
On Wednesday, May 17, 2000, just as Beverly Hills, 90210 was taking its final bow, fans of the show got to chat with series stars Gabrielle Carteris and Lindsay Price. Read the full transcript.

ChatYahoo_Lisa: Welcome to Yahoo! Chat
ChatYahoo_Lisa: Our nice friends from Fox.com have a terrific event for you today
ChatYahoo_Lisa: Cast members from 90210
ChatYahoo_Lisa: Here to chat before the series finale
fox_chat_host: We have an arrival!
fox_chat_host: A very special cast member...
fox_chat_host: Here a few hints...
fox_chat_host: She's known best right now as...
fox_chat_host: a super career woman...
fox_chat_host: but also a family gal...
fox_chat_host: I'd like to welcome our first guest,
fox_chat_host: Lindsay Price!

lindsay_price_live: Hello! I'm excited to answer any questions!

qwertyperry asks: Hi cast. If you would have had to choose, would you have wanted the show to continue?
lindsay_price_live: Yes because I loved working with the cast and crew, it was such a great experience.
lindsay_price_live: And no, because as an actor I want to grow, move on and play other characters. I was ready for that.

pneutin asks: What are some friendships you made, that will last forever, while making 90210? - Liron, from Israel.
lindsay_price_live: Definitely my friendships with Tori and Jennie.
lindsay_price_live: They are just normal girls I would have chosen to be friends with even if I didn't have to work with them.

babyblu284 asks: I know, you all are going to miss eachother, but what else will you miss about the 90210 experience?
lindsay_price_live: I'll miss getting my hair and makeup done everyday - I think I forgot how to do those things!

mac52_2000 asks: Did you have any idea this was going to happen when you first started the show?
lindsay_price_live: I only expected to be on the show for six episodes, and they just kept asking me to say.
lindsay_price_live: I just considered myself blessed, and I'm glad it turned out the way it did.

baychic44 asks: What does Lindsay Price plan on doing now the show is over?
lindsay_price_live: I actually just found out five minutes ago that I got a movie! And I'm also scheduled to shoot another movie in July. So I'm pretty busy so far!

sallie180 asks: Lindsey, how did you feel coming into the cast so much later? Did you think you would fit in with everyone?
lindsay_price_live: I thought that I would sort of be on the outside of things, socially at least.
lindsay_price_live: But I was welcomed, and never expected to make the friendships I did.

bubblewax asks: Lindsay- Where were you when you found out you would be playing Janet?
lindsay_price_live: I was in a movie theater.
lindsay_price_live: I can't remember the movie I was watching. But I got paged, called from the movie theater lobby and found out.

dylan_n_kelly asks: Isn't working with Ian Zeiring a crack up?
lindsay_price_live: Ian is the funniest man on the planet I think. So energetic, kind, and always making jokes. Which is great for me because I love to laugh.

djcherribomb asks: To Lindsay: Your character has really done the show some good. She's smart and sassy and we love her! What's it like coming onto an established show and watching your character grow so much?
lindsay_price_live: Very exciting.
lindsay_price_live: They started to write the character in the direction I was hinting anyway.
lindsay_price_live: I wanted Janet to be very smart and driven, but also have a sense of humor about life, love and everything else we dealt with on the show.
lindsay_price_live: And the writers did a really good job of portraying that.

daveandt asks: Can you guys believe what the auction items from the show are going for? Did any of you keep anything for yourself?
lindsay_price_live: I didn't keep anything but wardrobe because I felt sort of weird taking pieces of a set that wasn't really mine. Everyone else had been there for like ten years, I didn't feel like the set was mine, it was theirs.
lindsay_price_live: But I don't even know the prices they are auctioning off.

buggy326 asks: how do you think steve and janets relationship will end?
lindsay_price_live: Steve and Janet have been through a lot together, and they always seem to find a way to work things out. They're going to end on a really positive note, I know that.

blonde_girl1_2000 asks: So, does Steve sell The Beat or not? My guess is no
lindsay_price_live: I can't tell you, you have to watch the show.

tricia0720 asks: Lindsay is a great addition to the show. Does she relate to her character at all?
lindsay_price_live: I relate to my character's ambition, I'm a very ambitious person. But playing a mother is the furthest thing from where I am at in my life.
lindsay_price_live: I can't even keep my plants alive, let alone be a mother.

greeneyeliz asks: Do you feel that your character evolved as much as possible before you went off the air?
lindsay_price_live: I feel like my character evolved very fully in the time I was there.
lindsay_price_live: But I'm sure there are things they could have explored deeper if the show had gone on. But overall, I'm satisfied.

