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Spoilers: Clover stories

Copyright: I "Nichole" or Oak14177 own all Clover people and stories.

Disclaimer: I don't own Spike or the Slayer mythology, Joss does.

Summary: Gavin comes back to SunnyDale 20 years after the stories started to say good-bye to someone.

NOTE: This DOES NOT mean the End of the Clover stories. This is also Not the way they will end. Everyone will also NOT end up the way I SAY HERE. This is just a fanfic of a fanfic. :)


SunnyDale. Everything had happened in SunnyDale. The town of the damned was what he called it now.

It had been years since he had been there. He wasn't sure why he had come back. After what had happened he had promised himself he would never go back. But there he was standing on the mouth of Hell.

He stopped at a grave and looked down at the name. CHASE, it read it in plain letters. The gravestone still didn't make it all seem real. A single tear fell from his left eye. He quickly wiped it away.

He bent down and put some flowers on the grave. "Hey there Clover," his voiced cracked but he went on. "It's me Gavin. Yeah that's right, the Gav-man. Told you I'd visit" he let out a small laugh.

"So uh, Rai, she meet this great guy. And well, they got married, yeah they have a couple of kids and live in Ohio. And Dustin, well he lives in Spain or somewhere like that. Yeah, you'll never guess what happened to the band. We really took off. Thanks to Oz and the Dingoes.

Your mom and Xander moved away. But I guess you know that. They had some kids, and named them after people from the "Scobby Gang"."

Gavin stopped and let his mind go back to the night Clover had been killed. ***************************************************************************************

Everything was happening to fast. Gavin could hardly make sense of it all. Spike and Clover fought the demons back, while back at the school Dustin and Rai did a spell to help.

Clover's ankle was grabbed by a vain. She tried to get it off, but it brought her to the ground. Gavin spotted Spike, who was beating the hell out of some demon. Gavin had no choice, he ran over to Clover, knife in hand.

He fought vines back, as he ran over to the Slayer, and bent down next to her. "Some kind of party eh?" Gavin asked her, as he started to cut the vines that were wrapping around Clover.

Clover struggled under the hell born vines. "Yeah, great opening of the Hellmouth. If I die, by vines, I swear..." Her words were cut short as Gavin picked her up and throw her on the otherside of the forest clearing.

The Slayer got up quickly as Gavin raced over to her. They both turned to see Spike running over to them.

"Bloody demons. I say we have two minutes till the next bunch come out of that thing," he pointed to a portal. "Hope your Watcher and friend are doing something."

Gavin was going to say something, when he saw a dozen or so demons jumped out of the portal. Clover and Spike raced into the fight. Gavin waited on the edge not sure what to do.

He turned at the sounds of screaming, and what he saw scared him more then anything ever could. The portal was closing. Thousands of sprits tried to climb out.

Gavin turned around to watch as Spike fought one last demon. The demon's nails looked like stakes. Gavin watched in horror as the demon stuck one into Spike's heart.

The vampire looked down at it in surprise, then turned to were Clover stood looking at him in horror. "See you later, luv. Remember I love you." he told her as he exploded into ashes.

"No!" was the only thing Gavin heard as the Slayer jumped on top of the demon and sapped its neck. She turned to him and for a moment just stood there. Then without warning her body fell limp to the forest floor.

He ran over to the fallen Slayer, bent down over her, and lifted her head. "What happened?" he asked in a whisper.

"It suck me, must of been posion in the nails. Guess Rai.... and ..... Dustin .......did....... it.... huh?" She was sweating now and her breaths were getting shorter, and deeper. Her eyes were looking past him. For a brief moment Gavin thought she was dead, but she spoke again. "Gavin? It... hurts... to breath.."

Gavin gave her a small smile. "Thats because your dying."

Clover let out a small laugh. After that she started breathing deeply again. Gavin held her tightly against him. She was crying and he could fell her tears on his shirt.

"I'm..... to...... young...... to........die." She whispered in the shirt.

Gavin held her tighter. "You'll be okay, Clover. Your only sixteen, God doesn't let people die at sixteen." He leaded in her ear. "I love you Clover, don't go please." His voiced cracked, as he looked down at her now lifeless body.

Gavin Richard McNeal picked the body of Clover Alexandera Chase up, and reached down to close her eyes. He carried her body all the way back to SunnyDale High School that night.


Gavin let his mind come back to the present. They had burned her the day before her seventeenth birthday. They had also found Spike's ashes and burned them next to her. It had only been right, Spike had saved Clover's life millions of times, and the world once or twice.

But that had all happened twenty years ago. Gavin smiled down at the grave, he took a cross out of his pocket, kissed it, and put it on top of her grave. "If Spike got to give you one, so do I." He said matter of factly, throw tears. "Good-bye Clover."

Gavin turned on his heels and walked back to his tour bus. Leaving Clover's grave and his past behind him.

The End

Oak's Diary