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Hallmark Postcard July 15, 1877

Dear Brother,

In answer to your inquiry of family relations I will give you a few members. My great grand father came from England. His name was George and grandfather was named George Father’s name is James. I will give you the names of a few of grandfather’s brothers names on the back side. Yours, W.H. Hallmark

On the other side of the card were listed these brothers and a sister of George Hallmark Jr namely Tom (ours), Williiam, Jessie, John, Minet, Cummings,, Richard, & sister Polly. So at least these and some more were the children of George Hallmark Sr of England.

I listed part of James Washington Hallmarks children tnat were in the family Bible on a

previous page. Here is a letter that was written to his sister Polly (Mrs. Daniel Henderson) at Alto, Cherokee County, Texas by A.J. Hallmark.

Wetumpkia, Ala. Sept. 25, 1859 Dear Sister and Bros

I have just received yours, of the 9th inst I was truly glad to see it for it is the first letter I have got from you since you left here. I wrote you three letters and received no answer. Since you left here we have passed through severe series of affliction. The tenth of October was a year ago our only daughter Bettie died. She was just grown. Beautiful and intelligerit---wel1 educated. We had spent most all we made upon her, but its God knows what is best and I try to submit to his providence. We have only two children. They are boys, one about 15 and the other about 13 years of age both very well educated good English scholars and now studying "Latin". I am getting along tolerable well so as to live very comfortable. As you see I am living in Wetumpkia keeping a large hotel, the principal one of the place, but I have been selling goods most of the time since you left. Business is good here. Crops are generally good. Well, you wanted to know where all the connections were in the first place I could say that I am here all alone from connections. They are all gone from this country but Claiborn he is still livinagCoosa. Fatherr living louisaia up on Red River near a little place by the name of Montgomery, La, near all of his wifes relations asc there too. Uricle Evans Gaskills family are all living in Louisiana at a post office by the name of Rose Hill in Union Parish except Sarrah. She married a man by the name of Williams and lives in Memphis,. Tenn. Uncle Charles & Ryan and aII their family are out in Texas Some where about the Basos River-there is but fear of the old settlers about Sylacauga now all gone. My wifes motner and father are both dead.Wm. Bulgar is preaching. He is at this time President of the Louisiana Conference of the Protestant Church . He is married, he married very well. I was at Dr. Elisha Wlilsons a few days ago he is livin g in Shell County near Wilsonville but is now fixing to move West to Louisiana. Has a farm and some hands there now. I saw aunt Sally. She looks well for her age. Several of their family are living in Bibb about the same old places. Uncle John Cottingham and his family are living in Lowndes Co of this state down below Montgomery –Have not seen any of them for some time. Uncle Elisha and a part of his family are still living in Bibb at the same old place that Grandfather used to live at. So you se we are very much scattered and no probability that we will ever live so close together again as we once did (all of us). My dear sister and brother and family there is a place where we may all meet again that place is Heaven and by the Grace of God I am determined to try and go there when I leave this world. I hope you all enjoy religion, live so that at last we may meet in that Happ World if we never see each other here. I would like to seel you still hope that I may. Jane and the boys send their loves,

Your brother,

A J Hallmark

Application for land in Madison County Ala 1809

George Hallmark Sr No 206 Aldreds Creek 1 R 54 150 205 8 George Hallmark Jr, Indian Creek 100 27 150 228 8

The 1809 census of Madison Coumty, Ala (Mississippi Territory) Jan 1800

George Hallmark 3r 3 white males imder 21 and 1 over 21 2 white females over 21 George Hallmark Jr 2 white males under 21 and I over 21, 4 white females under 21 and 2 over 21

William Hallmark 3 white males under 21 and 1 over 21, 3 white females under 21 and 1 over-21

Richard Hallmark I male over 21 , and I female over 21 Must have just got married

The last 3 Hallmarks are Georae Hallmark Sr children and brothers of our Thomas