ 10 percent talent deal, and I haven't applied it as yet. I do have years and years of journals, and teacher-inspiring Lit papers to my credit. A published poem here and there and a couple things currently up on the net. Poetry is my passion, but all forms of writing call to me in the wee small hours of the mornin'. Yeats, Bly, Roethke, are among my favorite poets.

I'm a single mom, and that's a job and a half if you ask me. My daughter has entered into the teen-light zone--another dimension of sight and sound...She also is a special needs kid, and as much as I love her dearly, raising her has been like raising triplets. To close friends who know the little dickenson, I call her "the triplets." But never would I be so cruel to let her in on this brazen practice. She is truly a blessing to me. And a gift.

I'm still deciding what to be when I grow up. If I could wave a magic wand, I'd be a successful novel writer and live by the sea with Al Pacino, Tommy Lee Jones, David Duchovny or some such good man who knows how to love a good woman. Oops got side tracked there. Easy to do at this time of night.

I have many hobbies, some crafty. Most of what I do these days is read Tarot cards, and practice other divination type stuff. I can't help myself, I have to say I was interested in such things way before they were called new age. Spirituality and growth are important to me. I love reading and watching films. Some of my current fave authors are Anne Rice (yep, believe it), Alice Walker, and Robert Bly. Click
HERE to e-mail me.

Kim Fernandez

I'm Kim Fernandez, 28, married, no kids, professionally employed as manager of publications at a national trade association in D.C. I'm a former newspaper reporter with Walter Mitty-esque fantasies of freelancing full-time. Most of my freelancing has been magazine commentary/essays, published in a few local books and newspapers.

Katherine Free

My name is Katherine Free and I live in Ruston, Louisiana. I'm a stay at home mom with three boys. At the age of ten, I picked up "Gone With the Wind" and I have been hooked on romance novels ever since. Two years ago, I decided to try writing one of my own. I now have four completed novels and half a dozen that are halfway finished. Writing gives me a way to express myself and my views. I find it very rewarding. At the moment I don't have any published works, but am dreaming and hoping as I click away at my keyboard. Please visit my
Home Page and the site dedicated to my e-mail list, Brainstorm or click HERE to e-mail me.

Richard W. Galloway

Freelance photographer/author for the last two plus years, I am thirty nine years old, and a father of two boys age 9 and 11, who I home school here in NE Oregon. Most of my work is non-fiction with a little dabbling in fiction, just to keep the writing bylaw of doing something everyday, unbroken. My passions are hiking, hunting, photography, my kids, my wife, llamas, and just about anything to do with being out in the mountains. All not necessarily in that order, of course. I go off the deep end if I cannot see or be in mountains for any length of time.

I have been published in various magazines and do a llama column for several newsletters around the USA. I have no formal schooling in either photography or writing, instead I much prefer the Abraham Lincoln method of schooling. I figure if it was good enough for a president, it is good enough for me. Click
HERE to e-mail me.

Kim Gaona

My name is Kim Gaona and I live in Grand Prairie, Texas. I'm married and the mother of two children, Richie and Kristen. I've been writing for only a couple of years. Actually, I've written since I was a child, but not seriously. I have a fondness for romance. I've written one novel, started two others, and written several short stories.

I do have a full time job, but fortunately, I can write while at the office. That's a whole other story. I'm a member of a critique group and have learned a lot from them. But, I would like to be a part of a group that offers much more. That's why I queeried this list. Click
HERE to e-mail me.

Lee Griggs

My name is Lee and I am a freelance writer and researcher. I have been writing in drips and spurts since 1945 when I worked for a small town newspaper writing for .01 cents a column inch. I learned to write as much as the editor would accept back then. After coming out of the military in the late 50's, I began working with radio news and stringing for a number of newspapers. I started mobile news in Chattanooga, TN back in the late 50's before it was even half-way popular.

I started chasing hurricanes back then and have continued to do so right up to the present. Over the years I started a number of businesses to support my family and my writing habit and the writing got put on the back burner. I continued to write for some technical magazines, wrote a column or two for some newspapers and did a little stringing for newspapers, radio and TV during disasters. I also developed my photographer skills during that time.

This past year I sold my last retail business and moved into another direction -- I am writing full time, doing online computer research, building another business or two, publishing three subscriber newsletters, travelling and doing what I want to do. I am staff writer for a couple of technical magazines, just had a profile published in a police magazine,working on a book of ghost stories, writing about golf courses, working on another article about a cat and doing a column for a newspaper. My three newsletters are genealogical, business and travel.

