And Overview of the Winston Bowhunters Archery Club
Hello. I’m Robert Morrow, President of the Winston Bowhunters Archery Club. I, along with a few others, started the Winston Bowhunters Archery Club in February, 1999 in an effort to help bowhunters refine their skills with the archery equipment of their choice, to get more people involve into bowhunting and archery, to give the average bowhunter an equal voice in the policy making and execution of those policies for the club, and to protect the environment and all wildlife in the state of Alabama. We knew that the first few years would be a building period for our club. We held our first 3D tournament at Looney’s Tavern just to the east of the town of Double Springs in March 1999. We had 5 people shoot our course in two days. We knew we were going to start small, but didn’t know it was going to be that small. As the year when on, more and more people started coming to our shoots and becoming involved in the Winston Bowhunters. The year 2000 has been great year not only for the number of people that are now involve in the Winston Bowhunters, but to prove that by giving the average bowhunter a voice, great things can happen.
Recently, some member of the Winston Bowhunters made us aware that there was a movement under way to make the Bankhead a National Monument. In an effort to get a full picture of this proposal, each member found out information about the proposal and was encouraged to share their findings to the rest of the membership before we voted to be for or against the proposal. After each member voiced their views all of the votes were cast to be against the proposed Bankhead National Monument. One person or a few members didn’t decide the Winston Bowhunters position, all of the members of the Winston Bowhunters formed this position. This was the first wildlife habitat issue the Winston Bowhunters had taken, but defiantly won’t be the last. Most of the Winston Bowhunters are from Winston County so we are more aware of the things going on in Winston County. But as more people join from other parts of the state, we will be able to find out what is going on there and lend our help as needed.
The big question most people want to know is "what can you do for me". Well were not going to give you a tag to go on your vehicle and tell what we have done and might do in the future and think you should be indebted to us. We give the members of the Winston Bowhunters a chance to voice opinion of action and get them information on wildlife, hunting, and thing that pertain to both. The members of the Winston Bowhunters are kept information through a newsletter that is mailed out every couple of months and by our web site on the Internet at We have an email address and a bulletin board for communicating with of bowhunters on our web site also. A financial report is available to every member upon request so each member can see how the money is being spent. The membership dues of $35 go to pay the insurance for our range and also for each person’s ASA and BHA membership. So your not only apart of the Winston Bowhunters, your also apart of ASA which entitles you to compete in (if you qualify) ASA Alabama State Championship and (if you qualify) ASA World and BHA, which is the largest State Bowhunting Organization. The money for targets, trophy, and concession comes from our tournaments. No one gets a cut from any of the Winston Bowhunters money. All the money goes back into the Winston Bowhunters Archery Club. And as I stated before, each member can verify that fact.This is only an overview and may not answer all of your questions about the Winston Bowhunters Archery Club. If you have any question about who we are, what we stand for, what we are doing, how to become involved, or anything else, ask us. I promise you we will answer all of your questions truthful and honestly.
Robert Morrow
President of the Winston Bowhunters