The Revelation:
"When Two Worlds Meet"

A Buffy and Highlander crossover

Duncan MacLeod
Joe Dawson

Chapter 1

Macleod decided to go to Ireland and I with him, after all thats what I do. There is no danger as of this moment, and I am rather enjoying the easy "watching". Macleod has been spending most of his time in one of the local bars laughing it up and having a grand ol' time with his newly aquanted friend Angelus. Angelus is a good lad with two things on his mind,stout and women. They met a few weeks ago and really became best of friends. But all good things must come to an end and Duncan knows that,for we will be leaving Ireland soon. My only hope is that he makes his way back to Scotland,it would be good to see my homeland again. But right now there are no signs of another immortal. The only thing that has me a little spooked is the rumor of strange deaths, nothing to worry about though tis' only a rumor.

An exerpt from the chronicals of Robert Mcneil- watcher-1752

"But why Sunnydale,California Mac?" Joe asked sipping on his drink. Duncan smiled, "sounds a good a place as any Joe. Besides, almost anywhere would be a change.

There hasen't been reports of any immortals near there, right?"

"No...but you could still run into trouble, and if thats the fact you might as well stay here and run into trouble!" Joe said. "You can't avoid it MacLeod ,you tried before."

"Look Joe, I'm not trying to totally avoid it, just maybe trick it a little." MacLeod closed his eyes remembering a time when he had built a cottage on holyground trying to "avoid" the game that plagues his long lived life. From countless numbers of immortals to a demon named Ahriman., But...Mac quickly came out of the flashback, To dwell in the past is to die in the future, he thought to himself.

"Well, look, there haven't been reports of immortals, but some other wacky things have been happening." Joe warned.

"Joe, if I let wacky things stop me, I wouldn't go anywhere." Mac looked a little appreensive, playing with his drink. Joe noticed this and wondered if there was more on his mind than just a little getaway.

finally, he took a long drink finishing it up and told Joe he would see him later. Mac went off back to his apartment to start packing for his venture to Sunnydale and there was a lot of things going through his head. He just can't shake the nightmare he had been having the past couple of nights. The silver cross, the blood what did it all mean? And the saying When Summer meets Winter, hell will bring forth a demon from which the whole earth will suffer. "I don't get it doesn't make sense. Ahhh...doesn't matter I'm going to try to put it behind me."

Sunnydale,California "Your gonna have to find a different host, besides I don't bite on the first date!" Shouted Buffy.

The vampire leaped at Buffy with the ferociusness of a panther,she quickly grabbed it's shoulders and fell backwards plunging her right foot into it's stomach and hurdeling the vampire to the ground. She got up quickly pulling out her stake and stabbing it into the vampire's heart, and in a cloud of dust and smoke the vampire was gone as quickly as it came.

"Nothing like a job well done, if I do say so myself." Buffy said blowing at the tip of her stake.

"Thank you Buffy for saving the world....again. Oh no problem Buffy, all in a day's work!" she said a little more sarcasticly.

" BUFFY!" a shout came from behind her, it was Xander one of Buffy's truest and dear friends.

"Buffy, Giles gave us the lowdown. Are you all right?"

"I'm ok , but I just want to make one more round."

"Yeah sure, no problem. Hey Buffy whats this?"

Xander had spotted a piece of old parchment paper. As he bent down to pick it up two vampires approached ready to attack.

Xander rolled out of the way and pulled a cross stunning the vampires for just enough time.

As they fell back, Buffy came up from behind them, Stabbing them in the heart. "Phew... thanks. You know I had them, I just didn't want to take away from your job, seeing as how you love it so, Take a look at this!" Xander said. She took the parchment from his hand. "Yeah has some scribbly writing on it!" "So lets take it to Giles. He may be able to figure it out , besides he asked to see you, something important came up." Xander told her.

"Right Joe, ok then I'll see you when you get in." Giles said over the phone to Joe Dawson. They are both watchers only different branches. "Man Giles, I was hoping this wouldn't happen. But I guess thats trying to stop the inevitable eh...?"

"It's written Joe, a slayer and an immortal will take this demon on. Listen Buffy just came back I will tell her to be on the look out for Macleod."

"Giles, Mac doesn't have a clue yet, just whats in his dreams. But if anybody can handle it, it's him . Alright see you then." Just as Giles hung the phone up Buffy and Xander walked in.

"Well I bagged three baddies tonight, not bad." Buffy said.

Sit down Buffy, we have to talk.

"There's a story ,actually a nightmare,I have to tell you.This may take awhile so I uh... put some coffee on!"

"Here we go again." Xander said softly.

" Probably the best way for me to explain this to you is to both read you passages of what I found and elaborate on things myself.

His name is Scarden. He has been waiting centuries for his time to come. Scarden is also known as the Elected....elected by satan as his right hand demon, if you will.

In order for him to walk the earth again he needs the blood of a chosen victim. Almost the same way you were destined to be a slayer, this chosen one is destined to free Scarden. He needs the fresh blood of a descedant that destroyed him long ago . There have been others but they offered themselves to there men first, if you follow my meaning."

" No actually.....they offered themselves?" Xander asked. "Well...the others weren't virgins." Giles explained

" I get ya...They found the studly maaan....they went at it."

"Xander shut up!" Buffy said.

"Scarden could not take of their blood until their sixteenth year of age. Just like a fine wine or a new bride, they must be sweet and pure. It has to be as fresh as the fallen snow, so this evil bastard can be free, free to wander our world and make mankind his vassals. He cannot walk free so he sent his disciples or baddies as you may call them to find her. He works through the master and uses the vampires, his disciples to do his work. As you know each one, is more evil than the next and will do thier worst to please the Elected because on his day of days, he who brings him the chosen, will reign by his side for eternity. This dear is what the master is hoping to obtain. With there powers together they will be unstoppable.

They have been searching for the Elected's drink, that will make him the most powerful evil being in our world. In the past, they have brought him "bitter drink", and for this he cast spells that have turned one against the other. The chosen one has yet to be found, but for now he must drink sour vintage. Scarden dwells beneath our world, he knows his day is at hand and no one can stop him. The chosen one is said to be somewhere above hellmouth. The way you could Identifie the chosen is by the mark of a crescent moon on her right wrist.

