The Wolf on the Shepherd

They explore the options: Serious magic could work…but Willow and Giles need the right spells and materials…and time is not exactly on their side. Explosives are out of the question. The stuff Orson bought along is in the cellar and the main hall and most of the second floor is now in the cellar. And they can forget a frontal assault.

Xander ponders, “Maybe we should let him trash Gamma. He might go away.”

“And what if he starts on the next House?” Orson asks. “Or on the Grand Hall? Or the Octatheater? Or even the Administration Building?”

“Well…we can transfer to Berkley.”

Arch decides to take matters into his own hands. “Harlan, Routine Forty-two. It’s our only chance.” He marches towards the demon. Willow tried to stop him, but he takes a crystal from her bag and brushes her aside. “Hey, hellspawn!” He yells at the creature. “Why are you venting on a building, you moron?” He throws the crystal at him it hits him on the head. That gets his attention. The beast turns and faces his assailant. “How about taking some of your frustrations on a live target, you twit? My great-great-grandpa was one of your killers, dumbass.”

The demon’s non-eyes suddenly glow blood red. A fiery blood red. He moves closer at Arch.

“That’s right. You forgot they had families too, didn’t ya? You didn’t realize one of them did have a conscience and told his kin about what happened. Or that he wanted to absolve himself of the guilt by persuading his comrades to tell the truth and turn themselves in. You took that chance away from them, you son of a bitch.”

Now the demon’s eyes spark with bolts of energy. Willow fears for Arch’s safety. “What is he doing? He’s committing suicide and we’re playing bystander.”

Harlan then remembers what Arch told him. “Routine Forty-two! Of course! How stupid of me.” He snaps his fingers. “That’s what he meant. Buffy, grab something real sharp and follow me. I know what he’s doing now.”

“What do you mean?” She asks as she takes a battleaxe from her backpack. “The hell is ‘Routine Forty-two’?”

“Bowery Boys. I’ll explain as we go along.” He garbs a spear and her hand and leads the way.

Arch continues his verbal assault. “I can’t believe your thirst for vengeance was so great, you trash the reunion and the Saloon yet let their descendants live! You have got to be the dumbest bastard in the whole frigging netherworld.”

The beast’s teeth grind in pure undiluted hate! He moves even closer.

Arch tears at his shirt. “C’mon, you mother! You had so much hate in you, you didn’t even notice the vessel you were using was actually the person you should’ve attacked first chance you got. You stupid pissant!” He beats his chest in defiance. “I’m tired of carrying my family guilt and shame. Come on, damn you! Show me what you got…or are you just satisfied trashing stupid estate instead of taking on the living, you fruit!”

The demon screams in absolute fury! His eyes shoot out bolts of red-green energy straight at Arch. Though he manages to dodge the brunt of the blast, a few stray currents burn him. Their touch gives him unbelievable pain. He cries in utter agony. Willow tries to run to his side, to help fight the beast. But Giles holds her back. “Don’t. You’ll only give him another target.”

“But, Giles. He’s killing him! We have to save Arch!”

Orson points to a spot on the roof. “What do you think they’re doing right now?”

Willow and the others look up…and see Harlan and Buffy walking gingerly on the wrecked rooftop, positioning themselves for an attack. Her despair lifts slightly. “What are they waiting for? An invitation?”

Xander figures out the plan. “They need to be at the best position possible to attack his read with one blow. If they goof…”

“Wounded demon goes nuts and kills everything in sight.” Giles finishes the thought. “Hold on, Arch. Just a little longer.”

Buffy and Harlan have a ringside seat to the chaos. Harlan doesn’t like the smell of it, literally. “Sheesh!” he fans himself while trying to maintain his balance. “I thought Flatull had bad gas, but this joker…”

“Pay attention, you pinhead.” Buffy snaps. “We have to time this right, otherwise Arch and the both of us will get the suntan of a lifetime.”

Harlan makes a few quick calculations in his head. “I think we need an ace up our sleeve.”

“What do you mean?”

He grabs his cell phone. “Flying Hail Mary Pass.” He links in to Steve.

Steve feels his phone vibrate and takes the call. “Harlan?” He says. “You want her to do what?!? That’s crazy, man! You talking suicide…yeah, it could work but I don’t…Harlan? Harlan?”

“What does he want, Steve?” Giles asks.

