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The Girl Is Back In Town

Spoilers: "Prophecy Girl" and "When She Was Bad." All other Clover stories

Disclaimer: The usual, I don't own the people from Buffy or Angel or the Slayer mythology. They belong to Joss.

Copyright: I Oak14177 or "Nichole" own all the Clover people, and stories.

Note: This story takes place in late September, even though its being typed in November

Summary: Clover returns to SunnyDale, a different woman, and with a new ally. The gang must deal with her return and her being different. Clover must deal with being home and what happened to her. Dustin loses both of his jobs.

In this story the Slayer is back in town for better or for worse.


In every generation there is a Chosen One. She alone will stand against the vampires, the darkness, and the forces of evil. She is the Slayer.

Clover saw the Burning Cross above her stomach. She watched as Chris or Kelmarc as he was called by the demons, plunged the knife in her stomach, she felt blood rise up in her throat. Tears fell freely from her eyes. The Slayer let out a scream,that made a blood come out of her mouth, and echoes throw Hell.

Chris laughed with wickedly delight. "Now we mate."


The Slayer's eyes flew open and she quickly grabbed the Burning Cross from the nightstand, and looked around the motel room. Nothing, there never was.

Suddenly she felt that same old feeling crept up in her throat. She tore the covers off her and made her way to the bathroom. Her feet made no noise of the carpet floor.

The Chosen One bent over the toilet and throw up, not once, not twice, not three times, but four. She flushed it, and flopped her body to the sink. She turned it on, and washed her mouth out.

She went back to the bed, and lay down. Her neighbors were having fun, she banged on the wall. Clover put the knife by her pillow. She forced herself to sleep. Tomorrow she would be back in SunnyDale, and the place were she had been taken to Hell.


["The Kids Aren't All right" by Limp Bisket places. Sences of a full moon, an above view of a graveyard, and a gravestone with the name Summers on it. Scenes of Clover fighting a young guy named Will, followed by Scenes of Patrick biting into Cordelia, Xander and Cordelia eating, Dustin and Alicia kissing. Followed by scenes of Rai, Gavin, Nick, Coal, and Clover all sitting at a table in the Bronze, talking. Then of Dustin reading an ancient looking book.

Shot of Clover sitting on the oak table in the "Batcave", then of her walking throw the Bronze, then of her with black hair talking to someone outside.

Shots of Rai smiling up from her computer screen, then of her sitting in a car, then of her walking with juice boxes.

Shots of Gavin on his skateboard, then of him fighting a demon, then of him playing his drums.

Shots of Dustin on the floor breathless, then of him eating a banana, then of him looking up from a Watcher Diary.

Shots of Will coming out from some brushes, watching t.v., and of him sitting in a chair smoking a cigarette.

Scene of Rai kissing a strange guy named Dale in front of a door, Rai, Gav, Dale, and Will running throw a hall. Dustin training Clover, a guy walking down some stairs, Spike dusting a vampire, Spike biting Clover on the neck, Rai hitting a vampire with a stool. Gavin standing on a stage holding a script, Clover and Will walking throw a graveyard. Clover kneeing over a dead body, Gav and Spike bounding over a cigarette. A girl with dark long black hair Slayer a vampire, Whistler, Alicia Price, Doyle, and Clover all standing around talking. Dustin putting a sword throw a demon, Drusilla holding Clover by the neck. Clover in an old looking dress fighting a demon Gavin and Clover kissing.

And finally a shot of Clover, Gavin, Will, Rai, and Dale walking in a straight line down the street. And Clover getting up from the floor, with hair in her face, like she is doing a pushup and turning her head to the right.]


That same morning in SunnyDale, the gang along with Cordelia and Xander sat in the "Batcave" to talk about the return of Clover. Xander and Cordy had some idea of what to expect, they had gone through it with Buffy, after the Master had killed her, and later been killed by her.

"She'll be different," Xander stated thinking about Buffy and the way she had acted when all she needed to do was cry.

"Yes," Cordelia added for Xander, whose eyes were filling with tears. "Clover may play mind games with all of us, and not tell us how she really feels."

Dustin looked up from one of his books. "Perhaps, but I think, no I know Clover will be okay."

"Yeah," Gavin agreed putting his feet on the old oak table. "We should let her know we're all here for her."