Knowing that the Bronze is the place to be if your in sunnydale, I spent most of my nights there. Waiting, looking, hoping I could find her before....well know. After telling Buffy, he mentioned to her that he may, no, not may, does know who the chosen one is that Scarden speaks about. The other night at the Bronze I uh... couldn't help overhearing a conversation between two girls."

"All right, Giles scoping out the babes at the Bronze." Xander said still kidding.

"Xander, come on this is important!" Buffy told him

Giles continued his story to Buffy and Xander telling them that her name is Gale. "It seems since she was about nine she couldn't sleep without having horrible dreams and waking up in cold sweats. She could hear breathing and see shadows of beasts standing near her. It Seemed so real that she felt it wasn't a dream at all.

Barbara the girl she was speaking with must of looked at her arm and passed a remark about something that looked like a crescent moon above her wrist. Gale told her that she had it since birth.

Thats all I really got before thay noticed me looking at them, soaking up everything they said. They got up, put there middle finger up at me, and left."

"Nice, Giles."Buffy said jokingly "But I had put a watcher on her and got more information. He said she had talked about more recent dreamsof these demons and a foul odor, like burning flesh, which permeated her room. She tried to tell her parents about but they brushed it off as if they had no concern. I guess it was alright for them not to be to concerned because it was just a bad dream to them but all to real for Gale.They also don't have the information I have.

For now, the continuity of the dreams and their increasing substance is alarming both her and me. She hears a deep voice saying the time has come for her to be bound to a specific demon. Scarden.

She is now sixteen, and begging her parents and friends for help but they can't do anything for her. Surely if I know who the chosen one is, then it's a good bet that Scardens followers know or are very close to finding out.

Buffy someone is coming to Sunnydale, he is a great warrior. He is also immortal , he was born in the highlands of Scotland in 1592, and he is not alone.

"I don't need any help. I can take care of myself." Buffy insisted "Buffy that piece of paper, show it to Giles." Xander told her

Giles translated the paper, "When Summer meets Winter, hell will bring forth a demon from which the whole earth will suffer."

Your name is Summers, and this immortal was born on the winter solstice. My God, it's all coming together. It is written, A slayer and an immortal.

" Coincidence, besides I don't need any carbon dated dogly 's help!"

"Buffy you have no choice, this demon is far worse than any you have faced, we can't let him escape or combine his power with the masters."

"Well then one question remains." Buffy said. "How do we keep him in hell?" Chapter 2

Back in Mac's apartment he finishes packing for his "vacation" in beautiful Sunnydale. A knock on the door breaks the silence.

"It's open!" Mac yells. Joe opens the door and slowly enters almost too carefully, Mac notices.

"Here to give me a bon voyage?" Macleod asks

"Yeah... well sort of. Mac listen, we got to talk."

"When did we stop?" Mac said sarcastically. Duncan had a lot on his mind lately. Four hundred plus years of living can be bad even though some might think its great. He has seen a lot of good but four times as much bad. It's the bad that stay's with you and at times could even push you over the edge.Mostly thinking of lost loves. The most recent Tessa who had died six years ago, but to Mac, a day. Also the loss of close friends, the most recent Richie, whose head he took himself during a battle with demons of his own. he wasn't sure if he was mourning them or just feeling sorry for himself.

Joe continued,"I've got some news for you, I'm a.....coming along with you to Sunnydale. "Like hell!" Mac shot back.

"I don't need a baby sitter." Seeing the hurt look on Joes face, Mac realized he had just insulted one of his best friends.

"I'm sorry Joe", he said.

"Yeah.... I'ts alright."

Joe understands what Mac is going through. Being his watcher for six years, he understood a lot more than Mac sometimes gave him credit for. They have both helped each other through hard times. Joe truly proved his friendship with Mac when he gave up what meant the most to him for a short time...The Watchers. But it was Mac who talked him into going back to what he loved most. Joe started to tell MacLeod what was on his mind. he didn't want MacLeod to go in blindly and be surprised at what he finds. Not that too much can surprise him anymore.

"Look, Mac, there's some things you have to know before you, er....we go to Sunnydale."

The tone in Joes voice caught Macs attention. "What's that?" Mac asked

"We'll be meeting some friends of mine there and they'll probably be able to shed some light about those dreams you've been having."

"What do those watchers know that you don't Joe?"

"There not exactly watchers. Well one is, the others are kids."

"Come on Joe. I don't feel like fooling around."

"No fooling, Mac. Look, just bear with me and you'll see what I mean when we get there."

"Do I have a choice?" Mac asked, even though he already knew the answer.


Sunnydale airport "Well here I am in Sunnydale California." Duncan spoke quietly to himself. "Out of all four hundred years of my life I don't think I've ever been here, but of course one stupid dream and Joe changed all that. Speaking of Joe I wonder where he is?" Sir...excuse me, sir... how was your flight?" Was the question that broke his one way track of thought.

"Great, thank you!" As Mac walked over to the baggage pickup a familiar voice came from behind him.

"Mac phew.... I saw you get of the plane, then I lost you. Your a slippery old bastard!"

"Hello to you too, Joe." Mac said with a smirk.

"I've arranged for someone to pick us up, Xander I think his name is. We're going to Sunnydale highschool."

"The highschool? What for?"

"Actually to see the librarian, his name is Rupert Giles, the watcher. He's a good friend of mine. He watches and protects the chosen Slayer. I know it sounds funny, but it will all be explained to you in detail later. I promise.

Just then Someone shouted thier names. "Mr.Dawson, Mr.MacLeod!" "Yeah kid, over here!" Joe yelled back. "Xander?" "Yep, thats me. I am your chauffeur today, call me the car guy."

"Great, I'm Joe Dawson and this here is Duncan Macleod."

"Wow, four hundred....good skin."

"He knows?" Duncan looked at Joe

"Don't worry your secret is safe with me. I would of been here sooner guys, but you know had to get out of school, and I uh... kinda stopped for a burrito. Well is everyone ready? Lets go then."

"Oh much for rest. First day in Sunnydale and I'm getting a tour of the high school library."