“Harlan wants Will to…do her ‘Flying Nun’ impression.”

Willow turns around, away from the carnage. “ ‘Flying Nun’? Is that what he’s calls my ability…?” She thinks about the metaphor and then understands what he wants. “Oh. Now I get it. I have an idea what he’s planning. And it’s insane!”

“Aren’t most of his plans like that?” Xander asks.

“Yeah, but they haven’t got anyone killed yet.” Steve answers.

“First time for anything.” Reminds Giles.

“Hush, all of you.” Willow yells at them. “I need all of my concentration.” She closes her eyes and breathes deeply. She reminds herself to have a little talk with Harlan about his colorful terminology of her abilities later on…if they survive this.

Arch is on his last legs. Dodging energy bolts so soon after recovering from his stomach affiliation is not his idea of fun. His body is racked with minor burns, cuts, and bruises…and still he taunts the demon. “Is that the best you got, sucker? I’ve got beaten up worse than this. You are the worst spirit of vengeance I’ve ever met. You couldn’t avenge a parking ticket, let alone an act of murder. You are a pathetic excuse for afterlife. You’re not a demon. You’re not a spirit. You’re even less than a shadow! I DON’T BELIEVE IN YOU!!!

That’s the last straw! The demon foregoes the bolts and decides to crush him with a well-deserved pounding. He raises his fist and gives out a roar that would freeze the sun!

Harlan sees the opportunity. “Now, Willow!”

Willow goes into a short sprint, then floats…well, flies full speed to snatch Arch from the death’s door, seconds before the fist hit the ground.

Harlan and Buffy leap from the ledge and right on the blind spot. Harlan pierces the heart with his spear. Buffy severs the head with her battleaxe. The beast cries out in pain as his head falls to the ground. Fire and ooze spew out from the stump in a torrent of foul-smelling filth. The body spasms upward, throwing the two warriors off balance. Willow, already heavy with Arch, manages a mid-air rescue before all four heroes make a crash landing into the bushes. The rest make a dash to their aid…and to duck for cover!

The headless corpse vibrates into a mass of smoke and explosions. The demon’s cries of pain and rage echo across the campus. And then…the grounds fill with bright white light. For a second, all our heroes can see is light and all they can hear is a moan.

And finally…the light fades and darkness returns to the campus.


Everyone crawls out of the bushes. Harlan is psyched. “Whoa! Now that’s a party!” Xander shares in his enthusiasm.

Orson and Steve just groan. Suddenly, they both have headaches.

Giles congratulates Buffy on another job well done.

And Arch and Willow? She’s lying on top of Arch, pounding on his chest and cussing him out. “You stupid, self-centered, suicidal, foolhardy, lame-brained, brave, courageous, daring, quick-thinking son of a bitch!” And then she kisses him. She kisses him the way a couple does when a terrible conflict ends in victory and peace.

Arch is out of breath and very surprised. “I thought we weren’t doing the kissing thing anymore. You know, with Oz and you two being so close and…”

“Oh, just shut up and keep kissing. I’m too wired right now.”

He gives in and they continue kissing. Buffy stoops down and asks, “Hey! Need a room?”

They both stop and begin to laugh. Arch’s laugh is a mixture of giggles and cries of pain. Buffy gives him her hand. “C’mon, tiger. You need medical attention.”

Willow and Arch scramble to their feet. Once again, he needs Willow’s shoulder for support. He wonders if he’ll ever get to walk on his own ever again. Then, a woman comes running to him. He recognizes her. “Elizabeth!” His face brightens up. Suddenly he doesn’t feel so much hurt anymore.

Elizabeth is amazed how he and the others survived the explosion. And she tells the guys how Wormwood is having kittens over Carl’s ‘little bash’. Arch introduces her to Willow and the two girls just click.

“So you’re the one he was dancing with.” Elizabeth gushes. “I must say, I never knew he could dance like that. You’re so lucky to have been partnered with him.”

“Well, I heard a lot about you too, Elizabeth.” Willow smiles. “Especially when you helped him during…that accident.”

“Please, call me Liz. I’ve always had a soft spot for the little guy, but I could never keep his attention. I kinda thought for awhile he…didn’t like me.”

“Oh, he likes you very much. Never stops talking about you in all the time I’ve been with him. Listen, I have to take Arch to his room and help dress his wounds. Would you like to help…”

Liz immediately rushes to Arch’s side and put his other arm over her shoulder. “Say no more, Willow. I know some first aid. And when we’re finished, we can share a cup of mocha and talk about Arch and other things…if you like.”

