Calvin L. Brixey

Calvin L. Brixey

Officer's Certificate of Death

Altamont, March 30th 1872
I, William H. Hampton, 1st Lieutenant of Company M, of the 10th Regiment of Tennessee Volunteers Cavalry, certify on honor that Captain Calvin L. Brixey was a Captain in the 1st Independent Cavalry, and his widow is, as I am informed, an applicant for an army Pension; that by communication with most any Loyal Citizen near Dechard and the Department can get other information, corroborating with     .  And I further certify, that the said Calvin L. Brixey, was captured by the Rebel General Wheeler's command in Franklin County, Tennessee, 1864, while raising volunteers to go West.  James Canaster and Martin Phips, two of Brixey's enlisted men was with him and escaped.   Martian Phips now lives in Grundy County, Tennessee, and James Canatser lives some where in Kentucky.  The Rebels taken Captain Brixey tied upon a horse near Murfreesborough and there they hung him by the neck until he was dead and then left him hanging by the neck forbidding the Citizens taking him down.  He was hung on or about the 3rd of September, 1864 and remained there until about the 4th of September, 1864.   I know that I'm not mistaken in the identity of Brixey.  I was well acquainted with him.

William  H. Hampton
Late 1st Lieutenant Commanding Co M, 10 Tennessee Volunteer Cavalry



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