On there way to the school they past the cemetary, MacLeod looked as images of his nightmare flowed into his head. Mac kept seeing the silver cross, blood and something so horrifying that he knew could not be real. At least he hoped it wouldn't be real. As they arrived at the school they were met outside by Giles.

"Joe, good to see you again." Giles said.

"Yeah, good to see you, too. I just wish it was under better circumstances. Let me introduce my friend.

Duncan MacLeod, Rupert Giles; Rupert Giles, Duncan MacLeod"

They smiled as they shook hands, each one checking the other out carefully. Mac was never this cautious on meeting a friend of Joe's but after what he has been telling him about "wacky things" and the dreams he 's been having, well, he just wasn't going to take any chances.

They all retreated back into the library, Joe and Giles walking slowly ahead of Mac and Xander. Duncan finally broke the silence.


"Yes sir?"

"First, We are friends you don't have to call me sir. I know I'm your elder but...." Duncan said

"Elder isn't the word...."Xander said sarcastically but quickly shut up after a cold shot from MacLeod.

"Look, just call me Duncan. Ok! Back to what I wanted to say. Have you any idea about whats going on around here?"

"As far as what?" Xander said, trying to act dumb, which in some cases didn't take much effort.

"Like what Joe's watcher friend is going to be talking to us about.?" Duncan said

"Uh, yeah, I have an idea but I think it's best if I let Joe and Giles speak about it."

Duncan kept looking around as they continued on toward the library. A feeling of deja vu came over him at one point and didn't like it. He's had those feelings before and it usaully meant trouble for him when he did. Finally, they all made it to the library. Giles told them to make themselves comfortable while he set up for his disscussion. It was going to be quite an eye opener for MacLeod.

Gile's began. "I like Joe, am a watcher, though there are two distinct diffrences between us. I watch the chosen slayer. Her name is Buffy Summers, her destiny is to slay immortal vampires and demons. This is her destiny, being a watcher is my destiny, not my choice. I have accepted this. Like Joe does with you, I guide and assist her. Even though Joes part of the watchers doesnt involve interfering. Both our lives have been chosen for us. What I am about to tell you should, hopefully, help you make some sense of your dreams and explain why you were drawn to Sunnydale."

"Drawn?" Mac said.

"Uh...., surly you don't think you came to our resort town on purpose, do you?" Duncan moved his head to the side a little and smiled. He kind of liked Gile's sarcasm. "As I was saying"....and he continued on relating all of the information he had peviously given to Buffy.

Then Giles took out the piece of paper that Xander and Buffy found after slaying the vampires. He had handed it to MacLeod. Duncan reconized the writing.

" No one knew how the chosen ones would be linked. Whether you believe its coincidence or destiny, it is the two of you." Mac was an extremely bright guy, but had a little trouble fathoming what Giles had just said. He shot a look at Joe and Joe knew exactly what he wanted. Joe cleared his throat as he spoke. "Uh hmm. Giles, excuse me."

"Yes, Joe?"

"Could you excuse Mac and I? We had a pretty long flight and we would kinda like to unpack and then try to sit and absorb all this."

"Sure Joe." Giles certainly understood.

As they were leaving, Giles called to Mac. "Duncan, thank you!"

MacLeod nodded and smiled. "We'll win!"

"How can you be so sure?" Xander asked him

Duncan replied simply "Because we're the good guy's"

Chapter 3

Joe and Mac retire to their hotel room with Giles' blessing. They had a horror story just unfold before them via an obviosly learned man in his field. Although Mac knew such a thing was possible, he certainly didn't want to believe it or at the very least hoped to prove it to be a phasad. They unpack and while sitting having a drink begin to discuss what they heard.

"Joe, what do you think about Giles' tale?"

"look, what I want to say first is that I know Giles a long time and I'm sure he wouldn't be telling us anything that he didn't believe."

Mac, shaking his head, "No... that isn't what I mean. What I'm getting at is the idea that I have to help his slayer in getting, no, destroying this... this demon."

"He's called me over the past few months as this was starting to come together." Joe said. "Giles asked for my input and I really had no way of helping him. Outside of Ahriman, this demon stuff is kinda new to me," he said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"I thought I had a lot on my mind before I got here." Mac replied.

"Now I think I should have gone to the Jersey shore!"

"Look Mac, why don't you try to get some rest?"

"Nah, you go ahead, maybe the night air will do me some good."

Mac left Joe in the hotel room and went for what he thought would be a quiet walk. Mac's luck wouldn't let that happen. As he entered the park he heard a disturbance. Again, Mac can't keep away from someone in trouble. He ran towards all the noise and was surprised at what he saw...a young girl fighting off what appeared to be two vampires and winning. Immediatly, she was able to drive a stake through the first one and he turned to dust. The second one punched her in the face. Duncan then drew his sword and was about to attack, but she retaliated with a kick to his stomach. the fighting went on like that for a few minutes and he couldn't believe the beating she was able to withstand. Finally, she held the vampire off a minute by holding up a familiar silver cross and then finished him off as she did the first.

Mac walked over to the pretty young girl as she tried to regain her composure and asked if she was alright. Sounded dumb but he was still amazed at just went down. "Yeah, I'm least I'm still in one piece."

"My name is Duncan MacLeod."

"Whats yours?" As if he didn't already know.

"Buffy, Buffy Summers." she said.

Buffy thought a minute, then, "Hey are you the person I was told about?"

"If you mean do we now have a common friend known as Giles, than the answer is yes."

"I was wondering when we were going to meet" Buffy said.

"Is it true you were born on the winter solstice?" She asked him

"Yeah and now I'm beginning to regret it."

"When winter meets summer hell breaks loose" they both thought aloud. A quick glance at one another brought more questions by each.

"Tell me more about Immortals" Buffy said in a soft voice.

While he thought of an answer he wanted to give he couldn't help noticing both her beauty and young age. A blonde haired, blue eyed, petite girl with superhuman like strength. Without a doubt, one of the oddest combinations he had come across in four hundred years.

"There are many of us, only known to each other and a handful of mortals. Our fight, (a word he wanted to use instead of game) is a fight to the death. Death being the taking of another immortals head and with it his power. Thats the only way we can be killed. We must fight until there is one left and that person, whoever it may be, wins the prize. Nobody really knows what the prize is but I'm hoping for mortality and the ability to have children."