Willow’s smile brightens even more. “You just said the magic word, Liz. C’mon, Arch. You’re off to bed. No more playing hero for you today, young man.”

“Yes, Mother Willow.” He says, the weight of the day finally catching up to him. He’s tired. Very tired.

“ ‘Mother Willow’ “ Liz laughs. “What a kidder.”

“We have a rapport of sorts.” Willow replies. “He’s my Shepherd.”

“Well, then. You must tell me everything.” And the trio walks off to the dorm.

Xander takes stock of Arch’s sudden luck with women. “Don’t believe this. He has a demon terrorize him for eight months and now he’s a babe magnet. I kick vampire butt and get buckus. What’s wrong with this picture?”

Harlan thinks it over and replies, “You need a better mouthwash?”

Everyone starts to laugh. At last, he made a good joke.

The last two days have been busy for our heroes to say the least. Wormwood got the evidence of Carl’s little ‘prank’ (The tape was mercifully edited so Oz’s secret would be kept safe.) and Gamma House is now forbidden from ever holding a kegger like Rapture Nights without campus supervision…not that it would matter since the House is presently under reconstruction and the frat brothers are living in temporary quarters. Carl has escaped severe punishment, but he’s no longer Frat President and he’s undergoing mandatory sensitivity training. (‘He’d be better off getting brainwashed by the North Korean Internal Security Force.” Harlan jibes.) The Science Boyz are now free and clear, their records clear of all disciplinary reports. Of course, their expulsion papers were used. Only now the Gammas are now short four members…or rather pledges.

Unfortunately, the Boyz bid for frat recognition was denied, partly due to the Gamma Incident. (“Nice to see we’ve done our part to contribute to the Sealed Archives.” Buffy muses.) There are too many frats vying for Troublemakers Inc. already, so for now, the Science Boyz are a social club. Flatull is safe and sound, though Xander has a few issues now about the Mascot’s ‘unique odor’. The Boyz are back doing their experiments…with one twist.

“Here we are, Oz.” Orson opens the door to the Playroom. “Your secret place for those private moments.” The Playroom is a former chimpanzee cage now converted to a more useful purpose, located next to the Lab. “There’s plenty of room to run around. The dishes are of unbreakable steel with sensors that automatically fill themselves with food and water once the hidden eye beam is broken. The ventilation can deal with ‘those special smells’. The floor is of textured polymer that softens when you want to sleep and it’s easy to clean. And there’s that.” He points to the tire swing. “Arch’s idea. The chain’s made of the same stuff they make police handcuffs from so it won’t break so easy. The mooring is set so it could take the weight of a bull elephant without buckling. And it’s positioned so you couldn’t choke yourself even you tried.”

“Wow.” Oz is impressed with the new digs.

“The tire swing is when you feel like chewing on something. It’ll save a bundle on doggie toys.” Steve adds.

“And what is this?” Buffy points to the large mirror.

“Ah, the Peek-A-Boo, as Harlan calls it.” Orson touches the mirror. “It’s a two way mirror meshed together with a special bulletproof glass. The type the State Department’s using for their new embassies. Tough enough to repel a howitzer shell. The glass isn’t available commercially, but we have a few Government contacts so we scored a few feet.”

“And everywhere in this joint,” Harlan says, waving around the entire complex. “Sensor webs measuring body heat, heartbeats, moisture, motion, the works. We got cameras hidden in spots to monitor movement here and outside the Playroom. The door has a special lock that works only with a special key with a microchip imbedded in its head to keep someone from picking the lock. There’s no way Oz can escape unless someone tampers with the system…and since there’s an alarm system linked to our cell phones and beepers, nobody but nobody can get in without our knowing it first.”

“A trifle extreme, isn’t it?” Giles say as he walks around the room.

Orson replies, “Well, Rupert. Since our little misunderstanding caused so much grief, you can’t blame us for being too paranoid.”

“I don’t know.” Xander jokes. “Maybe we can implant a tracer under Oz’s neck.”

Harlan slaps him in the back of his head. “Oh, that’s cute. We’re doing you a favor for helping Arch and you start that crap.”

“Now, now.” Giles cuts in. “We’re grateful for your help rescuing Oz.”

