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The Girl Is Back

Clover kissed her mom goodnight, and closed the door to her room. She moved some pillows off her bed, it felt strange to be back in her house. This place was were she had been taken.

She looked down at her bed in disgust. "I'm not sleeping on that." as she spoke Clover took the covers of her bed, and put them on the floor.

The Slayer looked up to see Spike standing in front of her window. The wind causing the curtains and his long black duster to blow in the wind.

Clover pulled a stake out of her back pants pocket. The Chosen One quicky got in a fighting stance. "What are you doing here?"

The vampire in front of her shrugged. "What? I thought we were mates." When Spike said 'mate' he noticed that Clover fleahed and grow tense. "What I mean is, I thought we were friends. I thought friends could pop in on friends when they wanted."

Clover relaxed the stake a little, Spike took that as a good sign. She stood there wacthing him closely. Finally after what seemed like hours she spoke.

"Let me clear it up for you Spike. I'm the Slayer, you are a vampire. I dust you then go for pizza. We are not, we have never been, nor will we ever be "mates". Got that? You ever come near me, my family, or friends again and I'll kill you."

The Bristish vampire held his arms up in defects. After a moment he put them down and walked over to Clover. The Slayer tighted her hand around the stake. She noctied that Spike's eyes were growing yellow in the dark room. He was in his true vampire form.

Spike got in front of her, and grabbed her by the shoulders. He carefully pulled the stake out of her hand. He lowed his head by her neck and whispered. "Are you forgetting Alicia and I bloody saved your life pet?" He fanges were inches from her neck, he could have bitten her if he wanted. Instead he just licked her neck. He stood up right and smiled at her. "Got you." He smirked as he walked over to the window and jumped out.

"Jerk." The Slayer muttered outlound as she went into her bathroom to get ready for bed.


The next morning Clover sleepy walked thow her kicten and to the icebox. She sat on the stool and opened her juicebox. Clover turned to her right and gave a half smile to Xander Harris, who was eating eggs. "Morning." She told him, then quickly did a double take. "It's a little early to be here don't you think? Wait, did you stay here last night? Because that's fine if you did... I'm razor with it... really."

Xander smiled. "Well, acutally I've moved in. Six weeks ago tomorrow. Cor was going to tell you, but you went to sleep."

Clover nodded. "Oh, I have school, so bye." She jumped out of her stool and ran upstairs.

Leaving Xander to sip his coffe. "That didn't go to well."


The drumsticks bounced up and down on the rail leading to the local high school. Gavin blinked some hair out of his eyes, as he played the imagationary drums. After last night hee had desided to talk to Clover alone. He wacthed students get off buses and out of cars. All of them ready to start another year of school, all ablaish to what was under their feet. The Hellmouth. The only hell they knew was in SunnyDale High School. That was good, he'd have to rember that one.

Gavin turned to wacth as Clover walked down the sidewalk. She looked great in a little blue number. A blue stripless dress with macthing blue pumps. The only problem was she was wearing that stuip cross Spike had given her and a ring on her forefinger he had never seen before.

Clover walked over to him. When she saw the look on his face, her smiled faded. "You look like someone who's dog just died."

The drummer shoke his head slowly. "No, nice ring, where'd you get it?" Gavin was defieny not waiting for an explaintion. Slayer looked down at the steps. She tought a moment, then looked back up at her friend slyly. "A demon hunter, I meet this summer."

Gavin chocked back a scream. How could Clover talk about a guy she meet? Didn't she know how it hurt him? "So, were you to like brother and sister?"

Clover shook her head."No, kind of, I'm not sure."

He shook his head in understanding, when he really wanted to find this guy and cut his head off. He spotted Rai in jean pants,a short sleeve black shirt, with black think flip-flops. She bounced up to them.

"Hey." She said gellfully.

"Okay," Clover said rasing her hands up. "you just got way to perky this summer."

Rai's smile wided. "It's 'cause your home. Now everything is like it was before, before..."

Gavin put a hand over his cousins mouth. "Before you left for the summer." he turned to Rai. "Right?" she nodded her head.

