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season 5

5.01 What I Did On My Summer Vacation & Other Stories Originally Aired September 7, 1994
The Walshes welcome a young family friend who's moving into Brenda's room. Meanwhile, the post-summer news: Donna declares she's over David; Steve decides to pursue Kelly anew, unaware that she's with Brandon; and Dylan's dilemma sends him back to the bottle.

5.02 Under The Influence Originally Aired September 14, 1994
Donna decides to go to Houston to be a debutante; Dylan creates a scene after learning that Kelly and Brandon are a couple.
Clare enrolls at California University (as a sophomore because of AP credit). Josh talks Brandon into being his running mate in the student body elections.

5.03 A Clean Slate Originally Aired September 21, 1994
Kelly and Donna get a new roommate who has a problem. Valerie lodging for info on Dylan and begins hanging around the pool hall. After sleeping with Val, Dylan is stunned to learn that she lives at the Walsh house. Campus politics beleaguer Brandon, whose reputation is threatened by a scandal.

5.04 Life After Death Originally Aired September 28, 1994
David finds a new woman; Donna finds a new man. Brandon has trouble handling his personal loss and a challenge to his political position.
Valerie continues to spend her days with Steve and her nights with Dylan.

5.05 Rave On Originally Aired October 5, 1994
Kelly becomes suspicious of Valerie; Steve revitalizes The Peach Pit; Donna makes a new friend, Ray), in a video project; babysitting inspires Cindy to check her biological clock.

5.06 Homecoming Originally Aired October 12, 1994
Brandon is pressed to act against a visiting dignitary accused of human-rights violations; Valerie helps plan the theft of a rival college's mascot, but Donna skips the caper to be with Ray.

5.07 Who's Zoomin' Who? Originally Aired October 19, 1994
A proposed Peach Pit expansion leads to an exposure of Dylan's finances; Donna has trouble balancing Griffin and Ray; Kelly's mom (Ann Gillespie) returns to modeling; David's experiment with Clare backfires.

5.08 Things That Go Bang In The Night Originally Aired October 26, 1994
Donna's haunted when her suitors cross paths on Halloween; Dylan slips deeper into a nether world; Clare talks David into a UFO hunt.

5.09 Intervention Originally Aired November 2, 1994
Dylan's hospitalized after his friends conduct an intervention; Kelly gets a modeling offer; Ray meets Donna's parents.

5.10 The Dreams Of Dylan Mckay Originally Aired November 9, 1994
A comatose Dylan has bizarre dreams as he fights for his life; Steve's bugged when his dad shows up at a football tournament.

5.11 Hate Is Just A Four Letter Word Originally Aired November 16, 1994
Jewish students protest the scheduled appearance of a controversial African-American.

5.12  Rock Of Ages Originally Aired November 23, 1994
Some of the gang catch a Rolling Stones concert; Jesse helps Brandon prepare for a challenge; Dylan has a rough time in group. Little Richard has a cameo.

5.13 Up In Flames Originally Aired November 30, 1994
The arrival of Emily Valentine gives Brandon some tense moments; the building Steve and Griffin pick for the rave party isn't up to snuff.

5.14 Injustice For All Originally Aired December 14, 1994
Steve and Griffin face charges as a result of the fire; Dylan receives an important message when he gets out of rehab.

5.15 Christmas Comes This Time Each Year Originally Aired December 21, 1994
Donna's mother puts Ray to the test; family traditions cause tension between Jesse and Andrea; Dylan gets a present from the FBI.

5. 16 Sentenced To Life Originally Aired January 4, 1994
Milton Berle plays an ex-entertainer living in the home where Steve is to perform community service; Dylan goes to court regarding his accident; Valerie's sunny vacation prompts a cool response from Kelly.

5.17 Sweating It Out (Originally Aired January 11, 1994
Dylan and Brandon take a road trip; Kelly takes a psychology workshop; Donna helps Ray over his stage fright; the Peach Pit After Dark opens.

5.18 Hazardous To Your Health Originally Aired January 18, 1994Dylan recruits Valerie to help pull off a caper to regain his lost loot—and his little sister

5.19 Little Monsters Originally Aired February 1, 1994
A record-company rep shows interest in Ray; Valerie seeks a reward for helping Dylan; Andrea flirts with danger while Jesse's away.

5.20 You Gotta Have Heart Originally Aired February 8, 1994
Valerie moves out of the Walshes'—and in on Ray; Brandon coaxes Kelly away from Finley; Andrea meets Peter's wife.

5.21 Stormy Weather Originally Aired February 15, 1994
Andrea gets a job at Peter's hospital; Valerie refuses to accept Ray's "no"; Dylan does reconnaissance on Kelly and Finley.

5.22 Alone At The Top Originally Aired February 22, 1994
A crime wave hits the campus; Ray decides to leave town after the club changes hands; Valerie tempts Dylan to go off the wagon.

5.23 Love Hurts Originally Aired March 1, 1994
Donna is targeted by the rapist; Dylan becomes privy to Andrea's romance. The Flaming Lips have a cameo.

5.24 Unreal World Originally Aired March 15, 1994
Andrea contemplates telling Jesse about her fling; Valerie moves back in with the Walshes; friends appear in Clare and David's cinéma-vérité.

5.25 Double Jeopardy Originally Aired March 29, 1994
Jeopardy host Alex Trebek and announcer Johnny Gilbert have cameos as Brandon and Clare compete to be in the show's college tournament; Andrea and Jesse talk divorce; Jackie and Mel reconcile.

5.26 A Song For My Mother Originally Aired April 5, 1994
Donna visits Ray in Portland, where David follows a disturbing trail left by his mother; Dylan undergoes hypnosis to research his screenplay.

5.27 Squash It Originally Aired April 12, 1994
David returns to the stage with a new partner; Brandon plays tour guide to a genius coveted by the university; Dylan has a disturbing experience in hypnotic regression.

5.28 Girls On The Side Originally Aired May 3, 1994
Kelly learns of a new admirer. Meanwhile, Ray comes home, and his mother spills the beans to Clare and David about his betrayal of Donna

5.29 The Real Mccoy Originally Aired May 10, 1994
Valerie sets her sights on Brandon; hypnotic regression transforms Dylan into an outlaw in the Wild West, where he spots a familiar face.

5.30 Hello Life, Goodbye Beverly Hills Originally Aired May 17, 1994
Dylan and Brandon make separate proposals to Kelly; Jim gets important news regarding his future with his firm; Ray and Donna have a fight at Andrea's going-away party.

5.31 P.S I Love You (1) Originally Aired May 24, 1994
In Palm Springs, Brandon considers surrendering to Valerie; Steve rejects a blind date arranged by his father (Jed Allan); and Dylan meets a backer for his film.

5.32 P.S. I Love You (2) Originally Aired May 24, 1994
Kelly gets a chilly reception from Brandon; Donna is injured in a fight with Ray; Dylan learns that Tom knows something about his father's death.