“Hey, we’re not just gonna keep him from causing harm and being harmed. We’re gonna cure him.” br>
Buffy cocks her head. “Aren’t we being a bit ambitious?”

“Laugh all you want. Willow cured Arch with Wicca. We’ll cure Oz with science. Or at least try to.”

Steve adds, “We have a few theories. Something about adrenal suppression and UV treatment.”

“Great.” Xander moans. “Big words Alert.”

“Hey, man.” Harlan replies. “You’re with us now. Get use to the big words.”

“By the way, where’s Willow?” Orson asks. “I have to give her a key. Everyone has to have a key to lock up Oz when his moon cycle starts.”

Buffy answers, “She…said something about clearing her head. I think she’s still spooked and confused about Harmony…and Arch.”

“Oh, man! I sent him to look for her.”

Oz is cool about it. “It’s okay. Willow, Arch and me…we came to an understanding.”

“And how did you reach that?” Harlan inquires.

“Mutual respect.”

Harlan is about to add his little insight when Xander cuts him off. “Don’t you dare.”

In all of the campus and the surrounding area, there is a place where those with broken dreams and unsure paths go to either find resolution or to end it all. The Thinking Place, it is called. Basically, it’s a park bench, a railing overlooking an ocean cliff, and a coin-operated telescope (often in a non-working condition). Willow is sitting alone on the bench, pondering her next move and leafing through her yearbook. Up to four days ago, she had a firm grasp of her wants, her needs, her desires, her future. But now…she is unsure of herself. Did she really felt something for Arch, something beyond simple friendship? Yeah Oz was, is, always will be her first true love. But that moment during Rapture Nights when she danced the Tango…a part of her wanted him. A part yearned to throw caution to wind and invite him back to her dorm and perhaps…’No!’ she tells herself. There’s only room for one lover in her life, and Oz was it. Besides, Liz seems to be a nice girl. She cares a lot for Arch and he’s slowly feeling the same for her.

So why does she fell jealous all of the sudden?

And then there’s the business with Harmony. She knew when she chose the path of Wicca, even when she met Buffy and had her first brush with darkness, that her past would come to haunt her as she tries to make a life of her own. Beyond her parents. Beyond Sunnydale. Beyond even Buffy. But with the run-in with Harmony still fresh in her mind, she wonders if the saying ‘The sins of the father will be visited upon the son.’ have a second meaning. One involving her life.

“ I see I’m not the only one who knows about this place.”

Startled, Willow turns around. It’s Arch, smiling at her. “The guys were worried about you. They’re showing Oz his new room.”

Willow apologizes and then they talk. The discussion is mostly about feelings: Arch’s feelings for Willow. Her feelings for Oz. Her feelings for Arch. While this talk and the one Arch had Oz with at the end of the Third Night will not resolve these matters any time soon, it’s a step in the right direction.

The talk then turns to Harmony and if there will are any more surprises coming their way. Willow knows there will be more encounters with the netherworld and Arch is somewhat grateful for the experience. “Hey, the man said college would a different world. He just didn’t know the half of it.”

Willow laughs and agrees. Arch then tells her since college is a new stage in life, it was time to bury the past. “ I don’t mean forsake your friends and family. It’s just…some memories are best forgotten.” He points to Harmony’s picture. “Don’t let this weigh you down. I know how it feels when you can’t forgive yourself for your mistakes. Just remember the good times and…” He notices her look of skepticism. “Okay, so I sound like my guidance counselor. It’s the best I could think of on short notice.”

She laughs again and closes her yearbook. “You’re right. This is a clean slate and I’m going to make the best of it.”

They get up from the bench and walk off to the campus. Willow asks Arch if he was doing anything next week. When he asks, she mentions something about a double date/learning experience. “As in…you, me, Oz, and Liz going to your aunt’s for some dancing lessons and then later on go to the campus pool…for your first attempt at the Dog Paddle.”

“I can’t talk you out of this, can’t I?”

“Nope. It’s one of the things Liz and I talked about while you were sleeping. She really wants you to learn how to swim. Don’t ask me why. She’s just very insistent about it.”

Arch raises his hands in surrender. “Okay, okay, okay. But we’re not skinny dipping.”

“Oh, darn. And I had some great waterproof body paint I wanted to try out too. Oh, well. Your loss.”

They both laugh and go on their way.


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