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James M. Berry

information provide by James D. Durham

James M. Berry was mustered in to Co A 1st AL & TN Vidette Cavalry as a Sgt. on Aug 28, 1863 at Stevenson,  AL.  On Sept 4, 1863 Co A. was ordered to Larkinsville, AL to do duty as scouts until they could be furnished with horses, on Sept 26, 1863 Co A along with members of the 4th Indiana Cavalry were guarding the Government saw mill, just east of Larkinsville known as Hunts Mill.  Some time that day they were attacked by rebel forces belonging to the 4th AL Cavalry, the union men were overwhelmed by the attack with several killed and captured, Sgt. James M. Berry was among those captured.  He was imprisoned at Andersonville, GA, where he suffered in inhumane conditions until he died on June 17, 1864...One day after his company was mustered out service in Stevenson, AL.  Sgt. James M. Berry is buried in Adersonville National Cemetery Section F Grave Plot # 2111.

Pictures of how Andersonville looks now.

cav-1.gif (9796 bytes)

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