the Best of Bette Links
Welcome to my "Divine Diva" best of Bette Midler Links homepage.
For all who have sent me links to add, I'm sorry that it's taking me so long to add your link. School is out and I'm spending most of my free time with my children. I will try my best to add all the new links soon. If you will add your link to my guestbook it will make things a lot easier on me and anyone can view or links from there. Thanks
the Best of Bette links
1. Bette Midler's Official Webpage
2. Bette's NYRP (oops..URL is a dead)
3. The Bette Midler Webpage
4. Mandy's Bette Midler Page
6. Simply Divine
7. Broken Blossom (dead link)
9. Bettechive (dead link)
10. The Divine Online
11. Best Better Bette
12. Divinity: A Bette Midler Homepage
13. Bette Midler:Her Family
14. The Unofficial Bette Midler Web Site (dead link)
15. Bette Fan
16. The Original Bette Midler Homepage
17. Body Mind Spirit: Bette Midler (dead link)
18. Bette Midler Forever
Disclaimer: This is not official "Divine Diva" website, only a information site for her fans. The midi background sound was found on the web and used here to enhance the mood of this page. The pixs used retain their orginal copyright and the source is it's link.
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I'm still working on this page. If you have a link you would like to add place tell me in the guestbook or email me...Thanks, Wendy
last up dated 01/22/00
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