"Wow"... Buffy knew her response was an understatement but thats all she can come up with.

"Well, your turn now, Buffy."

"I was sixteen when I was approached by this guy as I was sitting on the highschool steps waiting for my boyfriend. He was my first watcher. Obviously I was really thinking this old dude was trying to mess with me, but after some proof I knew he was telling the truth. I was to be the next Slayer. After he was killed, Giles took over as my watcher and teacher. He trained me in the use of diffrent weapons and gives me advice and background on various situations that come up. When night falls, thats when I begin to make my rounds in search of vampires and demons. I know this is my destiny but sometimes I wonder "why me." I've already lost some friends and thats too hard to deal with."

"I know the feeling," Mac said quietly.

"Buffy!" A voice from behind yelled. As they turned, Angel was standing there with a slight Mona Lisa smile on his face. Duncan stood there in disbelief.

"Angelus?" He gasped

"Duncan?" Angel said almost incredulously. Buffy stood there as if she was an outsider. She watched as the two of them exchanged hugs, then handshakes, then hugs again. "Uh, excuse me? If you'd like me to get you both a corner table and some candlight it would be my pleasure." Buffy said with a smile on her face.

"It's been a long time Duncan." Angel said

"Two hundred forty seven years, Duncan said. Angelus how?"

"I was going to ask you the same thing."

Angel began telling Mac about how he became "Immortal" in the sense being. "It was about a year after we had met, I had just finished drinking and was about to go home. I saw a girl and... well... you know me. Her name was Darla, she was a vampire. She "sired" me, and I have been a vampire ever since. But my soul was given back to me by a group of gypsies called the Kalderash. They call it a curse, I call it a reconciliation."

After Angel told Duncan his story, he began to recite what he had told Buffy. "Good morning guys, welcome back to 1999." Buffy said

"Sorry!" both Angel and Mac replied laughing.

"I take it you know about this Scarden?" MacLeod said facing Angel.

"Yeah, a little. I do know for a fact we can't let him get that girl!"

Macleod finished the conversation by telling them he was off to get whatever kind of sleep he can. And he would see them in the morning.


"The time is almost at hand Gale, the end of all humanity, we will be joined by blood. All will know the power of evil, my power. You will release me, your blood so pure, so innocent. It is only a matter of time, the eclipse is almost here. I am everything, all will become my servants. With your blood I will form my unholy alliance. You are mine....!

A scream broke the silence in the Marin household. Gale jumped up, holding her stomach.

"GALE!" Her father screamed, trying to open the locked door. Finally pushing through the door, he ran to the frightened girl, grabbed her, and tried to calm her down.

"HE'S COMING! DAD, HE'S COMING!" She shouted. Her nose was bleeding and she was also coughing up blood.

"JESUS, JENNIFER!" He yelled to Gales mother who was getting a cold washcloth. "HURRY UP, SHE'S COUGHING UP BLOOD. GALE, GALE.... CALM DOWN. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON, WHO'S COMING?" He shouted.

"Jennifer, get the car started we got to get her to the emergency room.

" The blood had stopped as they arrived at the hospital, but was taken right away for x-rays. An hour and a half had gone by till they got the results. During that time Gales father was trying to make some sense out what had happened.

"Dad, I've been telling you, something is going to happen."

"What Gale, what's going to happen."

"The end.... of everything."

What they didn't notice was that the docter was standing in the doorway, he innterupted them by clearing his throat.

"Mr. Marin, Mrs. Marin, Gale."

"Hi, Doctor, is Gale?" They said nervously, fearing the worse. "Well, this young lady must of been doing a lot of yelling or strenuous activity. Because the blood she was coughing up was due to a weak vein in her right lung, that must of collapsed under the extreme pressure. She is in no immediate danger, but I would like to keep her here for a night or two, she will need rest. Now my name is Doctor Howard Bolton, come with me there is something I need to tell you. Has your daughter ever have any kind of trauma?"

"No, why?"

She kept talking about the end of the world, and this...this demon. With your permission I would like to have a neuorologist come in and take a look at her."

"Yes, is she alright docter?"

"She will be fine, it's just a test. It could be just a bad dream."

"Thank you Doctor. Ok Gale... Mom and Dad are going home we will be back during visiting hours ok, honey."

" Home? Home Dad? Soon we're not going to have a home!" Gale told her father, eyes penetrating his.

" have a home, there will be no light, just darkness.

Chapter 4

Mac again has a problem with sleep. Although there are many worthy opponents available, Scarden not withstanding, Mac's biggest nemesis right now is his dreams and the trouble sleeping which still plagues him. As dawn breaks, no one but a selected band of "warriors" knows what has been unfolding. In an attempt to relax his mind he began a kata, an imaginary fight between two opponents. Block, reverse punch, block, side kick... all the movements flowing and leading to the next. The gracefulness of each movement belies the fact that it is a most deadly or at the very least, most debilitating form of combat thre is.

After the exercise, he began using the same meditation he used in the Kempak monastery while mourning the loss of his friend and student, Richie Ryan. It was also time he used in preparation for his battle with Ahriman. After showering, Mac found a note Joe had left for him. Joe was at the library with Giles attempting to get more information on Scarden. They'll need to find his achilles heel, if there is one, to beat him. He finished reading the note and as he held it in his hand slowly crushing it, he mumbled solemly, "I can't believe we have to face this...this thing."

A long time ago he found his immortality hard to believe, but demons, thats a whole new game. Unfortunatly, he knows the powers, great powers, a demon could possess. Ahriman was the cause of him taking Richies head, a thought that still haunts him today. A thought that at first caused him to withdraw to the monastery, originally for solace but soon his solace would turn to hate, hate for a demon who was able to fool and humiliate him. That eventually became a big contributing factor in helping to beat Ahriman. Deep down, he hoped his personal history didn't repeat itself.

Duncan entered the library, Joe and Giles greeted him and started to bring him up to speed on the additional information they had.

"Uh, I'm afraid I really don't have too much to give you on Scarden outside of what we already know", Giles said.

