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Family Violence

I have worked with a variety of different Family Violence situations, and I feel that it is the cause of most of the other issues we encounter as Social Workers. My interest in this area includes: Women who are in violent situations and how family violence affects the children in these families, even if it just through witnessing the violence. When working with women who are in abusive situations, I usually use the Feminist Theory and Practice; with children I use the Family Systems model. These are explained here. To start with, here is a list of effects living in violent situations has on children.

Physical Effects

-Low Birth Weight
-Poor Health
-Poor sleeping habits
-Excessive screaming.

-Developmental delay
-Sleep disturbances
-Speech and hearing difficulties
-Psychosomatic complaints
-Eating disturbances

Behavioural Effects

-Irritable behavior

-Temper tantrums
-Fights with peers and siblings
-Low frustration tolerance
-Lying, cheating, illegal activities
-Withdrawn or loud
-Impulsive and argumentative

-Withdrawn and passive
-Seeks approval
-Low frustration tolerance
-Infinite patience
-Clingy to adults and overly dependent
-Increased somatic complaints

More information available

Homepage: A Place of Dreams