This spring, I plan to go chasing tornadoes in tornado alley and want to spend a couple of weeks or more doing this. I am already working on selling a series of stories and pictures to help pay for the trip. Click
HERE to e-mail me.


My name is Jaime, and because it creates so much bias, I'm not going to speak my age or anything which would guide you to a well-educated guess as to my age. I don't mind if you try to guess, but I'm not telling.

My passion is in English and teaching. I write mostly poetry, but I also write short fantasy stories for forums I belong to. I will shortly be starting a novel (if I can find the time), the topic and plot remains fairly hush-hush. I'm one of those writers who is nervous about their work being stolen, so I probably won't post many poems here, though my short stories I can post without impunity (they can't be published!) I focus a lot on dreams and love in my writing, to give you a slight idea.

Brendan Jackson

My name is Brendan Jackson. I am a 20 year old student who lives in New South Wales, Australia. I am currently at University, *trying* to finish a Bachelor of Commerce. I've been writing on and off for about 4 years, and while I still hold dreams of conquering the world with my pen, I think deep down I write because it allows me to escape for a while into a world of my own creating. I have never been published, which I attribute largely to the fact that I have yet to finish a whole piece. I'm hoping this list will provide me with the kick in the pants that I so desperately need.

Anna Maria Junus

My working name is Anna Maria Junus. I have six children. Yeh, yeh, put those eyes back in your head. There are six of them. I live in Canada, and no, we do not have snow "all" the time. I'm an amateur. I was published once in the Edmonton Journal when they did a weekly column for children's stories. I was paid with a T-Shirt and a gift certificate for $25.00 at a book store. I was pretty excited until I read some of the other columns. It looked like everybody was published. I write for all ages, mostly fiction and some lyrics. I am currently working on a YA novel. Click
HERE to e-mail me.

Jordan Kelly

My name is Jordan Kelly and I live on a small ranch in Northern New Mexico. I'm 45 years old, have been married for 23 years,and have a son and a daughter. In February, our daughter will make us grandparents for the first time.

I've been writing to myself and for myself, for a long time, just because I enjoy it. I read as much as possible, mostly in the winter when the snow is so deep we can't get to the highway. I read, and write, mostly romance or romance mystery novels but will read almost anything in print. For the most part, I write short stories, however, I am currently working on a novel which started out to be a romance. It has taken a turn toward mainstream with no specific genre. I'm anxious to find out where it's taking me. Click
HERE to e-mail me.

Scotti Kent

Up until January, I worked full-time for the Marketing and Communications department of our local health system, and I still do many projects for them. Click
HERE to see my web site for writing. I am 47, married, with two college-age children.

I have been writing fiction for as long as I can remember, and that is my true love. I sold over a dozen short stories to magazines for adolescents and teens back in the 1970s, then hit an unproductive period (fiction-wise) while birthing and raising two children, earning a living, having a nervous breakdown, getting a divorce.... well, enough of that!

Anyway, I am now a freelance writer, editor, and proofreader, with a keen interest in writing fantasy novels and other fiction for middle-grades. I've also been working on a short story that I plan to post here soon for critique. It's been rejected twice, without explanation, and I have done major revisions, trying to get it "right."

Oh -- I always forget to tell people -- I am female (the only male I know who spells "scotti" the way I do is Tony Scotti, the actor). Click HERE to e-mail me.

Linda Lang

My name is Linda Lang and I live in east central Illinois. I am 50 years old and (finally) got my Masters degree in History in 1997. I love to read and write. I write most historical short stories, but have been doing research on a novel. I'm not published yet, but hope to be soon.

Research is my greatest love. Usually, by the time I finish the research I have almost the entire plot of the story in my mind. Of course, my characters often change my mind, but that's the fun of writing. I also do Family History research for myself and other people, which gives me all kinds of stories to build on!! My constant companion is a 12-year old cat, who reminds me daily I need to write an animal piece. I'm glad to be a part of this group, as I learn so much from them.

Lana Loga

Hi! I'm a forty-one year old single mother. My sons are eight and four. I'm not a professional writer, but I'm hoping to be published in the near future. I wrote my first poem in elementary school, a poem about a puppy. The teacher gave the poem a big fat A+. She asked me to read the poem aloud for the class, and I was hooked.

I traveled, lived and worked extensively throughout the western US. You might describe my lifestyle then as an "alternative" lifestyle. During much of that time, my living arrangements were diverse. Sleeping bag, car seat, tent, camper, and house--when it was cold. I also lived and worked in Alaska and Hawaii. In my mid-twenties, I worked as a night cook on an offshore exploration platform in the Gulf of Mexico.

