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The Moses Eason Farm

Apparently Moses Eason and wife Elizabeth Woodard arrived in Fayette County. Al. about Feb. 1., 1859., or at least Moses bought 320 acres of land at that time from the government. His land was in Township 14, Range 11 W and Section 12. I did not. find an agricultural census for him in 1860., so maybe he hadn't got his log cabin built and his farm cleared by that time. He took up some of the poorest land in Fayette County Ala. and one wonders if he got much of it cleared before he had to go off to the Civil War. Joseph Phillips. James M. Eason and William McCollurr were neighbors. Moses really went to work after the Civil war ended.


In 1870 Moses Eason had 50 acres improved land., 430 acres in timber all worth $500, $25 farm equipment, paid out $75 for wages and board (he had to hire farrm help 5ince his children were all girls), had 2 mules, 2 milk cows, 4 other cattle, 12 sheep, 24 swine all valued $375, grew 53 bu. winter wheat, 250 bti Indian com., 50 bu. Oats, 20 lbs tobacco., (he must have chewed),6 bu of peas and beans, 160 lbs butter, ½ ton bay, had $50 home made household goods , and all farm produce was worth $200. You can see that he was really at work and making a good living on his good farm

In 1880 Moses Eason tilled.55 acres, had 315 acres in timberland all worth $800,, had $15 farm implements., $235 livestock., bldg and repairing expenses $80.. had 3 milk cows.. 3 other cows, 3 calves dropped., produced.75 lbs butter., 20 lb cheese., had 20 baby lambs sold 2 living cattle., slaughtered 1 for home use,, had 12 cows killed by dogs., clipped 39 lbs wool from 26 sheep., had 15 swine., 25 poultry

, produced 100 doz. eggs, had 25 acres in com and produced 400 bushel., 4 acres of oats and produced 40 bu, 10 acres in wheat and reduced 30 bul, 7 acres cotton produced,3 bales., gtew 10 bu cowpeas., 30 bu.

sweet potatoes., had 30 apple trees on one acre and produced 10 bu apples., had 50 peach trees on an acre ,and cut 18 cords of wood and. sold for $18, You can see he was a worker. Robert E. Lee had trained him well. I have an idea that our grandpa Samuel Winn Hallmark may have been part of the hired help on this farm and while working there he got acquainted with our grandma Marry Roxie Eason and later married her.

When Moses Eason sold any land or any of his heirs sold any land they reserved.the mineral rights, and to this day (1983s) the mineral rights are still owned by the heirs.

finest troors

Moses Eason was in Co I 41st Ala Inf and with Lee's finest troops when they surrendered at Appamoltox., Va.. at end of Civil War.