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Bahamut's Secret Secrets

Double, Double

This is an odd trick I discovered. In the crater, where you split into two teams, send your second team down the path you don't want to double items from. Go down the opposite path and collect all of the items and materia. Now exit and re-enter the crater several times. Then leave alltogether and go into another town or the Gold Saucer several times. Now get into several fights with the local creatures. Then head back to the crater. Your comrades should again be waiting for you at the cross-roads. Now tell them to go down the path you went down earlier. Continue down through the crater. When you reach the inner crater, your teams will be waiting for you. Talk to them, and they will give you several items you already have. This trick may take a while, because I'm not sure what makes them re-appear at the two routes; they normally don't. You can do this trick as many times as you wish, but it will only work once. Confused? You can change your mind and redo this trick as many times as you want, but once you talk to your characters in the center, they won't reappear.
