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"Love Quotations"

Oh what a heaven is love;
Oh what a hell.

To love one who loves you
exceeds the limits of human joy.
It is a moment
of oneness
that is one of the
most exhilarating,
most exciting experiences in life.

Love doesn’t make the world go ‘round;
love is what makes
the ride worthwhile.

But to love somebody
is not just a strong feeling
it is a decision,
it is a judgement,
it is a promise.
For one person to love another is,
perhaps the most difficult of all our tasks.

We are never so defenseless
against suffering
as when we love.
For winning love, we run the risk of losing.

Had we never lov’d so kindly;
had we never lov’d so blindly;
never met, or never parted;
we’d never been brokenhearted.
Yes, loving is a painful thrill,
But not to love more painful still.

Love and the hope of it
are a part of life’s heritage.
Love is much nicer to be in than…
an automobile accident,
a tight girdle,
a higher tax bracket,
or a holding pattern over Philadelphia.

It doesn’t matter
who you love or how you love,
but that you love.
Love is a beautiful
necessity of our nature.

We attract hearts
by the qualities we display;
We retain them
by the qualities we possess.

How do I love thee?
Let me count the ways.
I love thee
to the depth and
and height my soul can reach.
A love like ours can never die.

How bold one gets
when one is sure of being loved!

First Love feels like a dream -
tender and timeless-
and touches all
the loves of your life.
The magic of first love
is our ignorance that it can never end!

Great loves too must be endured.

In love,
there is always one who kisses
and one who
offers the cheek.

Love is,
of all the passions, the strongest
for it attacks the head,
the heart and senses simultaneously.

When you are in love
you are not wise;
When you are wise
you are not in love.

Love is a human emotion
that wisdom will never conquer.
I can see from your utter misery,
from your eagerness
to misunderstand each other
and from
your thoroughly bad temper,
that this is the real thing.

To have and to hold from this day forward,
for better,
for worse,
for richer,
for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish,
till death do us part.

In your hand you hold my heart
and forever shall it be.

At the touch of love
everyone becomes a poet.
The happiness of another person
is essential to your own.
The universe is reduced to a single being.
When a love relationship
is at it’s height,
there is no room left
for any interest in the environment.

Love reckons hours for months,
for days
for years
and every little absence an age.

To be in love
is to mistake
an ordinary young man
for a greek god
an ordinary woman
for a goddess.

Love tells us many things that are not so.
It is with true love
as with ghosts;
everyone talks of it,
but few have ever seen it.

True love
doesn’t consist of holding hands -
it consists of
holding hearts.
The course of true love
never did run smooth.

We are not the same persons
this year as last;
nor are those we love.
It is a happy chance if we,
in changing,
continue to love
a changed person.
Faults grow thick
when love grows thin.

Love and eggs are best
when they are fresh.

It takes more skill and courage
to stop love than to start it.

A very small degree of hope is
sufficient to cause the birth of love.
The loss of love
is a terrible thing;
they lie who say death is worse.

Nobody loves me.
I am going into the garden and eat worms.

It is obviously quite difficult
to be no longer loved
when you are still in love;
But it is much more painful
to be loved when
you no longer love.

Nothing grows again more easily than love.
You will laugh again,
You will love again.

To say that you can only love
one person all your life
is just saying that
one candle will continue burning
as long as you live.

You need somebody to love you
while you’re looking
for someone to love.

The heart that loves is always young.

Love is what you bring to it.

The wretched part
is we can’t love frivolously
if we mean it.

Everything in the world
can be imitated and forged,
everything but love.

If we are to make
a mature adjustment to life,
we must be able to give and receive love.

We have lived and loved together
through many changing years;
We have shared each other’s gladness
and wept each other’s tears.
With all thy faults
I love thee still.

The greatest happiness in life
is the conviction
that we are loved,
loved for ourselves,
or rather,
loved in spite of ourselves.

But for you to ask advice
on the rules of love
is no better than
to ask advice on the rules of madness.

Love is the way it is.
Love is an endless mystery,
for it has nothing else to explain it.