I write poetry and short stories, and I'm working on a novel. If nothing I write is ever published, the satisfaction I derive from writing will be sufficient reward. I'm pleased and honored to be a member of this group.
Best wishes always. Click
HERE to email me.

Larry Lawrence

Larry Lawrence writes short stories, mostly in the fantasy/horror genre, but has mystery and romance stories among his manuscripts as well. He has had two stories published in Internet e-zines. He edited a literary magazine for three years. He welcomes all comments on any of his stories, some of which can be seen at his
homepage. Click HERE to e-mail Larry.

Sue McNeil

Hi, I'm Sue! I'm 28 and have been writing almost since I can remember! Fanfic, mysteries, romance, drama, essays and articles, I've done them all. I simply love to write. I'm from Massachusetts, engaged to be married, and do temp work while I try to fufill my dream of making my living at writing. I have a website at
Writers Garden where you can read some of my work. I look forward to meeting you all on the list!

Allison Miller

My name is Allison and I am 32 years old. I have been writing for as long as I can remember but have only gotten serious about it over the past 5 years or so. I am a stay at home mom to my six year old son and three year old daughter. They keep me busy but I try to get in as much writing time as possible. I mainly write articles and short stories, some of which have been published. I also have 3 novel manuscripts which are in the re-writing stage. Click
HERE to e-mail me.

Gareth Morris

My name is Gareth Morris. I currently live in Pretoria, South Africa where I work as an electronic engineer. Actually, by the start of November I would have moved jobs and will be working as a Marketing Engineer with (hopefully) lots of international travel. I have been writing on and off for a couple of years, ever since being inspired by a particularly good English teacher in high school.

I currently am reading a lot of science fiction which is not what I always read. Like my reading, my writing has gone through many phases. In school I wrote mainly essays and lots of poetry. Poetry then led to lyric writing while I was playing in a band. Recently I have tried to turn my hand towards short fiction and 'slice of life' vignettes.

When writing poetry I find it easier to use a pen and paper. Often inspiration strikes in strange places as far as poetry is concerned. I cannot even remember the times it has struck me in a lecture room and I have scribbled the poem in the margin of my notebook or on a loose sheet of exam paper. After exams while waiting for the 'pens down' command was also always a good time to write a poem.

I am married with one teenage step-son and my first 'bio' child on the way in February. I love music of any sort as long as I can consider it good and also toyed with the idea of being a professional musician. I hope that I can make a meaningful contribution to some people's writing lives on this list. Click
HERE to e-mail me.

Megan Murphy

My name is Megan Murphy. I've been a hippie (still mentally am one), lead singer in a rock and roll band, cab driver for 10 years in Chicago and am now an executive director for a Chamber of Commerce. I have the ability to make up jokes and puns on the spot and have actually thought I may try to write humorous stories, something I have never tried. I love the blues and you can generally find me at any of our local clubs when I'm not writing. I have a daughter 28 who creates stained glass with me and she is now starting to get an interest in writing children's books. I'm not ready to settle down in a normal life setting yet. (big smile - "what the heck is normal?")

I have written erotic stories for about 2 years, with some of them published on a writers' site I belong to. I am now trying to develope my talents in non-erotica and that's why I joined this site. This is a great site to learn more about what it takes to bring a smile or a tear to a reader from the written word. I'll look forward to comments on my stories. For me, life is to be challenged and I look forward to expanding my writing abilities. It's a writer's addiction I guess. Click
HERE to e-mail me.

Vanessa Weibler Paris

I am 28 years old, just got married on September 18, and still can't get used to my new last name. I live in snowy Erie, PA and work at a small advertising agency as a copywriter and media buyer. I have been writing on and off all my life, but have recently gotten more serious about the business of writing. While I enjoy writing fiction, I am stronger with creative nonfiction and am focusing my energies in that area. Feel free to email me

Bev Walton-Porter

Hi, my name is Bev Walton-Porter and I'm a full-time professional freelance writer/editor. I quit my "regular" job back in May '97 and haven't looked back since. Best move I ever made, in fact. I've had over 100 articles in various publications, both online and offline.

My recent incarnation was as Review Editor/Editorial Assistant for Eye on the Web. I was fortunate to work under the tutelage of Pamela Wilfinger, one of the best editors I've even known!

Currently, I'm the Contributing Editor of the Freelance Writing page and Editor/Publisher of Scribe & Quill. I'm a frequent writer of career profiles and career development articles for The Bridges Initiatives, Inc., based in Kelowna, B.C., Canada.

When not writing, I also teach a course on freelancing for Shoshin Distance Learning Ctr and am a facilitator for an e-Commerce course for JER Group. Drop me a note at; I'd love to hear from you!

