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     Shady Grove Cemetery


     The Shady Grove Cemetery is located on Hwy 287 between Pennington and
     Crockett. It is also known as the Satterwhite Family Cemetery. There
     is a Baptist church immediately adjacent to the grounds. The most
     unique headstone here is Stringfellow. Scroll down and take a look.

     Please note that the comments column contains my personal observations
     and things I thought would be helpful. Also, I recorded every marker,
     which means, one person may be recorded twice if they had two markers
     (i.e. a military marker in addition to their family marker). If you
     have any questions after viewing the list, please e-mail me at

     The Shady Grove Cemetery is located in the City of Fodice, Houston
     County, Texas. This cemetery was transcribed by Letty Harrington on
     April 2, 2000. This transcription is not connected to the Shady Grove
     Cemetery, the City of Fodice or the County of Houston. This
     information is a personal project only. The information herein is
     given freely for personal use and can not be linked to any sites
     charging a fee for viewing or distribution.


                      Name     b. date           d. date           inscription                    comments
         ALFRED, Sarah Ann            1861       Oct. 30, 1888          "Borned…"  Hand etched in concrete
       ARNOLD, Laura Joyce     January 29,       June 28, 1999                          Heart shaped stone
          ASH, Lois Lathem   Jan. 27, 1925       Dec. 12, 1990      5(?)2 US Navy          Military marker
                                                                     World War II
              ASHE, Ada E.   Aug. 29, 1902       Dec. 16, 1993
          ASHE, Myrtle Mae    Feb. 4, 1886        June 2, 1930            At rest  Hand etched in concrete
          BAILES, Harry E.            1905                1975                        no headstone-funeral
                                                                                               home plaque
                BISHOP, J.   Feb. 29, 1849        Ap. 20, 1915   Too good for the
                                                                 earth God called
                                                                         him home
              BLUE, Minnie  Sept. 25, 1878       Oct. 10, 1965             Mother
      BOWDOIN, Ernest Oran   Apr. 27, 1913        Oct. 7, 1985   married Feb. 12,   Double stone with Reba
        BOWDOIN, Ernest R.                        Mar. 7, 1953  Inf. Son of Mr. &
                                                                        Mrs. E.O.
                                                                    needs another
         BOWDOIN, Reba Fae    May 18, 1923                      Precious memories Double stone with Ernest
        BRASHEAR, Allie M.   Nov. 21, 1900        Mar. 5, 1984   In loving memory
         BRASHEAR, Maud S.   Jan. 20, 1904    October 18, 1977            At rest
        BROXSON, Elizabeth    Nov. 4, 1894       Jan. 25, 1915       Wife of G.W.
              BROXSON, Nat    Sug. 6, 1880       June 10, 1958       Gone but not
       BRUNER, Gladys June   Oct. 13, 1929       Jan. 23, 1990            "Nanny"            Next to Hardy
     BRUNER, Hardy Clinton   Dec. 15, 1918    December 7, 1990  SGT US Army World          Military marker
                                                                           War II
             BULLER, Arden    June 2, 1897       Aug. 31, 1981                      Double stone Eva Pearl
       BULLER, Arland Newt            1938                1970   Married June 11,        Double stone with
                                                                             1960                  Shirley
         BULLER, Elizabeth   Apr. 12, 1892        Jan. 9, 1976             Mother     Double stone with N.
                  "Lizzie"                                                                          Herman
         BULLER, Eva Pearl  Sept. 19, 1899      Sept. 11, 1980                     Double stone with Arden
     BULLER, Irene Eveline    Dec. 6, 1899                                        Double stone with Thomas
         BULLER, N. Herman   July 22, 1891        Feb. 3, 1945             Father        Double stone with
           BULLER, Nona V.         no date             no date                    Double stone with Pinkey
         BULLER, Pinkey P.         no date             no date                      Double stone with Nona
       BULLER, Shirley H.             1937                                        Double stone with Arland
      BULLER, Thomas David   Oct. 30, 1915     August 20, 1996                    Carved deer and trees in
                    "T.D."                                                                           stone
     BULLER, Thomas Hadden    Dec. 1, 1892       Sept. 2, 1975                     Double stone with Irene
     BULLER, Thomas Hadden    Dec. 1, 1892       Sept. 2, 1975  PVT US Army World          Military marker
                                                                            War I
             CASBEER, Emma            1897                1962                        No headstone-funeral
                                                                                               home plaque
          CLARK, Ernest E.   Dec. 29, 1888        July 1, 1969                      Double stone with Mary
            CLARK, Mary E.   Dec. 31, 1888       June 15, 1956                    Double stone with Ernest
          CONWAY, Clara G.                        June 8, 1949                                Next to Mark
           CONWAY, Mark P.                       Nov. 25, 1955                               Next to Clara
    CORTINES, Barbara Jean    May 12, 1939       July 22, 1987 Thy word is a lamp
                                                               unto my feet and a
                                                               light unto my path
              CUPP, George   June 15, 1893       Oct. 30, 1987                       Double stone with Ida
                 CUPP, Ida   Oct. 31, 1893        Apr. 3, 1973                    Double stone with George
    DAVIS, Pauline Johnson    Feb. 4, 1903       June 12, 1995                        Next to J.D. Johnson
          DICKEY, J. Ozzie            1918                1920
              DICKEY, J.B.                       Apr. 14, 1921
       ELLISOR, Hattie Lee   Apr. 13, 1912        Nov. 8, 1915      Gone to be an
         FANNIN, Delmer E.            1903                1972
      FANNIN, J.F. (Frank)            1854                1955   101 years, 7 mo.