Rai looked up from the computer screen. "Uh, guys, I just got an e-mail from Clover."

Everyone ran over to the computer. Gavin crawled over however, because he feel from the chair when he heard Clover's name. When they got there they found the very business like E-mail.

I'll be home tomorrow night. I'll be coming by bus at ten-ten.

Dustin let out a sigh. "Well, at least we know she is coming home."

"Not one for conversation is she?" Gavin asked no one in particular as he stood up.

Cordy turned to Xander and whispered so only he could hear her. "I'm afraid she'll end up like Faith."

Xander put his arm around her shoulder. They all continued to look at the screen.

****************************************************************************** *********

There was a knock at the motel door. Clover walked over to it, and answered, as put the Burning Cross in her leather jacket's sleeve. She knew full well who it was.

There leaning in the doorway, cigarette in hand, was a tall guy, with a look of awareness in his rich brown eyes, and a shaggy look to his black upkeep hair. He was wearing dark jean pants, a black shirt, tennis shoes, and a black cotton jacket with a hood. A real Boston man at heart.

"Ready to go, jitterbug?" He asked as he stood up right in the doorway.

The Slayer gave the guy an anointed glare. "Of course, you're the one that's late, again Will."

Will shrugged. "Sorry Jitter. Listen tonight is your last free night before you go home to SunnyHell. It's going to be great." He finished with a Tony the Tigger impersonation.

Clover let out a small laugh. She could never stay mad at Will for long. "How great are we talking?"

Will rased his eyebrows at her. "Ever been one of two people in a closed theme park?" Clover shook her head as she walked out the door, and closed it behind her. "But first we hunt." He grabbed her arm and lead her to his van.


A dozen or so vampires milled around a large van. Each looked around nervously, as one of them broke back the door. This van had a whole three weeks worth of blood supply in it, and their master would be very mad at them if they didn't bring it back with them.

When the vampire got it open there was a surprise waiting for them. Will and Clover stood side by side.

"Okay kids, we can do this the fun way for us, or well there's just the fun way for us." Will told them as he and Clover jumped out the van and started to stake vampires.

Clover got three in the first minutes, and Will got two. The Slayer looked over at him, they were doing great. They would been done in less then four minutes. They were done in two. As the last vampire exploded into dust, Will ran over to Clover.

"We did great, Jitter."

"Yeah," Clover agreed with a shrug. "We make a great team. Now how about that amusement park?"

Will gave her a half grin. "Sure thing Jitter."


That same night in SunnyDale, Dustin, Rai, and Gavin got things ready for Clover's surprise welcome home party. Xander had been called out of town, and Xander was in a meeting.

Rai stood on a chair to hang up a banner that read in big blue bold letters "WELCOME HOME CLOVER!!!!!!!!!". Dustin was trying to make balloon animals, and Gavin blew the balloons up.

Gavin put a bright green one down. "Okay, I'm all out of air. How many have I done?"

"Three." Dustin sighed.

"And it took you half an hour to do those. Guess you don't have much air, wait till I tell Clover." Rai added annoyed at her cousin.

"Yeah, well buy a helium tank." Gavin shot back defensively.

Dustin tighten his grip on the balloon bear he had just made, causing it to pop, and Rai and Gavin to jump. He looked at them both angrily. "Stop it you two! Just stop it!"

"Okay Rogers the California air has finally gotten to your English brain." Gavin joked trying to keep things light.

Dustin just glared at the teen. "Yes, well, I least I have a brain."

Gavin was to say the least shoked, by Dustin's words. He had never talked like that to him, or Rai before.But then again he had just lost both his jobs and half demon girlfriend.

"Point to the D-man." Gavin murmured under his breath. It was going to be a long night.

*********************************************************************************** ****

"Are you sure you don't want to come? You could meet the fam." Clover asked Will in front of her airplane the next morning.

Will shook his head lightly. "Love to Jitter, but me and fams don't get along. Something about me being a nineteen year old with no job or schooling." He put his hand on her shoulder."Now you have to get on that plane."

The Slayer grabbed the Hunter and hugged him tight. Will held her tighter against him. He wished they could stay that way forever, but they couldn't. He pulled himself away and looked at her arms length.