carriegrif asks: Lindsay, you are a lot younger than the other cast members. Did you watch the show when you were growing up?
lindsay_price_live: I watched the show religiously when it first was on. And studied what their lives were like in high school, what they wore, and it was the coolest thing since sliced bread!
lindsay_price_live: But I stopped watching the show before I was on it. So it saved me from being star struck, or too nervous to do my work.

katherine_chow asks: Lindsay, how do you feel about the issues of interracial dating etc. since you play the only really ethnic character on the show?
lindsay_price_live: I think that interracial dating is very common today. My parents are interracially married, my mother is Asian, my father is white. So for me, it's old hat.
lindsay_price_live: And I'm glad they're showing characters like that on television, because they're portraying life as it really happens.

swtcutie1978 asks: who has been your biggest inspiration in life?
lindsay_price_live: She comes from nothing, she was an orphan. And she's never let her past stop her from getting what she wanted. She's very, very courageous.

no_authoritys_gurl asks: What was it like to have to act pregnant?
lindsay_price_live: I felt very fat! And hungry all the time!
lindsay_price_live: Subconsciously, I kept thinking the baby needed a cookie. And it was great because I imagined how great it would be to actually be pregnant some day.

joshisfly99 asks: Do you plan on starting a family any time in the near future?
lindsay_price_live: Not any time in the near future, but it's definitely in my game plan.

Rainbow_f_2 asks: What is your fave thing that your character has done on the show?
lindsay_price_live: It was pretty great when Janet decided to join an all-girl rock band, eight months pregnant.
lindsay_price_live: It just showed she doesn't stop from getting what she wants for any reason.

petpetz2k asks: Lindsay any plans to come back to All My Children?
lindsay_price_live: I want to do as many different things as I can.

crimson_angel27 asks: i have watched this show from the beginning, was there ever a time when you thought all the hype and drama surrounding the show was just too much to continue?
lindsay_price_live: I started the show when most of the hype had settled down. And I saw how it affected the other cast members.
lindsay_price_live: They had been so famous at one point.
lindsay_price_live: By the time I got there, they were famous, but more settled in their skin.
lindsay_price_live: So it just created a nice atmosphere to work in.

sweetc02_84 asks: lindsay, who is your favorite couple on the show other than you and ian?
lindsay_price_live: I like David and Donna.
lindsay_price_live: Because they've had such a good friendship, and I think the best relationships spawn out of friendship.

ladybug2_1999_1999 asks: Do you ever wish you could have been there from the beginning??
lindsay_price_live: Because it would be great to have all the memories this guys have.
lindsay_price_live: The memories in three years are so great, I can't imagine what ten years would have been like.
lindsay_price_live: But then I would never have been able to have been a fan first.

fox_chat_host: OH!
fox_chat_host: We have a new addition to our discussion!
fox_chat_host: Another smart cookie...
fox_chat_host: She was part of the original cast...
fox_chat_host: So honored to have Gabrielle Carteris with us!

gabrielle_carteris_live: Hi everybody :)

braty_chica_03 asks: Out of all the cast members on the show who do you think you became the closeset to?
lindsay_price_live: Definitely to Ian first because I worked most with him.
lindsay_price_live: And after that, the girls equally, because I goofed around the most with them.
gabrielle_carteris_live: for me, when I was on the show, I was actually closest to Jason...
gabrielle_carteris_live: Lindsay wasn't on the show, or we would've hung out
gabrielle_carteris_live: Mostly the guys on the show!

brittney_92677 asks: To 90210 Cast: Who made you all laugh the most?
gabrielle_carteris_live: LOL depends what day!
lindsay_price_live: For me, Ian, especially when he was drinking coffee.
lindsay_price_live: He scared me!!

cuttepie1999 asks: Who is the meanest prankster on the set?
lindsay_price_live: I don't think I was present during any pranks.
gabrielle_carteris_live: Never had a mean prank done. They know better than that!

scstun316 asks: Who have you been the closest to in the past 10 years??
gabrielle_carteris_live: It would be Jason and Ian.

bh90210lover19 asks: Did you get to keep some memorable things from the show?
gabrielle_carteris_live: Yes, but obviously not enough.
gabrielle_carteris_live: I still have the wedding ring from when I was married on the show
gabrielle_carteris_live: I have a lot of the "collectibles"...
gabrielle_carteris_live: like when they did the merchandising...
gabrielle_carteris_live: but not all, so if anybody wants to share, I'd be grateful!
gabrielle_carteris_live: I have some clothes and group photos, but the wedding ring is most memorable

scstun316 asks: Did you ever have a crush on another cast member, if yes then who was it??
gabrielle_carteris_live: I had it on Jane! Justkidding
gabrielle_carteris_live: I loved all the guys, but I was married
lindsay_price_live: I've never had a crush either, although they are all crush-worthy!

