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Let's start with a LivCam view of Karachi, the largest city in Pakistan. (Every time you open this page or refresh it, you will get a new picture.)

When the British left India in the late 1940's, British India was divided into three sections -- India, West Pakistan, and East Pakistan. Today those three sections are independent countries known respectively as India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Considered together, those three countries contain the densest population on the planet.

Bangladesh is a very poor country, but India and Pakistan are sufficiently developed that both nations have nuclear bombs as part of their military arsenals. For many years now, Muslim Pakistan has been at odds with Hindu India over the placement of the borders between the two countries, and as this site was being constructed the Pakistani military conducted a coup and ousted the civilian government.

Jefferson State regularly has a few dozen students from Pakistan and India. So I have included the links below to help you get a feel for what is going on in Pakistan.