"Just to recap old information, we know he's after a young lady named Gale. He's trapped in his own realm until his creatures find her and bring her to him. He needs her to free him from his realm so he can unleash an evil which would take over the world."

"Giles?" Duncan interrupted, How do we know when this is supposed to happen?"

"Right now we don't. We have to watch for specific changes in Buffy's nightly rounds. If I'm right , there should be increased activity for her. The vampires she faces will be under a spell and will be more powerful than normal. Sort of like the night of St. Vigious." "Do you have a plan in mind for when this happens?" Mac asked.

"Uh, yes, but I'm afraid we'll have to recruit some additional help when the time comes. I don't think I have to say how important it is that we find Gale before they do. Now for the little and new knowledge I was able to find . It would seem that Scarden's realm is deep within Sunnydale."

The school bell rang, Buffy, and Xander entered the library. "Hey gang, whats up?" Buffy asked.

"Nothing new, exept for the fact that you will have increased activity at night." Duncan said.

"I will be patrolling with you the next couple of nights."

Giles just walked out of his office, he had been on the phone.

"Well, we now know the location of Gale. That was a watcher on the phone, his name is Howard Bolton. She is in St. Lucys hospital, apparently she was visited in her dreams, by a mutual friend of ours. We have to get her, she has to stay with us until this is over. Duncan, you are now neorologist Doctor Ian Mcgowan. Your going to have to get her out of there. Nobody can know, not even her parents. Buffy, can she stay at your place?" "Of course." Buffy said.

"Ok then let's get started, the fate of the world is resting on this girls shoulders." Giles had given Duncan some supplies to make him look a little more like a docter. "Docter Ian Mcgowan, huh. Ok, Xander your coming with me you've just been made apprentice." Duncan said."Oh, how excited am I."

Duncan and Xander headed for the hospital, it was just about nightfall. "Xander, we are going to have to find out the room number, get two visitor passes, I'm going to slip into this stuff. Wait for me by the cafeteria."

Duncan went into one of the singular bathrooms they had there and put on the docters outfit giles gave them. meanwhile Xander was at the front desk.


"Can I help you sir?" the lady asked him.

"Yes, my friend and I are here to see Gale Marin."

"Ok, Let me see what room....she is on the fourth floor, room you go." Duncan came out and met Xander.

"Ok, now its your turn, when we're in the elevator slip this jacket on." Duncan told him.

They got to the floor and Duncan proceeded to go to the nurses station.

"Hello." He said bringing back his familiar Scottish brogue. "I'm Doctor Ian Mcgowan, Dr. Bolton said I would be coming in to talk some things over with the patient in room 4107. I think her name is Gale...Gale Marin."

"Yes Doctor, we've been expecting you. Heres her chart the room is right here on your left."

"Thank you nurse."

Duncan then was heading toward the room, when he realized someone wasn't with him. "Why Helloo, I'm assistant Rosenthal." Xander said to the young nurse with a really horrible English accent.

"I'm assissting the Doctor."

"Isn't that what assisstants usually do?" The nurse said laughing.

"Well you know, I..uh..uh..uh." Duncan had grabbed his arm and apologized to the young lady.

"Smooth Romeo, real smooth." Mac said.

They were about to enter the room where Gale was, when a feeling of dread overcame them both.

"Woah, just got a major case of the wiggins." Xander said looking at Duncan.

"Yeah, me too."

Gale had been sleeping, it looked as if they were giving her a muscle relaxent through the IV. So she must of been out of it most of the day.

"Gale..honey wake up." Duncan said softly. She rolled over and opened her eyes. "Oh, you must be Dr. Mcgowan."

"Yes and no, my name is actually Duncan MacLeod, and this is my friend Xander. Please listen to us this is very important. Don't be afraid we won't hurt you. We're here to help you with this thing that you have been dreaming of . But we need to get you in a safer place. Do you trust us?" Mac knew that was a dumb question. He himself wouldn't trust anyone with a story like that.

" I have to, you know about these dreams. But how are we going to get out of here?"

" Just follow us."

"Xander tell your girlfriend out there that we are going to take Gale for a little walk around the hospital to talk. We'll meet you downstairs. Gale put your clothes on."

As Xander distracted the nurse, the two crept to the staircase and headed down and into the lobby. Xander then said his goodbyes to the nurse and met them. But before meeting them he slipped the Doctors coat off and left it on the stairwell. He then returned the passes and they left the hospital. As the door closed behind them they all took a sigh of relief and headed toward the car. But as they were walking to the car, without warning two vampires attacked. Xander went sailing into one of the parked cars, and one vampire grabbed Gales arm.

"You will release Scarden!" The vampire shouted. But as quickly as the vampire attacked, Duncan drew his sword.

"Not in this lifetime!" Mac said.

Mac sliced through the vampires arm releasing Gale. The other vampire jumped at MacLeod, but he ducked and the vampire hit the other one knocking them to the ground.

"MAC!" Xander shouted.

"Take there heads!"

Something Duncan was all to familiar with. The Vampires got up, one ran towards Mac. Duncan spun out of the way, and was now behind the demon. He swung his katana and the first was gone. Mac then lunged toward the other enemy stabbing him, as the vampire doubled over Macleod took his head. As soon as the second was gone, three others appeared. One was about to attack Duncan, when Xander hit the demon with the car.

"Come on, get in!" He yelled.

"Thanks buddy I owe you one!" Duncan said out of breath. "Gale are you ok?"

"What the hell were those things? This is like a nightmare." She said

" This isn't a dream, but don't worry they won't hurt you. We won't let them. We're taking you someplace safe. This will be over soon." Or so he hoped.

Chapter 5

Xander, Duncan, and Gale arrived at Buffy's house, but the situation wasn't improved. As they pulled up Buffy and Angel were already Fighting their fare share of vampires. one good thing about being there Xander said is that vampires aren't allowed inside unless their invited.

"Buffy, their here." Angel yelled as he drove a stake into one of the demons. "Angel get the girl into the house. We got you covered!" Duncan exclaimed. Duncan and Buffy fell back to back as they took out the last of the vampires. But just like earlier no sooner did they take out the demons, a whole new army of the undead approached.


