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On this page we will be putting up our favorite quotes from some of our favorite guys, and their movies, interviews, ect.


"She Broke My Heart, SO I Broke Her Jaw!" ~ Scott Caan (AKA Tweeder) on Varsity Blues

"I'm gonna go to jail!" - Tweeder

"Bingville don't stand no chance,and Bingville can see my dance.Ya wanna see the new Tweeder end zone dance? *dancing* You know what it's called? The New Tweeder End Zone Dance!" -Tweeder

"I've been up since the crack of dawn and I had to *ass* you a question!" -Tweeder

"Good mooning,boys,Good mooning!" -Tweeder

"She has that look,like,I just fell out of the I'm-gonna-suck-your-dick-tree and hit every branch on the way down!" -Tweeder

"Can you say,I'm stupid and about to get hit in the nuts?" -Tweeder

"Now that's funny!" - Billy Bob

"I'm Pre-pared to die for all man's sins." - Kyle

"I don't think I have a boney ass. I think I have a nice ass. It *IS* pretty nice!" Mox and Billy Bob

"I LOVE that dog!" - Billy Bob

"It takes a lot of money to look THAT cheap." - Jules

Meet The Deedles

"Hellooo?? It's Ed and Dick!! You may be a win-neer!! Or maybe a loser!" -The Deedles
"You heinous anus!" -Phil Deedle
"What do we do whenever we're in really big trouble? Something really stupid? EXACTLY!" -The Deedles
"...So, where you going now? DEEDLESTONE!" - The Deedles

Enemy Of The State

"I think Jones has some issues we need to resolve." - Seth Green
"My mom use to have one of these...IT BIT ME!" - Jones (Scott Caan)
"I can't do it, I've got rabbies or somethin'." - Jones
"He was an Asshole sir, and deserved it. If you'll excuse me." - Jones
"They took my blender! Your kinda attached to this blender. Yeah, well some people meditate, some get masages, me, I blend. Your weird, ya know that?" Will Smith and that other dude.
"Oh, Eat me, that's us." -Jamie (had the same name in the movie! LoL)

Well, that's all for right now, but we WILL be adding more very soon!

E-mail us with a good quotes from some of the FionE Guys on this page!

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