Clover smiled a half smile at them. They were trying not to bring the "mateing" or Kelmarc, Clover had to give them that. The Slayer cleared her thoart, and tried to think of something to say.

"So, um school board is making me have a seventh hour. Can you believe them? Don't they know who I am?"

"Yeah," Rai agreed. "your the Slayer."

"No. I'm Clover Alexandra Chase, daugther of Cordelia Chase. Oh, you guys are never going to believe this,Xander moved in!"

Gavin put his hands over his ears. "No!!" he said lounder then normal. "Can you hear anything?"

"Not last night, but and this is the gross part, they are right down the hall. How am I supose to have dreams about the guys from one-eleven Robin Drive, now?"

"Uh," Rai said holding up a hand. "This generation's Dawson's Creek."

Gavin let out a lound laugh, as he took his hands away from his ears. "So says the guide, but what girl in her right mind, and in real life would want guys like the ones from that show?" he flounded his arms in finish.

Rai and Clover looked at one another and thier smiles grew, they turned back to Gavin. "We would." they said at the same time. Gavin just rolled his eyes.


Dustin Rogers wacthed the three friends talking and laughing like the events of last May had never happened. He really didn't want to go breack it up, but someone had to. He had to tell Clover that he was no longer her Wacther or the prinical, he was now only vice prinical. And he had, had to beg for that job.

Dustin walked up to them. "Hello everyone."

Clover turned cold icey green eyes to him. "Hey, Dustin. Listen I'm ready to start training to day after school."

"Yes, well, you see," he lowed his voice. "I'm no longer your Wacther. Your new one will be here in a week or two. But til then I'm really not allowed to train you."

Clover let out a small scoff. "Please, they fired you, what can they do now?" she stopped and put her hand on her head. "Oh, wait. I forgot, you're a chicken when it comes to telling people off or for that matter telling your Slayer there is a demon after her. No wonder they fired your sorry ass." She shuffed her way past him and made her way into SunnyDale High.

"Okay," Rai stated leaning against a rail on the stairs. "Clover is really mad at you."

"Can you blame her?" Gavin asked angry on his face. "Rogers here had half a year to tell her, and he never did." He turned to Dustin. "If we weren't in school, I'd beat the crap out of you." The drummer held his drum sticks tighter and huffed his way to the quad where Coal and Nick were waveing him over.

Dustin looked over at Rai. "You're turn."

Rai shrugged as if she were board. "I'll just glare for now thanks." The girl told him as she glared at him and walked over to her cousin and friends.

Dustin stood there a moment, before heading to his office. "Well that went bloody well." he muttered to himself as he walked into his office, they thankfully had let him keep."


The snow feel softly on the cold winter ground. Katie walked throw it on that eventful night, she stopped in an alley and walked in to find Whistler waiting for her. He smiled lovely at her and tipped his hat. She blushed, and looked away. She had know the strange Whistler for only seven hours, yet it seemed like seven years.

She looked into his eyes and spoke with a thick Irish brang. "This has been the most wonderful day of me life, I wish it never to end."

Whistler leaned over and kissed her forehead. "It won't, trust me."

Katie looked at him a mixture of fear and happyness on her face. "What do you mean?" She backed away a little.

Whistler smiled a moment then answered softly. "Will you marry me, Katie?"

Katie gullped and stared at him.This strange man was asking for her hand! "I've know you not even a day not even long enough to hold your hand!"

Whistler grabbed her hand. "This could be our only way to be togther, and if you don't something will' be fall you... something..."

Katie stopped him with her half smile, she tucked some hair behind her ear, like she alawys did when nevous. "I don't understand, but I know I love you, so the anwser is yes. Da will let, I'm sure of it."

"No, he won't know. We marry in sercert. I'll be gone a lot, so stay with your family and don't tell them we are married."

She nodded sadly. "Allright." They hugged each other tightly.


Clover shot up in her desk. She got looks for other students in her class, as well as the teacher.

"Sorry," the Slayer explained lamely. "Bad dream, Richard Nikin in a leather thong. Not that the class is boarding, sir."

