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Mohandas Karam Chand Gandhi
The Father of Modern India

The central figure in the story of modern India is, of course, Mohandas Gandhi. Many of you have already seen the film about Gandhi's life and death. But India is a huge place with many different ethnic groups and religious heritages. India is a modern nation that has the atomic bomb (one wonders what Gandhi would like!) and a gigantic motion picture industry (Indians are now claiming that Bollywood is bigger than Hollywood!).

India is the scene of Mother Theresa's heroic efforts to help the very poor. And its citizens claim it is the largest democracy in the world! But it is also one of the countries whose citizens most actively seek to become U.S. residents.

There are many persons of Indian heritage living in Birmingham. And there are also many Indian students attending Jefferson State. The links that follow below will allow interested visitors to this page an opportunity to find out . . .well, "what India is really like. . ."

Links to Information about India

Indian Magazine and Newspaper Links
Here are some links to publications not readily available elsewhere.
India on the World Wide Web
Here are 50 links to all sorts of information about India -- the CIA Factbook, an introduction to radio and TV in India,and even an explanation of the caste system.
The Constitution of India.
This is the entire text of the constitution of one of the world's most populous democracies.
India Specific Search Engine
This is a good source for Bollywood info. . .the Indian movie industry.
The Hindu Temple of Atlanta, Georgia
Here is the home page of the nearest large Hindu Temple along with some links to info about the Hindu religion.
NEW!What People Eat in India.
Here are recipes and pictures of typical Indian cuisine.
A Photo Expedition Through India
Here are two dozen photos from one American's visit near New Delhi, India.
The History, Art, and Literature of India
Besides history, art, and literature, this site contains many great pictures of the places and people of India.

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Contact Webmaster
Warren F. O'Rourke
Director of International Student Programs
Jefferson State Community College
2601 Carson Road
Birmingham, AL 35215
international faxes to (205) 815-8499
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This page last revised on: July 23, 1999.