Rauhnee Ranshanka

I'm 24, female, married, one cat, no kids, former US Marine and pretty happy with it staying that way. I have been writing since I learned my ABC's, and before that I 'wrote' stories verbally and have way to many interests for my own good.

I'm an amateur writer and quite content to stay that way. I write mostly FanFic for a half dozen fandoms and the list is growing steadily, SWAT Kats being the primary one. I also write poetry and in original worlds, including a finished novel. Except for my poetry, it's all at least 'Adult', mostly NC-17 and Slash.

I also dabble in drawing, maintain 6 Archives (2 FanFic - SG-1 Slash and SWAT Kats Adult, 1 Art - SWAT Kats Adult and 3 for my mailing lists), Admin. or Co-Admin. 11 mailing lists and host artists (FanFic and Art) who don't have their own pages or won't put adult material on it.

Most of my work and all my other projects are accessible from the main page of
The Ranshanka's Realm.


My name is Sandkat. I'm 29, married, a writer at a computer software company, and the owner of 3 adorable cats. I didn't start to get serious about my writing until a few years ago, so this is all still new to me. I'm starting late with it, but maybe by the time I'm 34 I can be published and kicking back on some island somewhere near Barbados. Check out my sites:
The Zen Zoo and Teddy Bears or click HERE to e-mail me.

Rob Schwartz

Hello fellow writers!
My name is Rob, and I am a freelance journalist in Cleveland. I write regularly for Crain's Cleveland Business (company profiles, analyses of industry trends, etc . . .) and Cleveland's daily newspaper, The Plain Dealer (religion, psychology). I have also been and may soon again be on assignment for Life magazine. In my spare time, I am writing a motion picture screenplay.

I'd be interested in hearing from other writers who want to exchange ideas or tips, or who want just to chit chat. Naturally, I'd appreciate hearing about both freelance opportunities (or websites for learning about them) and staff positions at magazines (or websites for learning about them). Click
HERE to e-mail me.

Christine Sievers

Like many of the writers here, I have been scribbling stories, poems, and journal entries for as long as I can remember. I have the writer's soul. Which to me means, I am at home in the world when I am writing. I have had a few non-fiction articles published in obscure publications, but none of my short stories yet. I am a site editor at suite for the genealogy topic. Not much pay, but provides me the excitement of being read and getting email from readers. My other statistics, unimportant, but if you are interested- age 52, divorced, mother of 2 grown sons and 5 grandchildren. I live in Santa Barbara, CA, and work as a fundraiser. Click
HERE to e-mail me.

Kim Smith

Kim Smith, age 33, grew up in northern New Brunswick in a town now called Miramichi, now live in southern Ontario near Hamilton. I've been writing off and on since high school, but I only began to really focus on it about a year ago. I have two adolescent daughters (Elizabeth & Missy), a couple of dogs… blah, blah, blah…

Everybody hates to write about themselves because, no matter what the statistics, they sound strangely hallow. I think that’s because they only express what we are, not who we are.

Some would argue that being a mother does define who we are. I agree, but only to a certain point. My feeling is that in order to understand who we are; we have to stop looking outside of ourselves for definition. We need to turn inward for clearer insight. That’s what writing is about.

If I were to write a bio late at night, after my family has gone to bed, it would sound like this:

I’m Kim. I love without thinking. I live without hesitation. I work hard. I need to learn to forgive. I am comforted by the sound of rain. I hate laundry. I dream of being a famous writer or a successful singer, whichever comes first. I love gossip. I hate people gossiping about me. I’m usually full of… well, you know.

I know I’m not perfect, but I wish I was. I’m moody, unpredictable and erratic. I love hearing dirty jokes, but I won’t tell them. That’s not lady like.

I write because I can’t sing.

Pirjo Sundin

I'm a lady in her best years (48) and feel there has been so much inpu happening in my life, that I want to spend the other half of it with output, digesting and writing about my experiences and wisdom gained :-)

I'm on disability since one year on account of fibromyalgia/CFS and that gives me plenty of time for myself, as I also live alone. The situation accordingly is perfect for getting into my writing. I believe similar circumstances supprted Robert Louis Stevenson to become a writer, though his bodily frailties started at a much more tender age.

Last year I was pulblished for the first time in an anthology with 37 other writers, the title of the book being Meetings with Sweden, about how people felt about moving to a new country. I have two longer unpublished manuscripts: one about the grief after my eightten year old son Daniel drowned and a humorous narrative about the year I spent roaming around in India when I was twenty.