The teacher smiled poitaty at her. "Because it is the first day, Miss. Chase I'll let it slide. But, don't let it happen again." He turned back to the board.

Clover let out a small sigh of relief. "God, that was a strange dream." She whispered to herself, as she sat more comfortable in her desk.


Clover retreated from her class in a hurry. The hall started to fill with students. And despit all the bodies, Clover felt safer then ever.

"Clover," Dustin called after the young Slayer.

Clover whirled around to face him. "What?" she asked him trying not to sound worried.

Dustin moved her against a wall. "Look, I know you're mad at me." he noticed Clover's look. "Alright more like you want to rip off my head and play football with it." he lowed his vocie, so the passing students couldn't hear him. "But, I believe that every time I went to tell you, Kelmarc somehow stopped me. I don't know how, but..."

"Look." Clover intruppeted him. "You're not my Wacther anymore, so why should you care what I do? I died right? Well a new Slayer has been called, so I guess that puts me out of a job." She shrugged slightly and moved past him.

Dustin moved and blocked her way. He held her by the shoulders and looked the few inches down at her. Students who were late for class gave Dustin looks. "You are the Slayer lives depend on you. And I care about you, Clover. I want to see you fullfill your density."

Clover throw his hands off her, she tapped her head slightly. "Um, didn't I do that? Yeah, I did. I'm six- teen years old Dustin, I want to be normal, you know like everyone else! Now if you excuse me I'm late for English." She turned and started walking backward. "Oh and by the by nice tweed suit. P.S., I know Alicia Price and Spike saved me, now I'm just wondering what those two have in common? Guess I'll just have to ask Spike."


Rai sorted thorugh her lunchbag. As alawys her Dad had packed a healthy lunch.

"Hey," a vocie said for behind her. Rai turned to see Gavin, who quickly took a seat next to her on the stone beanch. "So, seen Clover lately?" He scaned his cousin's face for an answer, and when he didn't see one, he moved on. "Yeah, well you'll never guess who she is hanging with. Remember who teased her about her scars all last year?"

Rai nodded her head as she swalled a piece of an apple. "Yeah, Car and all the others." Rai sunddely relished what Gav was saying. "She's hanging with them??!! But, after all they did to her. At frist acting all nice, because her Mom was really popular, then treating her like trash. But why? We, Coal, and Nick are her friends, not them. They, they..."

Gavin put a hand on her shoulder. "I'll give you two guesses. One, they don't know that she is the Chosen One, and two Rogers told me she wants to be 'normal'. Doesn't she know that no-one is 'normal'?"

"Well, I think maybe we should..." Rai stopped in mid-sintence as she spotted Clover walking with a tall, pretty girl with dark brown hair and baby blue eyes, plus a great outfit, of a really short dress and oveslty expensive pair of red high heel shoes.

They were deep in convestion, they were also being followed by a ken doll-looking guys. The three of them walked right passed them.

"Well, someone is hanging with, well I don't know what to call them. But she is really not acting like herself, Gav. I think what happened to her changed her, and not for the better."

Gavin nodded in agreement. He really didn't like who Clover was becoming, not one bit.

********************************************************************************** *****

Clover stood in front of her full leangth mirror. The blond girl tucked some hair behind her ear, as she picked up an outfit. "Hello," she said to her relifiation in the mirror. "I'm the Slayer, don't the bllod stains just scream it?"

She throw it back on the bed and grabbed another one. "Hello," she said to her relifiation again. "I'm the mother of five. Ah!!" She throw it on the bed.

Clover looked angrily at herself in the mirror. "What's wrong with you?! You used to be so good at this, you had the best fashion sence in all of Rome, maybe even the whole state of New York!" Clover looked at her blond hair carefully. She picked up a strane of it. "I alawys thought blond hair was a dead give away that your a Slayer." She smiled as she made her way to her bathroom. "Time for a new look, Clov." She told herself as she opened the medsent cabinet. This was going to be fun.