                                                                          At rest
       FANNIN, James Oscar   Dec. 26, 1878       Feb. 23, 1953     Absent but not
   FANNIN, Mrs. J.F. (Sue)            1847        Nov. 5, 1931         Our Mother
       FANNINS, Roy Monroe            1906                1940      Gone from our
                                                               home, but not from
                                                                        our heart
        FOSTER, Robert Lee    Nov. 6, 1865        Feb. 7, 1894        Beloved one
   FOURNIQUET, Horace Levi   Dec. 18, 1906        Feb. 4, 1983
     FOURNIQUET, Willie B.   Jan. 17, 1902       Feb. 29, 1948
           GREGG, Alvie L.    Jan. 3, 1903       Dec. 27, 1981    Married Aug. 5, Double stone with Bertha
       GREGG, Bertha Smith    Nov. 7, 1903       Dec. 14, 1991                     Double stone with Alvie
       HALLMARK, Alfred M.   June 19, 1817      April 16, 1880  93 yrs, 9 mos, 27    Has historical marker
                                                               days, As a husband
                                                                    devoted, as a
                                                                  father ??? Weep
                                                                   not, he is not
                                                                dead but sleepeth
          HALLMARK, Arthur            1882                1937
          HALLMARK, Bunnye    May 31, 1897       Dec. 23, 1973                    Double stone with Herman
            HALLMARK, C.B.   Mar. 27, 1856       Mar. 28, 1927   Death is eternal
                                                                 life. Why should
                                                                         we weep?
           HALLMARK, Cleon            1916                1922
       HALLMARK, Elizabeth   Nov. 16, 1840     January 7, 1911       Married F.M.
                                                                 Satterwhite July
                                                                          1, 1858
        HALLMARK, Ella Mae            1900                1940                      Double stone with Owen
    HALLMARK, Enoch Asbury            1856                1902                     Double stone with Nancy
          HALLMARK, George            1883                1884                      appears to be child of
                                                                                    P.C. & J.T.-all stones
                                                                                   hand etched in concrete
       HALLMARK, George W.   Jan. 22, 1871       Dec. 18, 1918   An honest man is    Woodsmen of the World
                                                                 the noblest work
                                                                          of God.
    HALLMARK, Gladys Odell   Dec. 16, 1911       Apr. 19, 1999                     Double stone with James
           HALLMARK, Grace            1885                1888                      appears to be child of
                                                                                    P.C. & J.T.-all stones
                                                                                   hand etched in concrete
       HALLMARK, Herman F.  April 18, 1887           13-Mar-67                    Double stone with Bunnye
         HALLMARK, Hubbard            1884                1885
      HALLMARK, James Hugh   April 5, 1904       June 21, 1970    Married Mar. 9, Double stone with Gladys
        HALLMARK, James T.            1854                1892                     hand etched in concrete
         HALLMARK, Jim Asa            1905                1906
           HALLMARK, Jimmy            1891                1902                      appears to be child of
                                                                                    P.C. & J.T.-all stones
                                                                                   hand etched in concrete
         HALLMARK, John C.            1830                1892    PVT Co. C. 13th          Military marker
                                                               Regt Texas Cav CSA
        HALLMARK, Julia E.    July 2, 1888       July 10, 1976    Asleep in Jesus  Double stone with Oscar
        HALLMARK, Kelly G.            1887                1957
      HALLMARK, Lee Reagan     May 2, 1918        June 5, 1998                         Double stone Margie
            HALLMARK, M.R.            1889                1936
       HALLMARK, Margie A.   Jan. 31, 1932                                         Double stone Lee Reagan
          HALLMARK, Martha    Feb. 4, 1832       Feb. 14, 1928   In after time we
                                                                    will meet her
          HALLMARK, Mattie            1898                1945
       HALLMARK, Mrs. C.B.    Dec. 5, 1864       Dec. 28, 1948
   HALLMARK, Nancy (Ollie)            1858                1940                     Double stone with Enoch
 HALLMARK, Nettie P. Smith  April 21, 1894       July 11, 1991                    Next to Wm. Bunyan Smith
        HALLMARK, Oscar E.   Aug. 23, 1881       Mar. 13, 1930    Asleep in Jesus  Double stone with Julia
    HALLMARK, Owen Burnett            1894                1939                      Double stone with Ella
 HALLMARK, Peoria Cordelia            1859                1920                     hand etched in concrete
    HALLMARK, Rachel Adell    May 14, 1914                                          Double stone with V.B.