"Go, on." He jested to the plane. "Who knows,I may just show up on your doorstep one day."

Clover smiled. "You better."

She grabbed her stuff off the ground and headed to the plane. Half way up the stairs, she turned and gave a small wave to Will. He waved back, and choked back some tears. Clover turned and walked the rest of the way up the stairs.

She took her window seat and looked out at him, still standing there. The plane took off. Will stood there a minute, then turned and slowly walked away.


Cordelia Chase stopped walking down the hallway, and stared into her daughter's bedroom. She walked in and sat on the edge of the king sized bed. Cordelia picked up an old looking rag doll.

It's hair was red curly strain, its dress had teacups all over it, and its head was big and round. Its name was Isabelle, it had been Clover's favorite doll when she was young. But Clover was no longer a little girl, she was the Slayer.

Clover had been born to be the Slayer, and she would die because of it. Cordelia put the rag doll down and stood up. She smoothed out her medium length brown hair, long black skirt, and white blouse.

She walked out of the room, into the hallway, and down the stairs. She grabbed her pose from the sofa. Cordelia walked outside to her little black sportscar, and jumped in. She drove above the speed limit to get to the bus station.

****************************************************************************** *********

Gavin, Rai, and Dustin stood outside the bus station, waiting for Cordelia. Gavin sat down on the steps and looked at his watch, 9:55. Somehow his life seemed to be more about time then anything else lately. Rai put her arm around her other arm. Dustin crossed his arms and looked around.

Cordelia's car pulled into the parking lot. She got out her heels making clicking noises on the cement. She walked up to them. "Is she here yet?" the lawyer eyes darted left then right.

"No." Rai told her.

"No bus is due for another fifteen minutes." Dustin explained.

Cordelia nodded her head. Gavin scratched his arm. Rai looked over at the bus deport. Dustin just stood there.


Clover watched the trees past. Her plane had landed in San Diego five hours ago, and now she was one mile away from SunnyDale. Her body had grown tense as the bus pasted the "Welcome to SunnyDale" sign. The Chosen One wanted more then anything to get off the bus and run away. The truth was she was sacred.

******************************************************************************* ********

Gavin saw the gray hound bus first. He shot up off the stairs. "Hey, that's her!"

Everyone smiled and they all ran over to were the bus had stopped.

Clover saw them from her seat by the window. Her mom, in a great dressy outfit, Dustin in slacks and a tweed jacket, Rai in jeans and a pink short sleeve shirt, and Gavin in baggy jeans and a bowling shirt. She wanted to hate them, it would have been easy, but instead she stilled loved them all.

The Slayer put her now three inch below her shoulders hair in a ponytail, grabbed her bags, took a deep breath and got off the bus.

A pair of dark brown boots touched the payment. They belonged to a fuzzy pair brown pants, and a fuzzy long sleeved blue shirt. Clover was home.

The Slayers eyes darted from Dustin, to Rai, to Gavin, to Cordy. Cordelia ran over to her daughter and grabbed her in a huge bearhug.

"Its good to have you home sweetheart." She whispered in Clover's ear.

Clover pulled away from her mom. "Its good to be home." She replied.

Cordelia stepped back, just as Rai, and Gavin both grabbed her in a big bearhug.

"Good to see you guys to, but I can't breath."

They backed away. "Sorry." Rai and Gav said at the same time.

Clover looked past them at Dustin. "Rogers, at least you'll be reasonable and not...." She was cut short as Dustin flung himself on her and grabbed her in a hug.

When he relished what he was doing he backed away. "Sorry." He said lamely.

"Yeah, so I'm really tried." she turned to Cordy. "I'd like to go home now, school tomorrow, and I need some rest."

Rai's face fell. "But, Clover we had a party planned, and everything. Nick and Coal are going to be there."

Clover smiled at her best friend. "Rai, I'm really tried. Maybe we could have it tomorrow or something. Tell Nick and Coal I'm sorry."

Rai nodded her head up and down. "Yeah, okay."

Dustin looked at Rai and Gavin. "I'll drive you two home."

Gavin shrugged as Rai told him thank you. Gavin couldn't put his finger on it, but Clover was different, colder. He was sure everyone else felt the sameway. She had a right to be, but....

The Girl is Back: Part II

Oak's Diary