
OnlineHost:   Copyright 1996 Oldsmobile; licensed to America Online, Inc. OnlineHost:  Your emcee for this event is SaritaDCE
(AOLiveMC8) OnlineHost:  Defying stereotypical racial and regional rap rules, Brian Austin Green brings mad hype skill and multi-faceted flavor to the '95-'96 hip-hop table.   
Serving it straight-up street on the hard, jazzy, melodic funk tip, ONE STOP CARNIVAL, his dynamic debut Yab Yum Records album, features the phat iced single "You Send Me......"  A prime rhyme example of Green's ability to transcend rap's traditional ethnic boundaries, its substance is genuine, its impact immediate.    Welcome!

AOLiveMC8: Welcome, Brian!
GreenBA: Hello, thank you.
AOLiveMC8: Let's get started with our questions.
AOLiveMC8:  Our first one comes from Midorilce.

Question: When you were in Miami, I interviewed you twice.  You said you were only going to be singing love songs and that you disliked rap.  Why the change and when?  You were here approximately 1994-95 - Home Show and Car Show.  Thanks and Hi, there!  Barbra C.
GreenBA: I've never really sang love songs before.  I've only really been into rap.  One of my oldest partners in a group used to sing, and I would rap.

AOLiveMC8: The next one is from ShellNJ.

Question: Will you be doing any more musical performances in upcoming episodes of "90210"?
GreenBA: I'm not really sure.  I don't think so.  I'm trying to keep the music and the character on the show separate.

AOLiveMC8:  The next one is from Rebecca4.

Question: What other musical artists do you admire...any one in particular that was an inspiration?
GreenBA:  In hip-hop, it would have to be the originals.  Slick Rick, Tribe called Quest, KRS1...

AOLiveMC8: The next question is from NYUStud.

Question:  I love your's your music career coming?
GreenBA:  So far, so good...Just trying to let everybody know that the album is in stores now, as of the 25th.  Just trying to promote as much as I can.   And thank you for liking my work so far.

AOLiveMC8: Jen 90210 is asking.

Question:  After "90210" ends are you going to focus more on your music or acting?  Would you ever do a TV series again?
GreenBA: Right now my main focus is finishing the show and getting the album out there to everybody...But I want to concentrate on everything.  I want to do films if I can.  And I think I'm gonna have to take a break from television for a little while.

AOLiveMC8: LOVLYW+DEEd wants to know.

Question:  Brian, is your CD out in the stores yet?
GreenBA:  Yes, it is.  It's on cassette and CD in your nearest record store.  It's called Brian Green, One Stop Carnival.  Buy it, buy it, buy it.

AOLiveMC8:  The next one is from Jen 90210.

Question: Are you working on anything during the summer break from "90210"?
GreenBA: I just finished a Movie of the Week for NBC.  It will be on in November...Otherwise I'm just doing promotions for the album.  We go back to the show July 9th.

AOLiveMC8: Mrlissett wants to know.

Question: So how would you categorize your music?
GreenBA:  Hip-hop rap.

AOLiveMC8:  LMess8582 is wondering.

Question: Hi, Brian.  I'm a white girl who loves rap and hip-hop but I've gotten into many fights because of my race.   Has this happened to you?
GreenBA:  Verbal fights, but no physical ones.  I try and avoid those when I can.

AOLiveMC8:  PJKINVEST is asking.

Question: What other projects are you working on besides "90210"?
GreenBA: A Movie of the Week that I just finished, and the album.   The second album, actually.

AOLiveMC8:  Huggieb61 is asking.

Question: Brian, what do you feel is the most important thing to you about your music?  What makes you want to be a musician?
GreenBA:  It's my complete individuality in making it.  It's my heart and soul going down on wax...nobody else's ideas.

AOLiveMC8: Quiet plea wants to know.

