Monday, March 24, 502


Welcome to the Exploratory Crews of the Federation

The Exploratory Crews of the Federation (ECF) was launched on January 29, 1999, with the hopes of carrying on one mans dream. That dream was to find unity among the inhabitants of Earth so they could together, reach for the stars and boldly go beyond them!

Gene Roddenberry was a visionary, a man before his time. He implemented a variety of races on a Starship that set out to explore and discover new worlds and new civilizations and ultimately, unite them together.

Here in the ECF, we try to maintain that same structure that Gene had envisioned. Our primary goal is to be a Simulations Group that every member feels welcome in, a place they can call home and feel like part of one big family of Star Trek Simmers!

For example; all of our Starships have deck listings that help members to personalize their characters, they know what deck their personal quarters are located on! Another; Before every sim, each crew member receives a mission briefing. (Episode name/Captain's Log) In it, is an embedded picture that relates to the mission, the name & number of that episode, and a brief log from the Captain that gives insight to what the mission is about. This structure was derived from the actual Star Trek television episodes. Additionally, a weekly newsletter is sent to all ECF members. The publication lists all sim times and carries articles pertaining to Star Trek including pictures and a humor section.

The ECF's Prime Directive, is to uphold and maintain simulations that reflect the ideals, morality and technology of the Star Trek world that was created by The Great Bird of the Galaxy himself, Gene Roddenberry. Above all else, our goal is to have fun! Lots of fun! That's what simming is all about!

So what are you waiting for? Join us as the adventure continues!

...Fleet Admiral Ivan Jared Dean

Subspace Data Links

Member Written Short Stories

ECF Short Stories

ECF logos and designs are the sole property of the ECF. Reproduction of any ECF material for use on another web site will be considered copyright infringement.

This page © Copyright 1999-2005, Exploratory Crews of the Federation, a nonprofit online organization. All rights reserved.

Star Trek®, Star Trek:The Next Generation®, Star Trek:Deep Space Nine®, Star Trek:Voyager® and Star Trek:Enterprise® are registered trademarks and all related marks are trademarks of Paramount Pictures. All material found on the pages in this site are for entertainment purposes only and not for personal or financial gain. No copyright infringement is intended.













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