Photo submitted by: James David Durham
(William Koger seated left with son and daughters taken about 1900)
William Koger
Information provided by Alfred Ellis
No 4830
William Koger 5 miles N. of Valley Head Dekalb Co. Ala For Forage & Produce taken near
Valley Head, Alabama Taken Sept. 1863 $370.00 Claims Allowed $225.00 Reported March 31,
1877 Returned April 4, 1877 Witnessess: Wiley Howell James Painter Elijah Bouldin A. J.
Ellis Wm. Ellis Deposition of Wm Koger Who in answer to the questions deposes and says- My
name is William Koger, age 39 years, residence five miles from Valley Head. I am a farmer
and am the claimant. I had farmed all my life. I moved to the farm from which my property
was taken in the spring of 1862. I was born in Wayne County, Kentucky, but I have been in
Dekalb Co Ala about 25 years. My sympathies were on the Union side from the first to the
last. I never did anything to aid the rebel cause, but was always ready and willing to do
what I could to aid the Union side. I voted for the Union candidate in the succession
contest and I have voted for them ever since and when a man that was for Union turns
Democrat I quit voting for him. I opposed secession as I could and when the State
succeeded I determined never to fight for it and I could not be persuaded or frightened
into serving their cause. After the conscript law was passed, I taught school till I found
that would not keep me out any longer when I quit that took to dodging around in the
thicket and followed this closely for awhile. I then made an effort to go to the Federals,
but with several other Union men was caught by the Rebels on the banks of the Tennessee
River and taken under guard to Whitesides Depot and from there to Bridgeport and from
Bridgeport to Chattanooga. I was held a week in prison at Bridgeport and two weeks at
Chattanooga. I was nearly starved by them, but we had a little money. I could sometime buy
a little something to eat. From Chattanooga I was sent under guard to Lynus(?) Station on
the East Tennessee Railroad. I made my escape from Lynus(?) the night I got there and made
my way to the mountains and through the mountains back home and lay out seven weeks more
and then left and met the Federal Army under McCook, Jefferson C. Davis Division in
Jackson County, Alabama and came back with that army. I went from this county which the
army was here. I started to take my family across the Tennessee River into the federal
lines, and got there to my fathers on top of Sand Mountain when I found I had left some
business unfinished which brought me back when I found Capt. Alfred Long making up a
company of Cavalry for the Federal Army. I went with this Company across the Tennessee to
Stevenson and then enlisted in Company C First Regiment Independent Federal Cavalry on the
19th day of September 1863 to serve for one year or during the war and was discharged with
the Regiment the 16th day of June 1864. After I enlisted I took my wife and two children
to Bridgeport Alabama and after I was discharged I was employed by the United States
Government in cutting cordwood and other works till the close of the war and came to my
farm in the last of June or first of July 1865. I had three brothers in the Union Army and
one brother-in-law. Their names were John P. Koger, Ebin E. Koger, and Granville Koger,
and the brother-in-law Nathan P. Bouldin. John P. Koger was in the 12th Tennessee Cavalry.
The others all belonged to the same regiment I did. My father was a Union man and had to
to the Union lines to save his life and so did my father-in-law Elijah Bouldin and both
remained till the was over. I have answered this question in answer to the 8th
question(Did you vote for the Union candidate?- see answer above). I aided any Union man
that I could and as much as I could with my little means- exception(?) of kinship. I took
the Union side and held to it to the present time. I adhered to the United States and no
defeats by the Rebels shook my faith or led me to desert the Union cause. I was always
treated with friendship by the Union soldiers and officers and was never under arrest by
any of them I took the oath of allegiance and amnesty and I think I also took the
Ironclad. W. D. Crow, Allen & Wm Lea, Wm Ellis, John Lea, Wm Morgan, and Elija Bouldin
were all strong and rather prominent Union men. I was repeatedly threatened by the Rebel
delaits(?) that were hunting for conscripts. I was hunted after and shot at by the rebel
murderer and cutthroat Sam Cason* who killed a number of Union men in cold blood. I was at
one time wounded in the leg by him and I snapped(?) a double barrel shot gun in his face.
They threatened to hang my wife because she would not tell where I was and for feeding
deserters. I was injured and molested in many ways. I have stated about how I was
arrested. I made my escape and did not take any oath or give an obligation. The Rebels
took one horse and one mule from (?), one cow, several sheep, about a dozen besids(?),
some wheat. They never paid me anything nor did I go near them to ask them for pay. To
questions # 25 thru 35, he answer no. I had two brother-in-laws in the Confederate
service. I had nothing to do with them in any way. To question # 37 & 38-
No to each. To the 39th, he answers- I took them all. To the
40th, he answers- I was not. To questions # 41, 42, & 43, he answers-
No to each question. I voted against secession and have voted for Union men
each time. I never belonged to any vigilance committee or any other such of Rebel
committee or association. I never was. I was not conscripted for they could not catch me.