photoggirl asks: Will you consider doing a "Beverly Hills, 90210" reunion in the future?
gabrielle_carteris_live: It depends when and how...when we're 60 or 70?!
lindsay_price_live: I would never rule anything out!

sinile73 asks: How did you like your character, Andrea, on the show? Is she similar to you, to Gabrielle, or were you completely different ? - Sini from France
gabrielle_carteris_live: First of all, Andrea was one of my favorite characters
gabrielle_carteris_live: I think not just for myself, but for everybody, the characters reflected a little bit of everyone.
gabrielle_carteris_live: The writers started bringing our true life experiences in
gabrielle_carteris_live: I used to sign for the deaf, and they brought that in.
gabrielle_carteris_live: when I got pregnant, my character idd
gabrielle_carteris_live: Yes, there were a lot of instances when they used our real life situations and incorporated it into the characters
lindsay_price_live: I think so. I won't see them, of course, as often, but out of my out curiousity and compassion for these people, I know I'll do my part to keep in touch.

gary2381 asks: How did you guys feel about Shannon not coming back for the final show ? I know as a fan I was disappointed.
lindsay_price_live: I didn't really have a feeling about it because I didn't know her personally, but I know the fans would have liked her to come back.
lindsay_price_live: I know she's really busy with her own show now, and the scheduling must have been difficult.

prncss91581 asks: what was it like working with one of the greatest television producers?
lindsay_price_live: Aaron Spelling is a genius, he finds a formula that works and sticks to it.
lindsay_price_live: And 90210 is a very successful show and I'm glad to have worked on it.
lindsay_price_live: Gabrielle has to go, she might be able to rejoin us towards the end of the chat, but she says thanks and goodbye for now!

daveandt asks: Did the cast as a whole feel it was time to end the show and move on?
lindsay_price_live: YEs, I think most people felt it was time to move on.
lindsay_price_live: Every character has had every problem imaginable happen to them!
lindsay_price_live: And although everyone had an affinity for their characters, I think they wanted to end on a good high note.

chombita_1 asks: How is the show changed over the years?
lindsay_price_live: It went from just being a show about kids and Beverly Hills to being one about relevant social issues.
lindsay_price_live: And eventually it was the perfect balance between a fantasy world and realistic issues.

boo3280 asks: Do you have any regrets?
lindsay_price_live: No regrets.

trendzychicka asks: I heard from some TV commercials and Radio stations that there is going to be a 90210 the new class. Is that true?
lindsay_price_live: I have no idea. If it's true I haven't heard anything about it.

boo3280 asks: Just want to thank you and the rest of the cast for 10 years of great enteratinment. Thank you.
lindsay_price_live: No - thank you!

MrJackMcKay asks: 90210 cast what do you think seperated 90210 from other primetime dramas aimed at teens?
lindsay_price_live: 90210 was the pioneer of those prime time dramas.
lindsay_price_live: I think that every character had very specific personalities.
lindsay_price_live: That made it very interesting to watch.
lindsay_price_live: And I think a lot of the new shows on today have kind of followed in the footsteps of Aaron Spelling's plan for the show.

dvlax86 asks: who was the biggest flirt on the cast?
lindsay_price_live: Luke.
lindsay_price_live: At least he was the biggest flirt with me, that's all I can say!

pneutin asks: What will the cast miss most about filming 90210? - Liron, from Israel.
lindsay_price_live: The cast will miss seeing each other every day, it really was like being a family, or being in summer camp for ten years!
lindsay_price_live: And that time is over, and it's a weird, empty feeling.

Brenda_N asks: Why was there no mention whatsoever of Brenda Walsh or Shannen Doherty on the "Filming of the Final Episode" Special which aired last week?
lindsay_price_live: I have no idea - that was before my time! I think maybe there was so much for them to cover that they just paid attention to the people who had been on the show recently.
lindsay_price_live: How can you cover ten years? But it is kind of strange, and I don't really know.

pneutin asks: What were some special memories the cast will treasure forever? - Liron, from Israel.
lindsay_price_live: I think the very last shot of the very last episode, when they called "cut", there were 100's of extras on the set.
lindsay_price_live: And they started to applaud and the whole cast just gave each other a hug.
lindsay_price_live: And it was a surreal moment where everyone realized how important they were to the fans, and how many lives they had touched. It was unforgettable.

facineast asks: Will there be a spin off from the show?
lindsay_price_live: I don't know of any.

danzigsded asks: Lindsay, I am a HUGE fan. I loved you on 90210 and your previous shows. Would you like to work with any cast members again? - Reid from Africa
lindsay_price_live: Thank you for being a fan!
lindsay_price_live: I would love to work with any of the cast members again, just to have the opportunity of being on the same set and reminisce about the past. I hope it happens, with any of them!

kgypsy6 asks: Would you do it all over again?
lindsay_price_live: Yes! Over and over!