   HALLMARK, Ruth Robinett            1897                1917       Wife of H.F.
           HALLMARK, Sarah            1826                1892     Wife of A.M.H.  Citizen of the Republic
                                                                                                  of Texas
      HALLMARK, T. Griffin                       Nov. 25, 1885            Aged 58
                                                                Years-Farewell my
                                                               wife and children,
                                                                from you a father
                                                                Christ doth call,
                                                                 weep not for me,
                                                                    it is in vain
                                                                    (???) to your
                                                                      sight again
            HALLMARK, V.B.  April 18, 1914       Aug. 20, 1984   Wed Apr. 26,1934 Double stone with Rachel
      HALLMARK, Van Burlon                      April 28, 1936
           HALLMARK, Waide            1889                1990                      appears to be child of
                                                                                    P.C. & J.T.-all stones
                                                                                   hand etched in concrete
       HALLMARK, Walton F.    Oct. 3, 1860        Mar. 7, 1911      Gone from our    Woodsmen of the World
                                                               home, but not from
                                                                        our heart
      HARRIS, Beulah Smith   Jan. 24, 1890        May 18, 1972                                 Next to Tom
               HARRIS, Tom    Dec. 2, 1883       Oct. 31, 1952                              Next to Beulah
     HODGES, Carol Lynette   Dec. 24, 1954       Feb. 18, 1986 I fear no death. I                   Heart
                                                                 want nothing now
                                                                          just to
                                                                   Lynette Hodges
            HODGES, Dye C.   July 20, 1905      Sept. 30, 1993                           Double stone with
         HODGES, Ernest C.            1887                1923
         HODGES, Jessie B.  March 11, 1885        Nov. 1, 1957
          HODGES, Madeline   Feb. 16, 1912                      Wed Feb. 20, 1929    Double stone with Dye
         HODGES, Robert C.            1851        May 28, 1923
  HOPKINS, Samantha Nicole  Sept. 23, 1985        Dec. 3, 1985                           Picture of infant
         HULSEY, Coleen B.            1925                1971
      JOHNSON, Jeff Dayton   Jan. 16, 1904        June 6, 1953
            KELLY, Dillard   Dec. 20, 1907       Dec. 17, 1952                                Next to Mary
            KELLY, Mary E.   Oct. 31, 1865       Nov. 19, 1949                             Next to Dillard
       KENDRICK, Claude W.            1912                1963                    Double stone with Nettie
      KENDRICK, Coby Glenn   Aug. 14, 1971       Jan. 30, 1987   In loving memory
                                                                of God's angel he
                                                               let us enjoy for a
                                                                     little while
           KENDRICK, Ethyl      April 1906        January 1960                      Heavy frame with glass
                                                                                      and paper underneath
  KENDRICK, Frances Alfred    Oct. 4, 1921                                        Double stone with Ranzie
         KENDRICK, Harmony      March 1907            May 1949                      Heavy frame with glass
                                                                                      and paper underneath
   KENDRICK, Hubbard Riley  April 12, 1910        July 7, 1965                                Next to Mike
          KENDRICK, Leslie     February 6,        Oct. 8, 1974        SGT US ARMY          Military marker
         KENDRICK, Lynn C.    July 6, 1888       Oct. 25, 1975                              Next to Sidney
      KENDRICK, Mike Butch   Aug. 16, 1942       Aug. 22, 1981            US Army          Next to Hubbard
       KENDRICK, Nettie O.            1914                                        Double stone with Claude
 KENDRICK, Ranzy C. (R.C.)   Jan. 25, 1916       Jan. 28, 1985   Married Mar. 11,        Double stone with
                                                                    1939-Together                  Frances
          KENDRICK, Sidney  March 24, 1890       Nov. 11, 1962                                Next to Lynn
    KNOX, Lena Satterwhite   June 19, 1890       Aug. 17, 1954
               LAKEY, L.P.   Mar. 22, 1866       Oct. 14, 1898 Wife of W.H. Lakey
       LANGER, Edward Luce                        Aug. 9, 1947            Our Son
        LEE, Burl Franklin     May 9, 1914                       Married Sept. 2,  Double stone with Helen
    LEE, Helen Satterwhite   Dec. 22, 1909       June 27, 1995                      Double stone with Burl
           LEE, Infant Son                        May 13, 1937  Inf. Son of Mr. &
                                                                    Mrs. B.F. Lee
      LEIBROOK, Ruby Marsh  Sept. 25, 1912      April 10, 1998                    Double stone with Willie
           LUCAS, Effie E.  Sept. 11, 1887       Oct. 18, 1906 Wife of E.J. Lucas
                                                               "Thy will be done"
           LUCHER, June H.            1923                1963                        No headstone-funeral
                                                                                               home plaque
    MARSH, Elizabeth Perry   Nov. 14, 1871       June 27, 1948             Mother         Next to James L.