I never furnished a substitute. To questions # 44 50, he answers, no. I
have shown what I did to former questions. I was honorably discharged from the army and
here show my discharge to the special commissioners. The discharge shows that William
Koger, private in Company C First Regiment of Independent Vidette Cavalry
Volunteers was enrolled the Nineteenth of September 1863. Was discharged from service the
Sixteenth of June 1864. Not objections to unlisting Stephenson Ala June 16, 1864. I was
the owner and the sole owner of the property taken. It was taken from my farm about five
mile North of Valley Head in Dekalb County, Ala. There was 80 acres of the farm about 25
acres near cleared at the time. I have filed no petition in bankruptcy. To the property
questions, the claimant answers- I was not present when the Federal army under General
McCook went(?) marched thru neighborhood of my farm, but I came in with part of the army.
I had left my place when I was lying out but a few days previous and met them on Sand
Mountain and returned with them. I had fifteen acres in corn that I had got well tended.
The land was good fresh, the most of it and the rest had been maniured(?) in the hill and
it was a good crop year in 1863 and my corn was good- and think the whole fifteen acres
would averaged twenty bushels to the acres when I started to meet the army- a few days
before it reached my farm most of my corn had been used or gathered and was ready to pull
fodder. When I got back to the neighborhood I came to my place and found that the troops
had already gathered the most of my corn the army wagon tracks was fresh in the field and
a courier post was established in the wall of my gate and the troops had part of my corn
cut and lying there for feed for the horses of the Post. The most of the corn had been cut
and hauled out in the directions of the camp. It was all taken after that. But I actually
saw but little of what was taken. But a brother-in-law and federal soldier, Nathan
Bouldin, who was with the army, but who is now dead, told me at the time that he was
present and saw my corn gathered, hauled out and also he saw part of my hogs taken and
used by the soldiers. Corn was well worth a dollar a bushel in good money and was hard to
get after the army was gone. My recollection is I had two killing hogs for that winter but
I did not see them taken but I never could find but one of them after I got back. I am
certain the army got five or more of them for there was neither citizens not other
soldiers about who got them except the Union soldiers and the hogs were on the farm when I
left but a few days before the army got them. These hogs would be averaged a hundred
pounds each net. They were nearly two years old and pretty good order. I saw them almost
every day up to the time I started. Pork was worth ten cents per pound. I had an Irish and
a sweet potato patch- about a quarter of an acres each. There must have been near 50
bushels of the sweet potatoes besides a good many bushels of the Irish potatoes. The
troops had them all dug when I first got back to the place and I got to the place the
second day. The army was almost entirely living off the country. The officers were ? by
giving orders to forage. I heard them. I did not ask for nor get any vouchers or receipts
for any of the corn in this claim and I have never received any pay for any part of it.
And further this claimant saith not. William Koger John W. Ramsey Special Comm. Depostion
of Elijah Bouldin Who in answer to the questions deposes and says my name is Elijah
Bouldin. My age 63 years, residence five miles north of Valley Head in t Dekalb Co. Ala. I
am a farmer. I am the father-in-law of the claimant William Koger, but have no interest in
his claim. I am called by him as a witness. I have known the claimant 18 or 20 years. He
married my daughter sometime before the war and from that time we have been on intimate
terms. From the beginning of 1862, the claimant lived till he went to the federal army in
two miles of me and I saw him every week or at least on average of that often and often
conversed with him about the war and its consequences, and results. I dont recollect
the various times we talked, or the particular expressions he used but I know that the
whole course of his conversation and acts was in favor of the Union. I was an adherent of
the Union cause and the claimant so regarded me, and talked to me with the utmost
confidence about it. And of his determination not to fight for the rebels. He was opposed
to secession and never to my certain knowledge did or said anything to aid or comfort the
Rebel causes. After the conscript law was passed in the spring of 1862 he taught school
for a while and when this would not help as man under thirty five years from this military
service he lay out and dodged about till he finally went to the Union lines. The first
time he attempted to get to the Federal lines, I learned that from others as well as
himself. They caught him and carried him to Chattanooga or Lynus(?) from which place he
escaped and came back home and lay out around my house for a considerable time longer and
perhaps did not reach the Federal army till just before the army of General McCook came
into this valley- about the first of September 1863. He came back to my house with that
Army. He enlisted in Capt Alfred Longs Company First Ala Vidette Cavalry, and served
about ten months when he was discharged. I had a son in the same Company with him. I know
that the claimant was threatened by the rebels for his union sentiments. Rebel details
attempted to capture him and put him into their army. I saw them get after him once. They
shot at him several times, but did not catch him. His public reputation was well known by
all the Union men of this neighborhood of whom I passed for one. I have received my claim
from the commissioners. Regarding claimants loyalty- James Painter, Allen and Wm
Lea, A. J. and Wm Ellis, Alex Painter, W. B. Crow were prominent Union men of the
neighborhood. I never heard his loyalty questioned, and further this deponent saith not.