Jodiodios asks: Is it true about the warm water before a on-screen kiss? Did you guys really do that?
lindsay_price_live: I never did that. I can't even see how that would make a kiss better. The only thing I did was pop a breath mint before an on screen kiss.
lindsay_price_live: I'm sure that made things a lot easier for an on screener!

seesmee asks: What was your most memorable scene?
lindsay_price_live: I think the most memorable scene was Steve and Janet's wedding.
lindsay_price_live: Because it was so beautiful. We filmed it in Huntington Garden, this beautiful rose garden.
lindsay_price_live: And it just seemed like a fairy tale.
lindsay_price_live: I just know I won't forget that.

Jade9611 asks: Will you be watching tonights broadcast along with millions of fans?
lindsay_price_live: Absolutely! My friend is throwing a party for me and everyone is coming dressed as their favorite character.
lindsay_price_live: Of course, I can't be me!

francestyen asks: Are there any questions you want to ask us?
lindsay_price_live: Do you think that Janet really fit into the cast, or did I always seem out of place, because I think I always seemed a little out of place.

all_eyes_on_she asks: u r the greatest show ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
lindsay_price_live: That's very sweet! It was a pretty good show! I look forward to watching the re-runs.
fox_chat_host: Thank you so much for being here to chat with us!
lindsay_price_live: Thanks for all your questions, and all your loyal support.
fox_chat_host: In answer to your question about fitting in with the cast....

firefly8079 asks: U fit in nicely and made us love you deeply

brittney_92677 asks: I LOVE Janet!! She was so real! And she really helped Steve mature.

sam0414 asks: u fit in perfectly!

elizabeth_twirl00 asks: No you was nver out of place i thought you was one of the funniest and best characters on there

manolis_varnassinger asks: i think that janet fit in the cast very beautifull she has a different air

bjbraack asks: I think you fit in perfect, Gave Steve a good Balance !

kgypsy6 asks: You grew into it- it was something that had been there long before you, but yoiu fit quite nicely

Rainbow_f_2 asks: You fit in great! A great addition to the cast!!!!!!!!

dahlie12 asks: you really fit in!!!!!!!!!

allegori asks: you're all the best! congrats and good luck in the future
fox_chat_host: Guess what!'
fox_chat_host: Gabrielle's back!
fox_chat_host: Fantastic...

greeneyeliz asks: First I have to tell you that out of all the cast members, you have inspired me the most. Your character was not afraid to be smart and show it and that helped me a lot growng up. (I was 15 when you went on the air). I wanted the chance to say thanks for being a role model!!
gabrielle_carteris_live: Thank you very much, that means a lot to me. Thank you for being there.

januarybaby_26 asks: Gabrielle, it must have been hard to leave the show in 94...do you ever regret doing so?
gabrielle_carteris_live: No, it was definitely the right thing to do.
gabrielle_carteris_live: It was hard to say good bye.
gabrielle_carteris_live: Hard to leave the money! LOL!
gabrielle_carteris_live: But I went off to do my own show. It was great being there, and it was the right time for me to leave.

gogobuey asks: What is your most memorable moment thinking back at your 90210 memories
gabrielle_carteris_live: There are so many memorable moments.
gabrielle_carteris_live: From my goodbye, to the first time I said hello on the show, to the graduation to playing a pregnant woman when I was really pregnant.
gabrielle_carteris_live: Just a plethora, so many, many moments.

lawchick70 asks: Did you miss 90210 when you left? We missed you! I always thought Andrea and Brandon would get together.
gabrielle_carteris_live: I did too!
gabrielle_carteris_live: But I think Brandon never knew what a good thing he had in Andrea.
gabrielle_carteris_live: And it was very hard to say goodbye. A really difficult, painful choice, and yet, it was the right choice.
gabrielle_carteris_live: But it is sometimes hard to let go of the things that make us comfortable and feel safe.

bh90210lover19 asks: After you left 90210 did you tune in to see it on TV ?
gabrielle_carteris_live: Once in awhile, but not a lot. I find the more I work, the less I watch TV.
gabrielle_carteris_live: Because I'm a full time mom, and acting, very little time to sleep!