Gavin wacthed her strut into the Bronze. She was a total Bardie. Her outfit (which didn't leave much to the imagation) fit on her like a glove on a doctor. It was a very short black minniskirt, along with a black short, long sleeve shirt, and black ankle high boots. Her hair was a great shade of black, it was even blacker then Rai's hair. She turned toward him, and looked straight at him. It was Clover!!

Gavin followed her, as she sat with Car at a table near the stage, two guys from the football team joined them. He wacthed as they each took a seat, and started to flirt with Clover and Car. Just that morning they had been talking about how Clover was a geek trying to play princess, because her mother had been one, and now they were flirting with her. He was talking to her after this set.

Clover made sure Gavin saw her walk in, she also made sure he knew were she was sitting. She looked over at Car, who was telling her about some guy in his second year of collage, who had asked her, for her number. To put it frankly, Clover was bored out of her mind. The Chosen One wished she oculd say something, but Car was the "leader". But, Clover's mother was Cordelia Chase so Clover decided to say something.

"So, uh you guys see what Sue Willison was wearing?"

"No," Car breathed as if it was teh most important thing in the world just because Clover said it.

"Well," Clover started as she smiled in gulp of her Sprite. "It was this cool little strapless dress, the only problem was, well I don't want to be mean or anything, but well..." She turned to the two guys from the football team. "I'm sure you guys know what I'm getting at."

"Yeah," the short musclar red headed one replied, " she's as flat as a board."

"Right on Rick," the tall musclar blond agrred giving him a high-five.

"Uh guys?" Car stated obviosuly annoyed, " Clover and I were talking. Why don;t you two go get us some lattes?"

"Sure, come on Sam," Rick answered with a wink at Car who politely smiled back.

Car turned to Clover as she pushed some hair away from her baby blue eyes. "You were saying?"

Clover really didn't want to talk to Car anymore. "Wait! This is my favorite song." She grabbed the other girl's hand and the went onto the dance floor. They both found a college guy and started to dance.


After the set, Gavin put his drum sticks in his back pocket and went to look for Clover. He found her sitting at the table he had first met her at. Gavin didn't wait for an invitation instead he just took a seat across from her.

"Hey, saw you come in with Car. Why are you hanging with her? I though you hated her."

"I don't want to get into this." Clover got up and ran down the stairs and into the basement. Gavin followed her.

He found her sitting on a sofa; he sat down next to her. "Clov, we will get into this!" He stayed showing her that he wasn't leaving.

Couples sat or stood aorund them making out. People used the three payphones carfel not to let anyone know what they were tlaking about. Somewhere a toilet flushed. Gavin and Clover just sat there.

She looked down at the criss cross scars all along her right arm. A piece of her now dark black hair fell on her arm. She picked it up and examined ir. She contiuned to stare at it as she spoke softly to the drummer.

"Gav, I know I've been acting like a total well, Jen lately, and I just want to say I'm sorry. I know it doesn't mean didley, but I had to say it." Clover looked at Gavin through her hiar. He favored her with a half grin and put his arm on her shoulder.

He spoke equally softly in her ear. "Clover, it's okay. What happened last May it changed all of us..." Gavin never got to finish.

Clover stood up over him, faster then the human eye could see. Her eyes looked hard and unknowing at him. Gavin stood up, and put his hand out to her, she didn't accept. Instead she told him something she had been living with the last three and a half mouths.

"I haven't told Mom or Dustin this, you'll be the first to know." Gavin opened his mouth to say something, but Clover rased her arm in protest. "Don't say anything, till I'm done. Hell, Kelmarc," Gavin noctied she flished when she said Kelmarc. "all of it, it changed me. I mean, I talked to three dead people!! I drink something, and I had millions of children with a demon." "All of it changed me, Gav. I'm not real sure how, but it did. Now I know when there is a vampire or demon in a room without going in it. I'm stronger, my sences are more, more, they're so much better." she picked up a piece of her now very dark black hair, and showed it to him. "My hair, me hanging with Car, its all because I don't want to be me anymore. I don't want to be the Slayer. I thought I was strong, ready for the world, you know. I found out that I'm so not, and that fightens me so much."