John W. Ramsey Elijah Bouldin Sp Comm Deposition of Wm Lea Who answer to the questions
deposes and saying my name is Wm Lea, my age 44 years, residence Dekalb Co. Ala about
three miles from the claimant. I am not related to him and have no interest in his claim.
I am called to prove loyalty. I have been intimately acquainted with the claimant Wm Koger
sixteen or seventeen years. I lived three miles from him till we were separated during the
war. Until we was separated during the war, I saw him frequently and often talked with him
about the war and knew his sympathies and principles and that they was all for the Union.
I was an adherent of the Union cause and he knew it. I knew he never intended to fight for
the rebellion and after the conscript passed. I had to hide out to evade this service and
he was at the same business and was often lay out together both day and night and I had my
opportunity to know his sentiments up to September the 1st 1863. About the 1st of Sept
1863 I left this part of the Country and went to Louisville, Kentucky and then enlisted in
the Capt Rufus H. Jordans Company, First Regiment of Alabama Vidette Cavalry and
came back to this part of the country or at least to Brideport, Alabama and then I found
the claimant a soldier of Capt Alfred Longs Company in the same Regiment and we both
remained in the Regiment till we was discharged in the summer of 1864. I recollect that
after he was mustered out and honorably discharged that he took his family to near
Whitesides Depot and remained there till the war was over. His reputation was well
known in the part of the country as a man loyal to the Federal government. I have never
heard his loyalty doubted in this County. And further this deponent saith not, William Lea
John W. Ramsey Special Commissioner Elijah Bouldin having been sworn and examined on the
subject of loyalty, testifies further as to the claimants property. The
claimants place joined my farm, and his wife was staying at my house when the army
of General McCook came into the valley, and camped on and near my farm. I had helped
cultivate his (claimants) crop in the year 1863, for the claimant had to be out much
of the time. But he had got about fifteen acres cultivated in corn the year 1863. The land
was fresh and pretty good and would I think average eighteen or twenty bushels per acres.
The army or at least a portion of it lay here some ten or twelve days. The fodder was
ready for pulling but had not been pulled. None of the corn had been used when the army
camped. I came down to the field of claimant while the federal army was present and saw
that they had gathered part of it and as soon as the army left I saw that his corn had all
been taken while the army staid and although, I did not see them gathering it out of the
field. I am certain they took it for their use. Neither citizens nor other persons except
the federal soldiers about during the time to take the corn. Elijah Bouldin Deposition of
Margaret J. Koger Who in answer to the questions testifies as follows: My name is Margaret
J. Koger, my age 33 years. I am the wife of Wm Koger & have such interest as is
natural a wife would feel. I was sleeping and eating at my fathers Elijah
Bouldins about a half from my own house in the fall of 1863 when a part of the
federal army under General McCook came into this vally and camped near our place and on
fathers land. I was going back and forth almost every day to my own house and
tending to our property as best I could when the army came and my husband the claimant
came with it. My husband had been forced
?, to keep from
being forced into the rebel army and I had been obliged to work out on the farm to help,
raise the crop. I had never plowed before, but I did a good deal of work. My father and
his family helped me some, and I hired a little help, and raised about fifteen acres of
good corn. The ground was good and fresh and was well worked and it was well worked. It
was a good crop for it was a good season for corn. It was real good replaced corn and I
think would have averaged 20 bushels to the acre. I saw the wagons come by fathers
from their camp and come towards our field which was the only one near in that direction,
and they would soon be back loaded with cut corn for thats the way they took it and they
kept coming till it was all gone. My husband had a nice lot of eight hogs. If I remember
right they were intended for our bacon that winter that was around our lot between our
house and fathers. They were in good order and would I think have weighed 100 pounds
each net. They was there when the army came and gone when it left and there were no other
persons about at the time to get them. We had both a patch of Irish & sweet potatoes,
about a quarter of an acres each that was dug and carried off by the soldiers. They
certainly would have made 40 bushels. They took my geese & chickens. And futher she
saith not, Margaret J Bouldin John W. Ramsey Sp Comm * In a Southern Claims deposition for
Pleasant Dallas Phillips the following statement was made by George W. Malone -
...."There were general threats made against all Union men. One Cayson, a Rebel, made
a declaration that he would kill a number of Union men, and the claimant (P.D. Phillips)
was one of the number. This man said he had special mission to kill Union citizens. He did
kill five or six in this county, Dekalb. He arrested Union citizens and took them to the
woods and made them dig their graves and then shot them. This was near Lebanon"..