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There are only two million people in Macedonia, less than half the population of Alabama; so there are not many Macedonian students in the U.S. But there is one here at Jefferson State -- Darko Stankovski, a resident of Skopje.

Americans usually don't know much about Macedonia, unless they happen to be knowledgeable about medieval religious art or fine wines.

Macedonia, however, was very much in the news in recent months. During the U.S. bombing of Serbia and the attempt by Serbia to complete "ethnic cleansing" of Kosovo, hundreds of thousands of Kosovars fled into Macedonia.

Darko Stankowski tells me that I must caution visitors to this site about being misled by "the Greek version" of Macedonian history. According to Darko, Greeks try to make it appear that Macedonia is historically part of Greece. In fact, they like to make it appear that Alexander the Great was really a Greek. Darko recommends the following sites as sources of accurate Macedonian history:

The situation in the Balkans is so complicated that I am very cautious about naming this site "What Macedonia Is Really Like." I simply hope that the links below will help you to get some idea of what kind of place Darko Stankovski comes from.

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Warren F. O'Rourke
Director of International Student Programs
Jefferson State Community College
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This page last revised on: November 23, 1999.