"Oh, Clover," Gavin took her in his arms and held her tight against him. "I wish you could see you the way I do."

Clover pulled away from him. "Gavin," she told him softly. "my life sucks really bad. But you're the best part of it. I just wanted you to know that."

He blushed and smiled at her shyly. "Thanks." He whispered.

She smiled back then asked sunnddy as if just remembering. "Gavin, how did Miss. Price and Spike save me?"

The drummer's face fell. Miss. Price's mother had been Clover in another life. Plus Miss. Price was also half demon on her father's side. Gavin hated what he had to say, but he said it anyway. "You should ask Spike that question."

The Slayer smiled at him, then leaded over and kissed his check. "I will." She turned and ran up the stairs. As alawys leaving poor Gavin dumdfounded.


Clover walked out of the Bronze. She hadn't gotten far, when she heard a long, low whistle behind her. She warled around to see Spike coming out of the shadows. When he saw her his face feel.

"What did you do to yourself?!?" He asked her shoked, but in a good way.

She smiled lope sided at him, and looked down at herself. Noticeing for the frist time that night that she looked like a hooker. What had she been thinking? she reminded herself.

"Spike." She told him as buiness like as she could. "We need to talk."

"Oh, God!!" Spike cried in mock horror. "This means we're breaking up, doesn't it? I know what you're going to say, that it's you, but really it's me. I always ruin my realiships!

Clover couldn't help but laugh. Spike was kind of funny, when he wasn't killing people. Bunisses, Clover told herself. "You said, that you and Miss. Price saved me. I want to know how? I thought I saved me when I broke Chris or Kelmarc's neck." Spike looked shoked, and very much stuned. Clover couldn't help but smile at it. "That's right vamp-boy, I killed him, and in his own castle to boot."

The vampire seemed to clam down. He took out a cirgette and lit it. "We saved you. See, pet there was this spell that Jenny Giles did. It needed the blood of two willing demons, me and Alicia."

"But..." Clover protested.

"But, nothing, baby. It's all true, she's half demon. And I'm all demon." Spike moved his hands around his body.

"That's why she left. She didn't tell Rogers and he must of..." Clover trained off and looked at Spike seriously. "Bet you had fun this summer. On a Hellmouth, no Slayer. Must of been nice."

The vampire's face fell, like he was disappointed in himself. "Acuttaly, no Lov, I didn't have fun. I spent it following you, to make sure you were all right. Despite my better judement." He turned and walked back into the shadows, but his last words in his sing song voice linged. "By the way, lov, you and Will put on a great show for me. Didn't know you were so bendable."

The Slayer stood there awhile before going home. As always Spike had left her surprised, but in a good way.


Clover walked in to her house to find Cordelia and Xander waiting for her.

"Hey!" She told them happyliy she contined to talk not letting them get a word in. "So, my hair I'll dye it back. Okay Xander," She turned to him. "It's okay you moved in." He blinked and she went on. "Listen I know I've been acting like a real Jen lately. Well, I've desided that my life is wack, but with family like you two and all my true friends, it's not such a lametrip, you know? It's more like a nice country road with a few bumps in it.So everything is razor again." Clover grinned at them and ran up the stairs.

Xander and Cordelia turned to the stairs then to eacth other.

"You understand a word of that?" He asked her.

"She lost me after 'hey' " Cordy sighed happyliy.

They both turned back to the stairs.


Clover awoke with a start. She had gotten use to it. The Slayer looked down at her hands in horror, they were covered in thick red blood. She quickly crawled to her bathroom.

She crawled to the sink and turned it on. She washed her hands fulshy, but the bllod won't come off. Tears begain to take form in her eyes.

"What are you doing?" a voice asked from behind her.

She turned around, there sitting on the ground facing her eye leavl was Buffy.

Clover looked at her with a mixture of horror and confusion on her face. "The blood, it won't come off. I try and try, but it just doesn't come off."

Buffy took Clover's hands in her own. "See," She told Clover showning her the hands. "there's no blood, there never is. I know you've been though alot. You'll be tough worse, just remember that Will, Angel, and I are watching out for you. Plus you have Cordy and Xander, all your friends, and Giles and Jenny in London. Hell, Clover you even have Spike!"