Question:  I think your voice is awesome first of all, and I was wondering if you had any movies coming out, and if so, when?
GreenBA:  Thank you for the voice compliment.  And I have a Movie of the Week coming out in November on NBC.

AOLiveMC8: CA2PILLAR is asking.

Question:  What do you hope to happen to your character on "90210"?
GreenBA: Hopefully he won't die before the show is over.

AOLiveMC8: ALI4nyc is asking.

Question:  What do you do when you aren't on the set of "90210"?
GreenBA:  I work in the studio.  I play with my dogs, and I sleep.  My life right now is really focused on my I try not to do anything to distract, as in dating or going out to clubs.

AOLiveMC8: Midorilce wants to know.

Question: Where will you be taking your promotional tour?
GreenBA: On this trip, I'll be in New York, Toronto, Tampa, Miami, and Minneapolis.  That's just what I know of right now.

AOLiveMC8:  The next question comes from Jenn 90210.

Question:  What music do you like to listen to?  Who influences you?
GreenBA:  I listen to everything...except for Country.  But what influences me is really anything original.

AOLiveMC8:  Huggieb61 wants to know.

Question:  Brian, I haven't heard a lot of your music except on "90210".  When will you be getting radio airplay, and will you do videos?
GreenBA:  First thing, the music on the show was mainly just for the wasn't my stuff except for the one episode where I performed on stage for the Peach Pit.  The video was done and already showing on most video channels.   The song, the single, hopefully will be playing sometime soon on the radio.   We're trying to work on underground promotion first.

AOLiveMC8:  The next question comes from Ohgayman2.

Question: "90210" has been a very successful show, and a lot of the cast (yourself included) have become big stars.   Unlike some others, you seem to have remained fairly "down to Earth" regarding your stardom.  How have you remained so real?

GreenBA: By knowing that I could be out of work tomorrow and be like one of the Brady Kids in syndication.

AOLiveMC8: GYMNEST1 is asking.

Question: Are you close to the people on the set of "90210"?
GreenBA: Very close...After 6 years, it's really become a family.  I see the people on the set more than I see my actual family,  so they're the ones I tend to go to with any problems.

AOLiveMC8: Violet is asking.

Question:  What is your view on alternative music?
GreenBA: I like some of it.  It seems to me like the actual alternative music fans would start becoming a little upset over the fact that it's become so commercial, but I like a lot of it.  I think there's a lot of talented groups.

AOLiveMC8:  Jeanpaul 1 wants to know.

Question: What do you want to obtain career-wise?  As in goals?
GreenBA: To continue to entertain people...that's the ultimate goal.

AOLiveMC8: Rollpurpl is asking.

Question: Have you met interesting people in the music business along the way of recording your CD?
GreenBA: I've met a lot of interesting people...a lot of very talented people.  So far I've been surrounded by a lot of talented, down-to-Earth, well-balanced artists.  I think that's real positive and helpful as far as what I do with my music.

AOLiveMC8:  The next question comes from AGGESQ.

Question: What song do you like best on your new album?
GreenBA: Probably, actually there's two..."Do What You Wanna Do" because that's the closest to myself as far as what I've dealt with in this industry and the people around me.  And "Ecstasy" is the other song.

AOLiveMC8:  Chipbrave is asking.

Question:  Do you think your singing career will interfere with your acting from travelling so much?
GreenBA:  I think as long as I stay focused, neither one will interfere with the other.  It's all about constantly keeping that passion for what you do.

AOLiveMC8:  RyanJMCNK is asking.

Question: We missed you in Boston today.   Are you doing any more record signings?
GreenBA:  Yeah, just not in your town.   I'm sorry I missed you guys.  Maybe next time.

AOLiveMC8:  The next question is from Bongo9391.

Question:  What kind of films would you like to work in, Brian?
GreenBA:  I'd like to work in any kind of film that's challenging.   I'm getting kind of tired of playing the character I play now on the show so it's fun for me to play anybody who's real different.

