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Welcome to the Homepage of Alma Dudia and Aurel Ymeti

Our research in the news

FORBES - 13 Amazing New Nanotechnologies: Real-Time Virus Testing
MIT's Technology Review - A Fast, Sensitive Virus Detector
Materials science and Nanotechnology - Virus detection encounters some useful interference
Frost & Sullivan's Technical Insights - Technology has Promise in Portable Virus Detectors
SP!TS - Chip tegen pandemie
Twentsche Courant Tubantia - Snel wapen tegen gevaarlijke ziekten als sars
De Oogst van 2007 - Streepjescode verraadt virusbesmetting
University of Twente - Ultrasensitive optical sensor detects viruses fast
Youtube - Elevatortalk
Nanowerk - Biohybrid nanocontainers with controlled permeability
Volkskrant - Twentse nanocontainer doet levende cel na
De Pers - Scherpschutters in opleiding
Universiteit Twente - Containers om één molecuul te verschepen
Youtube - Hybrid nanocontainers


Biophysical Engineering, University of Twente, The Netherlands
University of Twente, The Netherlands
Enschede, The Netherlands
Twente, The Netherlands
News, The Netherlands
Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania

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Last update: December 2008