"And even if you don't know it or want to know it, you need all of them. Just remember what you saw and what we told you." Buffy seemed to start fadeing away, Clover wacthed her as tears ran down her face; she knew her density, now all she had to do was follow it.


Clover slammed her hand on her alarm clock. (that was now on the floor with her.) She smiled to herself as she made her way to the bathroom. Once there she dyed her stright, three inch below her shoulders hair back to blond. Then got ready for school.

From now on, Clover promised herself she wouldn't be angry at the world or her friends.

********************************************************************************** *****

Cordy and Xander wacthed Clover bounce into the kitechen, in a short pink skirt, long sleeved pink shirt and pink platforms shoes. The Slayer sat between them at the bar.

"So, anyway last night, my Slayer sister, Buffy and I talked. I'm back to my old Cloverself.'Cause see Buffy told me that she, Angel that muffin of a soulhaving vampire, and sweet wicth/hacker Williow are looking out for me." She looked down at her watch. "Oh, I'm late." Clover kissed them both on the cheeck and grabbed her bag, she bloted out the back door.

Xander and Cordelia looked at each other. "Got any of that?" Cordelia asked him.

"Not one word," Xander replied with a smile at his girlfriend.

"Yep, she's herself again."


Rai sat on a bench outside SunnyDale High. She smoothed out her blue dress self-conciously. She led her hand up to her now bobbed black hair and smoothed it out. Gavin had called her alst night and told her everything. Now, she sat there waiting to talk to Clover. Rai spotted Clover walkinf toward her. She waved, and Clover waved back.

" Hey," Clover stated happily as she sat next to her best friend. Clover cleared her throat. "So, uh listen about thar way I've been ignoring you, I'm sorry. It's just I didn't want to see you get hurt." Clover turned to Rai to face her. "Nice hair, I like it. It frames your face so well that you look like a total babe, only you're really smart."

Rai smiled shyly. "Thanks. My dad nearly had a heart attack, but...I like it. Hey, maybe we could have your welcome home party tonight? Coal and Nick are dying to hear how your summer traveling around the country was."

"Yeah." Clover was happy everything was getting back to normal. "And Friday night me and you should Bronze."

"Yeah," Rai agreed happily. "And Saturday night I can go patroling with you. I've been working on my kickboxing moves."

"Sounds great." Both girls smiled at eah other as the bell rang. They got up and wlaked toward their French class arm in arm.

Dustin Rogers looked up front his papers when he heard a knock at his door. "Come in," he called to the person on the other end.

It opened to reveal Clover. "Hey Rogers mind if I come in?"

The English man surprisingly motioned for her to come in and take a seat in front of him. The Slayer sat down, and for awhile they sat there neither knowing what to say to the other.

Finally Dustin spoke. "I thought you wnated to be normal? I thought you didn't wnt to see or talk to me again? I thought you hated me with a firey passion. I thought..."

"Rogers, you think too much," Clover intruppted with a laugh. "I was wrong. I was very wrong okay? You were right. I'm not normal, and no matter what I do, I'll never be normal." Clover waited a moment before going on. "Rogers, you were my Watcher and even though you're not allowed to train me anymore, I would like it if you did. Just until my new Watcher gets here. And if he's half as good as you were, I'll be lucky."

Rogers blushed slightly. "Thank you Clover, that means a lot to me. But I really think that you have myself, Mr. Holder, and Mrs. Anderson to thank. We did a very good job with you. You ruely are one of the best Slayers that have ever lived."

It was Clover's turn to blush. "Thanks." The bell rang; Clover got out of the chair. "Listen Rogers, tonight is my welcome home party in the cafeteria. I'd really like it if you'd come." She opened the door and walked down the stairs leaving Dustin to get back to his work.

Clover watched all the late students run to their classes. The Slayer ran on top pf some benches in the quad, dancing. "Hello SunnyDale," she sang to herself. "The girl is back in town."

Oak's Diary