AOLiveMC8: KLCURT asks.

Question: How has growing up on the set of "90210" affected your life, particularly your social life?
GreenBA: It's just made me more leery of letting anybody into my personal life.

AOLiveMC8:  Oval 1957 is asking.

Question: Big fan...Do you sign autographs through the mail, and where can I write to you at to get on?
GreenBA: It depends.  If you want a picture from the show, you could just write to Fox Television, c/o Brian Green, or you could write to Sony Epic Records and I could sign a picture through them and get it to you.  But I definitely sign autographs.

AOLiveMC8: GhiaBA is asking.

Question: You said you would like to do films.  What type of role would interest you?
GreenBA: Anything different from what I've been doing now, otherwise, it's hard to say.  You just spend a lot of time waiting for the right script to come.   It's a tedious process, looking for something good.

AOLiveMC8: Neena1407 is asking.

Question: Do you find it hard to juggle a music career and do "90210" at the same time?  Do you find yourself sacrificing one over the other?
GreenBA:  Not so far.  When we work on the show, I tend to have a lot of days off because our show films like a movie.   If I only have a few scenes in one episode, I may only work 2 out of 7 days.   So I can use all my time off to work on music.  Therefore, there's no sacrifice.

AOLiveMC8:  PJKINVEST wants to know.

Question: What talk show appearances are you going to be making?
GreenBA:  The only one I have in the future is tomorrow morning.   I'm doing "Regis and Kathie Lee".  It's on ABC. ´

AOLiveMC8:  Dolphin66 and many others are asking.

Question: What happened to with you and Tiffani-Amber Thiessen?  Do you have a current girlfriend?
GreenBA:  Wouldn't you like to know!   I'm just kidding.   I don't have a girlfriend right now and as far as the relationship, it just wasn't really working out at the time.  Maybe it was the wrong time, wrong place, who knows.   It wasn't working.  We're still good friends, though.

AOLiveMC8:  DOPEYJR1 is asking.

Question: Is there anything else you would like to pursue besides music and acting?
GreenBA: Underwater basket-weaving.   No.

AOLiveMC8: FIRSTCHAI is asking.

Question: Brian, you are very talented.   When did you first become interested in a musical career?
GreenBA: Long story.  I grew up in music.  My father is a professional while I was growing up, he was touring and I was playing instruments all the way through school.  I went to all music academies, schools for the acting actually sidetracked what I always liked to do.

AOLiveMC8:  LoveAbul wants to know.

Question: If you were not successful in music or acting, what would your career be?
GreenBA:  I would be a translator of America Online.  I'd be speed-typing 5000 words a minute.  I want to be able to type out a novel in 5.   "Gone With The WInd" in 7 minutes.

AOLiveMC8:  The next question comes from MLightf67.

Question: So will your album be rock, pop, rap, hip-hop....?
GreenBA:  Latin with a country flavor.   As bubble gum as possible.  Just kidding.  Rap.

AOLiveMC8:  NRico6824 wants to know.

Question: Are you working on any new songs?
GreenBA: Yep.

AOLiveMC8:  The next question comes from NYmarya.

Question: Brian, how long did it take you to complete the music and put together your first CD?
GreenBA:  A year and a half.  And the job still isn't finished 'cause now I have to promote.  It's a never-ending battle.

AOLiveMC8: FMS 1996 is wondering.

Question:  I noticed on your album you mentioned Jon B.  Are you going to do a song with him in the future?   That would be nice.
GreenBA: I've already done a couple for his next album and hopefully, he'll be doing some work on my album.  He's not only a talented singer, but he's a very talented producer.

AOLiveMC8: Aznguy wants to know.

Question: Brian, what college did you attend or presently going to?
GreenBA: I didn't have time to go to college.  Plus I couldn't spell good enough to get in.  You gotta be more smarter than I am.  I didn't do gooded enough in school.