JulesAgain asks: How is your daughter? How old is she now? Chelsea, right?
gabrielle_carteris_live: I just had a new baby, a little girl named Molly, she's 15 months, and Kelsey, my other daughter is six years old.
gabrielle_carteris_live: They are both beautiful girls, definitely my heart and soul.

hard_hat_man_99 asks: are you like your character in real life??
gabrielle_carteris_live: It's been a long time!
gabrielle_carteris_live: I think there are elements like me and those that are not.
gabrielle_carteris_live: But in essence we all are like our characters, and that is how the writers were able to write about us, by bringing in the true parts of who we were.

murda_mo187 asks: I have also studied sign, do you keep up with it?
gabrielle_carteris_live: I don't.
gabrielle_carteris_live: I have a friend who is deaf, Marly Matlin, but she is a very good lip reader, so I fall prey to speaking more than signing.

gary2381 asks: What was the reaction to some of the original cast members not returning for the final show ?
gabrielle_carteris_live: I had different feelings for different cast members, but I think my biggest regret and sadness was that Jason and the parents didn't come back.
gabrielle_carteris_live: Because I think the parents were there to start us, they were the reason the Walsh family moved to California.
gabrielle_carteris_live: And it would have been nice to see them in the end.
gabrielle_carteris_live: And obviously to have Jason there would have been great.

jchelmo asks: Who have you always looked up to as an actress?
gabrielle_carteris_live: There are so many wonderful, wonderful actors and actresses I admire.
gabrielle_carteris_live: Katherine Hepburn, Spencer Tracy, just so many for different reasons.
gabrielle_carteris_live: Jimmy Stewart, I LOVE Jimmie Stewart. I think Meryl Streep does beautiful work. Sally Fields.
gabrielle_carteris_live: I worked with Patty Duke and loved her.
gabrielle_carteris_live: There are so many wonderful actors out there that we recognize and so many we haven't recognized that I also really love.

jennieg_fanatic asks: Hello Gabrielle, You've been to Israel in 1992 when the show began, Did you realize how successful you were when you saw all the fans in the other side of the world? - Liron, from Israel
gabrielle_carteris_live: No!
gabrielle_carteris_live: It scared me!
gabrielle_carteris_live: It was very exciting.

Elvira_Tha_Chronic_Seductress asks: Gabrielle - I always thought yours was the most real character, what was it like for you play Andrea?
gabrielle_carteris_live: I loved playing Andrea, I felt she was the kind of person I would want as a friend.
gabrielle_carteris_live: And I thought she was the truest - I think all of us have a little Andrea in us.
gabrielle_carteris_live: And I loved her, I think she had a lot of integrity.
gabrielle_carteris_live: She was bright, Jewish and fun! It was great to play a positive Jewish character. And a positive female.

teacherryan asks: gabrielle, Were you proud of the inter-racial dating story line between you and Jordon?
gabrielle_carteris_live: Yes, I think they actually should have followed through with it more.
gabrielle_carteris_live: I think Michael was the man who played Jordan and he was great to work with.
gabrielle_carteris_live: I think they were a little afraid of it. But I think it was great, it dealt with real issues.

baby0400 asks: What are your plans for the future?
gabrielle_carteris_live: Now that I finished having my babies - no mas! - I'd like to go back to a TV series, I love doing television.
gabrielle_carteris_live: That's what I'd like to do! I love to act!
fox_chat_host: Gabrielle, thank you for coming back to answer a few more questions!
fox_chat_host: This has been a real treat for all of us!
gabrielle_carteris_live: Goodbye everybody, thank you for watching 90210 and for being so kind and caring.
gabrielle_carteris_live: You definitely made an impact on my life, and I look forward to seeing you again!
fox_chat_host: Thanks, everyone for joining us...
fox_chat_host: Good night, Gabrielle!
fox_chat_host: Don't forget about the fan forum tonight...
fox_chat_host: 7pm PT/ 10pm ET on fox.com...
fox_chat_host: I'll be hosting from the Series Finale Viewing Party
fox_chat_host: I hope to see you all there!
fox_chat_host: For the transcript of tonight's chat with Lindsay Price and Gabrielle Carteris,
fox_chat_host: log onto fox.com tomorrow!
fox_chat_host: See you tonight!
fox_chat_host: Farewell, 90210!