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What Nepal Is Really Like

Namaste! Jefferson State has been receiving more and more
students from Nepal in recent years.  These links are designed
to let you get to know what the nation which is home to Mount
Everest is like.  One thing you must keep in mind, however.
Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan, and all the other countries lying along
the Himalayan Range are culturally quite similar and are
heavily influenced by the mountains.  One might say that Nepal
and Tibet are the real-life models for the famous but fictional
Shangri La.

The 1990 Constitution of Nepal.
Here are the basic laws of Nepal since King Birendra has been reduced in power to a figurehead monarch.
John Uncle: An American Living In Nepal
A mother living in the U.S. put up this site about her son in the Peace Corps. Good pictures and a nice essay on (believe it or not). . .baseball!
LiveCam shots of Mount Everest
This site includes a live sattelite transmitted shot from the Mars satellite.
The Nepal Home Page
(Hundreds of Nepal-related links)
Virtual Nepal
(Still more Nepal-related links)
Nepal Photo Gallery
You've got to see what Nepal is like!!!!!
A Nepali in Alabama
This my friend Suman Silwal's home page. This page has many links that will help you to understand Nepal. Suman teaches math part-time here at Jefferson State and is a full-time faculty member and soccer coach at Marion Military Institute just to the south of Birmingham. He is also an accomplished webmaster.
More Photos of Nepal
We're not kidding! Nepal is really a photographer's heaven.
Still More Photos of Nepal
Take a look!
Barun Manandhar's Personal Home Page
Great Nepal Links plus an English-language chat room where you can talk live with Nepali guys and gals.
An English language news weekly from Nepal
The Nepal Information Page
Links to every aspect of life in Nepal
The Maxwell Family's Adventures in Nepal
Travel journal and photos
See Nepal's Famous Mountains
"Himal" means "snow-covered mountain"
The Shangri La Home Page
Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan, and all the other Himalayan Countries
A Nepali Computer Engineer's Home Page
What one Nepali calls "The Kingdom of Nepal"!

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Contact Webmaster
Warren F. O'Rourke
Director of International Student Programs
Jefferson State Community College
2601 Carson Road
Birmingham, AL 35215
international faxes to (205) 815-8499
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This page last revised on: November 23, 1999.