       MARSH, James Lawson   Dec. 30, 1869        Dec. 1, 1951             Father     Next to Elizabeth P.
             MARSH, Willie    May 18, 1898        May 22, 1970                      Double stone with Rbuy
           MASON, Clyde M.   Nov. 22, 1912        May 30, 1986                       Double stone with Iva
           MASON, Clyde M.   Nov. 22, 1912        May 30, 1986 TMVI US Navy World          Military marker
                                                                           War II
            MASON, Iva Lee   Feb. 10, 1910        July 5, 1997                     Double stone with Clyde
          MELVIN, Danny W.            1947                1949
      MELVIN, Sarah Elmira   Feb. 27, 1892       July 22, 1962   In loving memory
          MORTON, Beatrice                                                 Age 48 Marker like a frame next
                                                                                        to her - Illegible
   NELMS, Rosetta Kendrick   Dec. 11, 1917       Dec. 22, 1995                    Next to Hubbard Kendrick
             PADGETT, M.B.    Dec. 8, 1833       Dec. 22, 1903 As seen with Jesus
        PARRISH, Alfred H.    Nov. 8, 1894       April 1, 1964  Texas PFC Med Det          Military marker
                                                               144 Infantry World
                                                                            War I
       PHYTHIAN, Clara Sue   Dec. 24, 1915                                        Double stone with Walter
   PHYTHIAN, Walter Robert   Dec. 21, 1911       July 29, 1996   Married Nov. 10,  Double stone with Clara
                        S.                                                   1938                      Sue
       POWELL, Annie Laura            1891                1959                        No headstone-funeral
                                                                                               home plaque
            RAINS, Anna l.            1888                1967                                Next to Anna
     RAINS, Artie Hallmark            1878                1908
             RAINS, Cal H.            1888                1966                                 Next to Cal
               RAINS, Cora   Aug. 14, 1869       Dec. 16, 1936            At rest              Next to JWJ
             RAINS, J.W.J.            1861                1951            At rest             Next to Cora
             RAINS, Jim H.   Aug. 30, 1904       June 28, 1905    Son of J.W.J. &                 Weep not
                                                                       L.C. Rains
         RAINS, Lloyd Elmo   Aug. 30, 1906        Jan. 3, 1995
        ROBINSON, Vida Mae   Dec. 25, 1898
          ROBISON, G. Hugh    Nov. 2, 1889        Jan. 3, 1977
       SANDERS, Barbara A.       Feb. 1937            May 1937
         SANDERS, Inf. Son                                1935   Inf. Son of Bill
                                                                       and Sallie
        SANDERS, Sallie A.    June 5, 1898        May 24, 1976                    Double stone with Willie
    SANDERS, Willie (Bill)   July 27, 1905      Jan . 29, 1969   married Nov. 20, Double stone with Sallie
         SATTERWHITE, A.G.   Nov. 16, 1875       Feb. 11, 1901       Wife of F.W.
                                                                Satterwhite "Gone
                                                               from our home, but
                                                                  not our hearts"
        SATTERWHITE, Alice   June 13, 1926                       Together forever Double stone with Travis
    SATTERWHITE, Archie H.    Feb. 6, 1882       Dec. 25, 1905 Son of J.I. & Ella
                                                                Satterwhite "Lead
                                                                    Kindly Light"
       SATTERWHITE, Arrena   Feb. 17, 1884        Oct. 6, 1890 Dau of J.I. & Ella
       SATTERWHITE, Arrena    Nov. 4, 1832      Sept. 25, 1919       Wife of D.M.
