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Missing Him

Faith sat on her bed, her tears slowly subsiding. She sniffled and grabbed yet another tissue. She blew her nose loudly and wiped her eyes. She reached out to her nightstand and picked up a picture from long ago.

She starred into the eyes of the young red head and sighed at the happiness reflected there. She sniffled again and grabbed her tissue. The wedding cake hadn’t even grown stale before the fighting again. She couldn’t remember why she thought their marriage could work. And yet two kids and a million bruises later…she still believed in their marriage.

She set the picture aside and sniffled. She stood and looked around the small room, seeing what else needed to be packed. She started folding shirts and pants, placing them in boxes or suitcases. She taped the last box shut and wrote his name on it. She then grabbed her coat and headed out of the apartment, not looking back on the life she once lead.

A few hours later she arrived at a small graveyard just outside L.A. She walked slowly along a well-trod path to a small grave just inside the old, wrought iron fence, under the shade of a large Willow tree. She placed a white rose next to his name and shook with tears. She wiped her eyes again and sighed softly

“I’m sorry Spike…I know you hate me now, but I couldn’t let you hurt me or the girls again. I go to trial Thursday, their seeking life. Sandy took the girls for us. I know they’ll be happy with her. I love you.” She kissed his headstone and walked slowly away as a light rain began to fall.

They found her body later that day, still in the graveyard, five rows from her husband’s grave. She had stabbed herself with the same stake she had used on him. In her hand was a note that read only one line…’I miss him’.

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