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In Our Dreams: A Clover/Spike Story-An Interlude

Spoilers: none. This story has nothing to do, with the other Clover stories. Its just a treat for all you Spike and Clover fans out there.\

Copyright: I, "Nichole" or Oak14177 own all the people from the Clover stories and all Clover stories.

Disclaimer: I don't own Spike, or the Slayer mythology, Joss does.

Summary: A Clover pov, followed by a Spike pov. It takes place on a night were they can't get each other out of their minds.

Clover Pov:

I lay still, looking up at the ceiling. I try not to think about him. He is my enemy, not just by law, but by right. I should hate him, but I can't.

He has saved my life dozens of times. I don't know why but he always does. I try to think of his true face, and how he always kills people. But all I can think of is his beautiful face, and body.

I wish he would come to me, through the window like he always does. I want him to come to me. I want him to turn me. But that can never happen, he is my enemy, he is a vampire.

The wind in the room picks up, he is in the room now. Standing in front of the window, his long duster blowing in the wind. He watches me. He slowly walks over to the bed, and sits on it. He lends down, and kisses my forehead. He talks in his smooth British voice.

"Hello pet," he lays down next to me. I close my eyes. He wraps his arms around me, and holds me tight against him. "I'll only stay awhile." He tells me in my ear.

He doesn't just stay awhile, he stays there holding me all night long, till minutes before dawn.

I wake up, and look around the motel room, I'm staying in that week. He isn't here. It was just a dream. Spike was never here. Or was he? It doesn't matter, what matters is Spike is gone, and I, Clover Alexandra Chase, the Slayer am alone again.

I get up to start another day, a day were all I do is think about Spike. Somehow, I know Spike is thinking about me.

But that doesn't matter, because we can only be together, in the night, in our dreams.

Spike Pov:

I walk the dark streets of this city, I'm in this week. I try not to think about her, that bloody bitch I've fallen for. I try but I can't stop thinking about her. The way she moves when she fights. Stop!! She is my enemy not just by law but by her density.

I come to the front of a motel I know she is in. All the lights are off, all the windows are closed. All but hers. An invition? I open it and jump in.

She is laying there, I know she knows I'm in the room. I stand there watching her. I can feel her watching me. I walk over to the bed and sit on it. I lean down and kiss her forehead.

I talk to her, as I lay down next to her. She closes her eyes, I put my arms around her. I hold her tight, so she doesn't disappear.

I tell her I'll only stay awhile. I stay holding her there all night long, till minutes before dawn. She fell asleep. I kiss her lips softly and jump out the window.

I walk to were I'm staying that week, curing myself. I should have killed her right there. I should have tasted her blood. I bet it taste sweet, but also hard like her.

I walk into the place I'm calling 'home' right now. I lay down on the bed, I fall asleep.

I wake up, its almost noon. Maybe it was all a dream. I never went to that motel and stayed there all night. It doesn't matter, what matters is Clover isn't here, and I,Spike am alone again.

I lay there in bed for a while, not wanted to start a new day. A day were all I do is think about the Slayer. Somehow I know Clover is thinking about me.

But that doesn't matter, because we can only be together at night, in our dreams.

The End

Oak's Diary