I would also like to do an illustrated children's book about moving to Japan from Sweden as a six year old, meeting all kind of new situations from a child's point of view. I also enjoy interviewing relatives about our family history and getting that down.

Mark Thibodeau

My name is Mark, 38-year-old father of three brutally energetic teens. Grew up in Belfast Maine, now living in Augusta, Maine’s capital, along the Kennebec river. I am a newbie to the writing game, but I’m having tons-o-fun learning. And I’ve a lot to learn. I started writing about three months ago after buying my first computer. “Word” was loaded on it. I started writing and found that I couldn’t stop. I’m looking forward to meeting you all and sharing some of my work as well. I enjoy constructive criticisms, perhaps at this point, moor so than praise. I also have a fairly remedial knowledge of grammar and punctuation. Among other weaknesses. I like writing horror and suspense mostly, but I enjoy reading other styles as well. Click
HERE to e-mail me.

Pamela Wilfinger

My name is Pamela Wilfinger. My non-fiction has appeared in a dozen newspapers in the U.S., in magazines and on the radio...I was paid for every article, either per word,per story, or on salary.

I have also published fiction and/or poetry under my own name and under my pseudonym Jade Walker in: The New Hope International Review (UK), Crystal Sands, Afterthoughts and Sol Magazine. I've won honorable mentions in two AOL Instant Novelist contests, first place in the Cyberscribers May and July Picture/Poem contest, third place in the Sol Magazine Summer contest and was the Featured Poet on Voices of Poetry.

I've also edited magazines, newsletters, newspapers and e-zines including Eye on the Web, Afterthoughts, Review.Net, Blood Moon and Inscriptions. Visit me online at
Inscriptions or click HERE to e-mail me.

Erin Williams

My name is Erin Williams and I'm an eighteen year old female, soon to be turning nineteen. I love to write, and always have. I run a club called the writers web, which you can subscribe to at, and I own a horror ezine called On the Brink Of Madness. Also, I have a page that you might enjoy:
The Writer's Web I love to co-write with others and could mentor! Right now I am mentoring two people. I also am creating a web page with a friend to help out others who are having HTML trouble, and soon I will be posting a Rabbit site on the web. Im very excited to be in this club!

Angie Winters

I was born in Macon, GA in 1968. I moved to the Atlanta area, attended several schools and finally graduated from Southern Polytech with a degree in Industrial Engineering. I'm employed as an Environmental and Safety Coordinator. In 1997, I decided to return to school (part-time) to obtain a degree in biology. Yes, it's tough enough trying to work & attend school and being the oldest in most of my classes did take some adjustments.

I enjoy good (or even average) sci-fi, horror, and fantasy books. Writing is a passion that I've had since childhood. I've always had a desire to tell a story or make a movie. I've had a camcorder since I was 13 and back then, camcorders were not as lightweight and flexible as most are today. It was cumbersome to carry the camcorder and its attachments, but we [the neighborhood kids and myself] had a wonderful time thinking of stories to put together onto video.

I'm trying to learn as much as I can about improving my writing skills. I'm still looking for reputable writing courses. One day, (GOD willing) I will be a successful writer of books and screenplays. I have the desire, now I need everything else.

Sharon Wren

My name is Sharon Wren and I'm a comedy writer (doesn't that sound like an AA meeting?). I live in a tiny house with a Martha Stewart addiction, 5 daschunds, two cats and a husband who is amazingly like Tim Allen; so you see I'm rarely short of material. I've been writing on and off for years but decided to get serious about it this year. Right now I have a monthly humor column at Generation Woman and a bi-monthly humor and writing column at Scribe & Quill. I like helping new writers and have no tolerance for flamers. I don't have my website up yet because I'm no techie. See my work at
Sharon's Outlook and Words, Ink or click HERE to e-mail me.

Links to List Members' Sites

Katwriter's Home Page - Poetry, Humor, Links, etc.
Chuck Bednar - Freelance Writer and Sports Columnist
Inscriptions, a weekly e-zine for writers
M Ray's Poetry Pages
The Abstract Poets
The Writer's Dream Maker
WRITE! Magazine Home Page
Generation Woman Online Magazine
Tower Enterprises
Dream Escapes
Marcia's Corner of the Web
Chip's Fiction
Sherry's Personal Writer Page
The Ranshanka's Realm
Kay's Writing Works
Deb's Home Page
Scotti Kent's Home Page
Kathryn's Home Page
Scribe & Quill
Peak Performance
Teddy Bears
The Zen Zoo
Writers Garden
Writers Web
Words, Ink
New Writers
The Writer's Web
Maureen's *All Things Mysterious* Web Page
Jenny Brownlow Page