Young at Heart
Better keep yourself clean and bright;
you are the window
through which you must see the world.
Observe, experience and study ~
these are the three pillars of learning.
Consult your parents on all things,
especially on those which mean most to you.
Their counsel may then be useful,
where you use your own judgement.
If you don't respect your parents,
no one will respect you.
What you have inherited from your parents
you must earn yourself
before you can call it yours.
You have to do your own growing up
no matter how tall Grandpa was.
The most important phase
of living with a person;
the respect that person as an individual.
The great secret
is not having good manners or bad manners,
but having the same manners
for all human souls.
The person who is too busy to be courteous
is too busy.
The smallest good deed is better
than the greatest intention.
Youth is the opportunity to do something
and to become somebody.
Reading is to the mind
what exercise is to the body.
If you know how to do one thing well,
you can do everything.
The way out of trouble
is never as simple as the way in.
If you tell the truth
you don't have anything to remember.
Be brave enough to accept the help of others.
When you have listened to your mistakes
you have grown.
Understanding is a two-way street.
There is always room for improvement;
you know its the biggest room in the house.
Prepare yourself for the world
as athletes do for their exercise;
oil your mind and manners
to give them necessary suppleness and flexibility;
strength alone will not do it.
Frustrations and denials
which seem cruel and unfair to you
often are important equipment for life.
You are not in charge of the universe;
you are in charge of yourself.
Unless I accept my faults,
I will most certainly doubt my virtues.
People who strike first
admit that thier ideas have given out.
One who can take advice
is sometimes superior
to one who can give it.
An error doesn't become a mistake
until you refuse to correct it.
It is our responsibilities,
not ourselves,
that we should take seriously.
Good is not good,
where better is expected.
People are lonely because
they build walls instead of bridges.
The only way to have a friend
is be one.
You grow up the day
you have the first real laugh
at yourself.
Behavior is a mirror
in which everyone displays their image.
The important thing is
To keep asking questions!