What the two warriors hadn't noticed was the one demon behind them. The vampire was poised and ready to attack, Duncan turned around and pushed Buffy out of it's reach. Duncan swung his sword but the vampire blocked it, clamping Mac's arm and breaking it. Then taking the fallen sword drove it through MacLeods stomach.

"NO....OH GOD....NO!" Buffy shouted. The vampire dropped MacLeod and started towards Buffy.

"No way in hell....." She said. Then she took out the stake and threw it in the direction of the demon, piercing it's heart.

"Angel, Xander get Duncan inside...hurry!"

They grabbed MacLeod and ran into the house with Buffy behind them.

Gasping for breath Duncan sits up clenching his stomach.

"Are you alright?" Xander asked.

"I'll live, How's Buffy, and Gale is she alright?"

"I'm fine!" Gale chimed in.

"Can someone please tell me what's going on? Why is this happening?"

No one really knew how to explain this, they themselves really didn't know why this was happening. How can you explain to someone, who all through life was told there was no such things as ghosts, goblins, and demons? That a demon called Scarden will try and take her blood to release himself from his hell. And that they are her only chance to live. But none the less they had to tell her the horror.

Joe and Giles were still at the library they had recruted Buffy's friend Willow to help them try and find a way to stop this monster.

"Willow did you find a way to kill this son of a bitch?" Joe asked. "In case he does get free I want a plan B."

"As a matter of fact...I did. Giles come here take a look at this!" Willow said.

"A long time ago around 1120, there was this wax that was blessed by these high priests. The wax was called...." Willow said but was interupted. ...."The wax of parthus!" Giles said.

"Right, but how did you know?" Willow asked puzzeled

"Old bedtime story.... I just never knew it had anything to do with a demon. It was around the time of the Knights Templar, it was said they got the wax blessed and at that time formed into a candle, at night they would burn the candle and pray for safety of the pilgrims they were escorting to the holy places. But then there was an all out innsurection, and the remainder of the wax had been given to one of the knights, never to be burned again. It was then handed down through the years to each decendent of the knight. And as a matter of fact, down at the museum they have an entire wing dedicated to the Knights Templar. Including the wax.

"There's more..." Willow added. ...."Around the time of the Arthurian legend, a demon was supposedly released. guessed it our friend Scarden. But he wasn't totally out of his "gateway." The slayer at that time aquired the wax, melted it and dipped an arrow head in it. And at the time of Scarden's "coming out experiance" she fired it into his heart. Unfortunatley we know it didn't kill him, but just trapped him....till now. It still doesn't tell us exactly how to kill it. That is said only the chosen ones at the right time will know how to do. Hopefully we won't need this, if they can just keep Gale safe till the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow is the elected's day.

"Gile's I think....just to be ahead of the game we get that wax!" Joe said.

" Your right, this might be the easy part I happen to have a friend who works at the museum, I could have the wax by morning. You should know him Joe, Daniel Cochran he's the museum coordinater."

" Duncan, and Xander should already be at Buffy's, we should let them know."

"But....why me?" Were the only words Gale could mutter out.

"The weight of the whole damn world is on me...why?"

"You are the next chosen decendent of the one who stopped it long ago." Buffy said. Gale couldn't help but cry, it's true MacLeod thought, the weight of the world was just put on her in one night.

"Beside's...." Mac said. ...."We're here to take a little of that weight of your shoulders... all of us."

"But I saw you die. Are you like them?"

"No Gale, I'm....immortal. I'm not asking you to understand, you've already been given to much to think about. Lie down try to get some rest."

" I wish I was immortal." And with that Gale lied down.

Those words were ringing in MacLeod's ears. Angel looked at Duncan and he knew they were on the same level of thinking. Even immortality...has a price. Mac has buried more friends that even he can count. And Angel wishes he would of died that night, the night when he was sired. All those lives he took. Indeed who wants to live forever? Buffy was watching through the window, an armie of vampires just waiting. Waiting for the wrong move.

"They still out there?" MacLeod said breaking the silence.

"Yeah....not for much longer though it'll be morning before you know it. Thank you."

"For what?" Mac asked.

" I would of died before....if you didn't jump in I...." Duncan interrupted.

"It's ok."

"No know for a second I thought you were really dead. It was a scary feeling, that could of been me. At that moment I had forgotten that you were immortal. It can't be easy."

"It's not, the pain of immortality overpowers the pleasure. But in the end you always live each day to the fullest and you look to go on. The world isn't an easy place Buffy, and you and your friends grew up too fast. You're a young beautiful woman, live each day to the fullest. And know you have friends that will back you up, they won't let you die and I'm one of those friends." Then Duncan walked into the other room. Angel was then side by side with Buffy.

"What did you two talk about?" He asked.



"Nevermind...long story." Buffy said

"Well you know I'm here for you."

"I know...I love you."

"I love you too."

"You know thats quite a friend you got there Angelus." Buffy said with a smirk on her face.

"Yeah, Duncan's a great guy....Buffy Anne." Angel replied. Then they hugged and kissed.

It was almost dawn, the vampires began disappearing. Duncan, and Buffy were by the window watching. Angel, because of his present state had to retreat up into Buffy's room, and into the closet for the remainder of the day. Xander had just gotten off the phone with Willow, who brought him up to date. He went to Buffy and Duncan. "Guy's we know how to stop him, if he gets Gale, but it isn't easy."

Chapter 6

It started off as beautiful as any day would, sun shining, birds chirping, people going on living, not knowing the danger that plagues the earth. It's better that way, Buffy thought on thier way to the museum. As they arrived, Giles proceeded to the office of Daniel Cochran. Xander, and Buffy headed for the Knights Templar exhibit. The museum had some extravagant pieces, from suits of armor, swords, sheilds, and the remainder of the wax.

"Look Xander, There it is!"

" So that little chunk of wax is what took this thing out so many years ago, huh! I don't know about you but I would bet on a chainsaw first." Xander remarked.

"Oh, I don't know...."came a voice from behind them.

"Legend say's that it is blessed, and our data base says that the legends are true. So I would bet on that little thing there before some twentieth century piece of machinary." Danny said with a stern and strong voice.