AOLiveMC8:  LW576 wants to know.

Question: What is hip-hop rap?
GreenBA:  That's kind of an impossible question to answer.   It's just something you need to hear.  So buy 20 albums and give 'em to your friends.  They make great stocking stuffers.  Christmas is just around the corner.  Did I forget to mention I have a whole line of merchandise?   Just kidding.

AOLiveMC8: The next question comes fro WordTrave.

Question:  You seem like a daring guy.   Is there one roller coaster or thrill ride that sends you over the top?
GreenBA: The teacups at Disneyland sent my previous meal way over the top.

AOLiveMC8:  Nutterbut is asking.

Question:  Brian, are you at home on your computer or at a studio?  Just curious.
GreenBA: I'm in my hotel room on a hotel phone...sitting in a hotel chair right next to my hotel guest..running up my hotel phone bill.

AOLiveMC8: Again Nutterbut wants to know.
Question:  Who inspires you in the music biz?  Who do you listen to?
GreenBA: Tribe Called Quest, The Pharcyde, KRS1, Slick Rick...and that's it within hip-hop...that's a small taste.  It's kind of an endless list.
AOLiveMC8:  Many fans have asked, including Rollpurpl, the following.

Question: How old are you?
GreenBA: 22, I'll be 23 in July.

AOLiveMC8: MESK2 is asking.

Question:  What is your best advice to young people today?
GreenBA: Be true to themselves and use their own judgment in situations.   Don't go by what your friends say because 9 times out of 10 they're wrong. 

AOLiveMC8:  Lovelydeed wants to know.

Question: Brian, I would like to know if you would ever come to New York City to sign your CD for the public?
GreenBA:  I sure would.  As a matter of fact, I'm here right now.  ta-da!...No tricks up my sleeve.

AOLiveMC8: The next question comes from CCIntern.

Question:  Hey, Brian, I wish you success with the album.  Who is your favorite celebrity to work with?
GreenBA:  First off, thank you for the vote of confidence and support.  So far, my favorite person to work with musically has been SlimKid3 from the Pharcyde, and Kamau from the Westside.  Acting, has been the cast and crew from the show.

AOLiveMC8:  Kristyl71 is asking.

Question: What do you base your music on?   Life experiences?  Fantasies?  What?
GreenBA: A little of everything.  Some are just humorous outtakes on life and some are real views.

AOLiveMC8: LMess8582 wants to know.

Question: What kind of message are you sending through your rap?
GreenBA: Positivity, first and foremost and second, enjoyment.  If I can portray how much joy I get out of my music to somebody else, then I think I could create a lot of happy people out there.

AOLiveMC8:  Our time is up.   We have time for one final question.
AOLiveMC8: The final question comes from MMDMS.

Question: I understand that you have golden retrievers.  I train them.  Are yours pets or do you utilize their outdoor skills?
GreenBA: Well, the only outdoor skill I've seen from my Golden Retrievers is retrieving dead animals, and bringing them in and setting them down by my bed.  So I definitely try not to utilize those.  My other dog is a Rottweiler, so he represents the brains of the two.  But I love both of my dogs like they're my children.

AOLiveMC8:  Thank you, Brian, for joining us tonight.
AOLiveMC8: Thank you, audience, for your great questions.
GreenBA: Thank you for everyone who has supported me in my careers from the start.  I hope you continue to look out for what I do and I hope I can continue to entertain everybody.  And as soon as I get a computer, I'll talk to you more often.  But in the meantime, party on!!
AOLiveMC8: Good night!

OnlineHost: Thanks for joining us in the Oldsmobile Celebrity Circle this evening.  Remember, Oldsmobile brings an exciting guest online every Monday through Friday, and transcripts from the events can be downloaded using keywords: "Oldsmobile" or "AOL Live" within hours after the event has ended.

OnlineHost:  Copyright 1996 Oldsmobile; licensed to America Online, Inc.