"So it wouldn't be a problem Daniel, we can take the wax?" Giles asked just to have a reassurance.

" Of course and with my blessing. And for you young slayer, the journal of the slayer who trapped this beast, and the very long bow she used. Take good care of it make it a part of you."

"Thank you, Daniel." Buffy said.

"Take care child, and may God look down upon you."

Back at the house Duncan has kept a constant vigil over Gale, who was tossing and turning or having a bad nightmare, and began to go into convulsions. "Gale, wake up." Duncan said holding her arm.

Gale sat up, eye's open but no pupils, pushed MacLeod into the table

. "BACK!" Is the only word she spoke but not in her own voice. She began to levitate, and began to chant something that made MacLeod motionless, whatever was about to become he could do nothing to stop it.

"I have waited so very long for this day, you, your friends, and all the powers of the heavens can't stop this. The girl is mine." the demon spoke.

Joe and Willow arrived at the house and immediatly Joe was thrown out the door, the door then locked after. Leaving only Willow and Duncan in the house. Willow quickly put a safety spell upon herself, and began one to release Duncan.

"All the powers ever given to me, I call upon thee to set the immortal free!"

The door then swung open and Gale dropped to the floor.

"Are you alright?" Willow asked Duncan.

"I'm fine, but Gale. I got to get her on the couch!"

Mac picked Gale up and lied her down she couldn't keep from shaking.

"She's in some kind of trance. Can you do one of those spells to get her out of it?" Mac looked at Willow.

"I..I don't know I'm surprised the other one worked, I'm not very good. I can't....not good under pressure."

"You have to try, now we're all in this together. You can do it!" Mac said cradeling Gale. "Please I can't."

" You have to!" Mac shot back. Willow ran to Gale and put her fingers over her eyes while closing her own. Then she began to say a spell. The way both Willow and Gale's body moved, MacLeod could see the struggle between good and evil. The room grew dark as Willow said the final words. Gale began to levitate once more, only this time in a laid back position. Gale let out a shriek which began with the demon's voice then transformed into her own. Light shown through her mouth, and a bolt of lightning sent Willow into MacLeod. The room was lit once more and Gale's body layed back to rest on the couch.

"See I told you, you can do it!" Mac said out of breath, looking at Willow.

"Oh my God!" Willow jumped up

. "Whats the matter?"


Duncan ran outside, Joe had been leaning up against the car holding his chest.

"Joe, are you alright?" Duncan asked

"I'll be fine, dammit that thing packed quite a punch."

"Come on my friend let's get you inside."

Duncan brought Joe in the house and helped him into the chair. Willow sat by Gale holding her hand and caressed her fore head.

"By the way...." Mac said as he knelt down by her.

"My name is Duncan MacLeod, and I want to thank you. What you did back there was very brave."

"I'm Willow Rosenburg, your welcome. You really think I was brave?"

"Yes, never doubt yourself."

"Duncan, shut the door and blinds!" Came a voice from upstairs.

"Alright come on down."

"Is Gale ok? What the hell happened?" Angel asked

"Believe me, you don't ever want to know!" Willow said

"Duncan,Giles just got off the cell phone, he wants us at the library. They got the wax." Joe informed them.

"Angel watch Gale, protect her. Let's I'm really pissed!"

In the darkness of the hellmouth, the master waits.

"Time is almost at hand Scarden, the world will belong to us once again. With our powers combined The young one will die, and Angel with her. Scarden, make my demons strong. MINIONS, THE TIME IS NOW. MAKE HER BLEED!"

An eclipse formed blocking out the sun, the earth is now as dark as the hellmouth. Duncan, Willow and Joe pulled up to the school. The wind began to pickup, there was a chill that was unatural.

"This isn't right, it feels death." Willow said with a crack in her voice.

Thunder and lightning, but no rain. trees were whipping back and forth.

"It's like a mini hurricane!" added Joe.

"Let's not stand around and admire it." Mac said. They entered the school,and to make matters worse the electricity had gone out. The only noise that existed is the howl of the wind and what ever muttering that was coming out of the library.

"Stay close, don't wander. Let's get to that library." Mac warned.

There was a flickering beam of light exiting the two windows on the doors leading into the library. As they entered Buffy, Giles and Xander were lighting candles and preparing. "You three made it....thank God!" Giles said with the slightest bit of relief.

"Gale is she....Buffy began, but Willow finished.

"She's safe, she's with Angel."

"This isn't supposed to happen, there isn't supposed to be an eclipse." Giles mentioned. Giles had Willow put a protection spell over each.

"This I'm afraid won't spare lives, but it will keep your mind clear in case Scarden trys to put a magic spell over you." She added.

Each then broke a piece of the blessed wax, and rubbed the tip of there weapons with it. "We should of brought Gale....something's wrong. I'm going to get her!"

"DUNCAN WAIT!" Buffy shouted.

The wind had picked up, the windows emploded. Glass blew in from all directions, the doors swung off the hinges and into the library. Standing in the doorway was the silhouette of a man holding, what seemed to be a limp, lifeless body. As the man approached they saw that it was Angel....and the limp, lifeless body....was Gale...throat slashed.


"Buffy, Duncan, I...I couldn't hold them off any longer. They were too powerful."

" YOUR BLEEDING!" Buffy yelled.

"I...I...couldn't. They..." Angel stumbled. Duncan grabbed Gale and layed her on the table. Then ran to Angel and carried him to the chair.

"I shouldn't of left you alone!"

"'s not your fault, There were too many of them. ....Gale...." A tear droplet had left Angels cheek.

"She needed me to protect her....she called my name as they slit her throat."

"You couldn't of done it alone Angel." Buffy said as she was holding him, rocking him. It began to rain, the wind blew out the candles they had lit. As Joe and Giles covered Gales body the ground started to shake. Gales body began to lift, it was thrown to the floor. The ground beneath her split and swallowed her body. Light filtered from the crack, the ground where her body had layed became the consistency of lava and just as hot. The smell, it was the smell of flesh burning. An explosion of light and rock lit the night sky, and set everything around it to flames.

"GILES WHATS HAPPENING!?" Buffy screamed.

"ARMAGEDDON!!!!!" Duncan yelled back.

Chapter 7

"WATCH OUT!" Angel screamed as he pulled Buffy from a beam of energy that escaped the crater. They all withdrew to the back of the library, and used the table to shield themselves from the debris. A horde of vampires entered the school and waited for the command to kill the chosen ones. The last of the rubble showered down, Buffy and Duncan were the only ones who stood, ready for battle.

"Are you Alright?" Duncan asked Buffy.

"I'm fine-you ready?"

"As I'll ever be!"

The rumbling began, only this time it wasn't just rocks and lights that emerged from the opening. The elected started his ascent to the earth, disciples at his hand waiting.

"Listen guys, this is Duncan and my fight. Get out of here while you can!"

"Like hell! Angel came back. "This is OUR fight, two worlds brought together! We're with you."

"Yeah....Xander said.

"...Besides where in the book did they say the chosen ones couldn't have a little help?" The rumbeling stopped and Scarden surfaced, horns protruding from his head, spikes running down his back and arms, with rows of edged teeth, he held Gales body as a newborn baby, and drank the blood that poured from her neck. Then moving his head, made contact with the warriors.

"The girls blood's over....I win!"

"I SWEAR IT'S JUST BEGUN!" Duncan screamed.

"Then you will die! ATTACK!"

The vampires waisted no time, one lunged for the slayer. Xander pulled the crossbow up and fired, killing the vampire in mid-air. Angel hurdeled the table and charged three of the demons. He picked the largest of the three up over his head and hurled it into the cabinet, as the demon hit, the cabinet splintered and pierced its heart. The two remaining jumped Angel, knocking him to the ground. Joe came from behind and struck the nosferatu with his cane. The cane snapped and the vampire swung around and grabbed Joe by the neck lifting him off the ground. Using the piece of cane left in his hand he plunged the end into the vampire turning it to dust. Joe fell to the floor, unable to get up fast enough he was susceptible to the vampire already running for him. The demon swung its foot kicking Joes face, it then knelt down ready to make the kill. A blow from the side took the vampires head, leaving its corpse on top of Joe.

"Did you miss me?" Giles said with his british humor.

"Boy...I never thought I'd be this happy to see you!"

The reunion was short lived, another blood sucking enemy jumped toward the two watchers.

"nor at ti dem!" Willow jumped up and shouted the spell, and a levitating pencil drove itself into the heart of the demon.

Buffy and Duncan were heading up the middle towards Scarden. One vampire had a sword and bolted for Duncan. It lunged, Mac parried the strike and cut its head off.

"Let's see how you do with me pretty one! I'm gonna enjoy you!"

"Ready to rock!" Buffy said as she kicked the vampire in the direction of MacLeod. The vampire threw a punch but Mac blocked, and elbowed the demon, who fell back towards Buffy and onto the stake.

" ENOUGH!!!!" Shouted Scarden.

"Well done.....chosen ones!"

"We're not finished yet!" Duncan and Buffy said together.

" must now come through me!"

Scarden held his hand out and fired an electrical charge into Duncans chest, hurdeling him backwards. Angel began to attack, Scarden jerked his head and sent Angel into the wall.

"Buffy....Giles called. "....You have to use the wax, that is the only thing that will weaken him!"

Buffy ran to Duncan and helped him to his feet.

"This is it Duncan, I need a clear shot at his heart. We have to use the wax!"

Duncan charged for Scarden, he jumped at the demon and was fighting hand to hand. Buffy took the long bow that was given to her and a single arrow, she stabbed the wax with the tip and set it on fire. Attaching the arrow to the bow, she pulled the string back and took aim.


Scarden grabbed Duncan and lifted him over his head, leaving his heart open.

"THIS IS THE END OF ALL HUMANITY!!!" Scarden screamed.

"No, just you! BUFFY NOW, FIRE!"

Buffy released the bow string with the arrow, it sailed through the air hitting the target. The arrow penetrated Scardens heart and came out the back. The beast howled, and dropped MacLeod to the floor. Scarden dropped, stumbled and tried to get up.

"You...will need...more than that....this time....slayer! He said as he regained his footing.

Duncan picked up the sword that the vampire attacked him with and threw it to Buffy.

MacLeod and Buffy ran for Scarden, one on each side of the monster. They swung the swords cutting through both sides of his neck. The swords met in the middle with a clang, there was a beam of light that shone through where Scardens head once was. The body of Scarden fell to the ground, it began to deteriarate and burn. The crater was closing, sucking all of the remaining vampires into it. Gales body began to lift, it began to glow....a beam shone upward from her body, and it layed to rest once more.

"What happened? Why did that happen with her body?" Xander asked.

"Her soul is free." Duncan replied.

"We did it! it's over!" Buffy exclaimed.

The next afternoon

"They just announced on the news that all the damage was due to a freak hurricane." Xander said.

"Well here we are all bruised up, and here you are looking like you have'nt done anything! No, but all joking aside Duncan, it's been a pleasure and honor."

"Thanks Xander, you too. You take care friend!"

"I'll remember what you said." Willow mentioned.

"About what?"

" Well...about not doubting myself."

"You know you got a talent, and I would love to have you on my side any time." Mac said as he gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Giles." " Joe."

The two watchers remarked.

"Thank you, Joe."

"Anytime, and thank you for saving my butt back there."

"Your quite welcome." Giles replied.

"I'll be seeing you."

"Do you really have to go today? There are so many things I would like to find out about." Buffy said to Duncan.

Duncan reached to her face and wiped a tear from her cheek, and hugged her. "Don't worry Buffy, there will be another time. Remember I'm your friend, and once I'm your friend there's no end to me. If you ever need me, ever, call me and I'll be right here."

"What about Angel? Did you say goodbye? She asked.

"We said our goodbyes."

"Thank you, Duncan."

"Take care Buffy, me."

"I will...and you the same, whenever, if ever." she said

"I'll know just who to call." Duncan replied.

Duncan and Joe stepped into the cab, and headed for the airport. Buffy, Xander, Willow and Giles stood and watched as the car drove out of sight.

"You know, I'm going to miss them." Xander said.

" Me too." Buffy a tear rolled slowly down her cheek. "I think we all will."

The End

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