                                                                 Satterwhite "She
                                                                 was the sunshine
                                                                     of our home"
         SATTERWHITE, B.J.    Oct. 2, 1867       Mar. 17, 1905      Gone from our
                                                               home, but not from
                                                                        our heart
      SATTERWHITE, Calvert       Nov. 1901           Aug. 1902
      SATTERWHITE, Charles    Jan 29, 1889       Aug. 27, 1905 Son of J.I. & Ella
                     Minor                                        Satterwhite "In
                                                               our Father's House
                                                                         are many
                                                               on earth, Bloom in
         SATTERWHITE, D.M.   Jan. 28, 1829        Aug. 4, 1886  Masonic symbol "I           Next to Arrena
                                                                  miss thee in my
                                                                        own sleep
        SATTERWHITE, David   Oct. 18, 1890        Dec. 9, 1903 Son of J.I. & Ella
                   Bertram                                            Satterwhite
         SATTERWHITE, Earl   Feb. 29, 1904    January 20, 1970    Married Feb. 7,   Double stone with Edna
      SATTERWHITE, Edna L.    July 7, 1906      April 23, 1995                      Double stone with Earl
  SATTERWHITE, Edward Ward    Oct. 9, 1890       Jan. 16, 1913                           Double stone with
                                                                                  Lela-Metal infant marker
                                                                                              next to them
    SATTERWHITE, Elizabeth    Dec. 5, 1898        July 4, 1981                     Double stone with Frank
                     Glenn                                                                              P.
         SATTERWHITE, Ella   July 29, 1970       Apr. 25, 1902    Wife of John B.
                                                                 Satterwhite "our
                                                                    darling sleep
                                                                    sweetly here"
     SATTERWHITE, Emmaline   Jan. 17, 1808        June 4, 1872  Married Sept. 28,   Double stone with John
                    Morris                                                   1826
        SATTERWHITE, Ethel   Oct. 14, 1897       June 18, 1916      In my fathers
                                                                   house are many
        SATTERWHITE, Frank    Feb. 5, 1895        May 15, 1974   Children "Glenn,        Double stone with
                   Pinkard                                         Travis, Charm,             Elizabeth G.
                                                                     Bill, Betty,
      SATTERWHITE, Georgia   Oct. 31, 1861       Feb. 22, 1883    Married to T.S.
                                                                   Brown-Dec. 27,
   SATTERWHITE, Ina Pearle   Oct. 25, 1893      Sept. 30, 1911 Dau of J.I. & Ella
         SATTERWHITE, Inf.                        Aug. 1, 1940  Infant dau of Mr.
                  Daughter                                            & Mrs. W.H.
                                                                  Satterwhite Jr.
     SATTERWHITE, Inf. Son                           Nov. 1916  Infant son of Mr.
                                                                      & Mrs. W.H.
                                                                  Satterwhite Jr.
       SATTERWHITE, Infant                       Jan. 18, 1898  Inf Dau of J.M. &
                  Daughter                                       S.F. Satterwhite
       SATTERWHITE, Jennie    May 19, 1873       Mar. 25, 1954                      Double stone with W.H.
         SATTERWHITE, John   Dec. 20, 1807       Nov. 12, 1869                           Double stone with
        SATTERWHITE, Leita    Dec. 8, 1887        Aug. 9, 1914    Wife of Richard
                  Robinett                                            Satterwhite
         SATTERWHITE, Lela    Dec. 9, 1887       Apr. 12, 1974                    Double stone with Edward
       SATTERWHITE, Lizzie                         Jan 6, 1897       Wife of T.J.        Double stone with
                                                                      Satterwhite      Mattie-hand etched
    SATTERWHITE, Lizzie B.    Feb. 2, 1907       Aug. 30, 1910
           SATTERWHITE, M.            1839                1930                        Yes this is what the
                                                                                                stone said
    SATTERWHITE, Martha E.                           June 1862      Dau of John &
                                                                 Emeline First to
                                                                 be Buried in the
                                                               Satterwhite Family
     SATTERWHITE, Mary Ann   Dec. 20, 1847        Dec. 4, 1895       Wife of Fiem
       SATTERWHITE, Mattie                       June 11, 1881       Wife of T.J.        Double stone with
                                                                      Satterwhite       Lizzie-hand etched
    SATTERWHITE, Mrs. T.J.            1880                1972            At rest
        SATTERWHITE, Nancy   Dec. 12, 1850       Dec. 26, 1895 Dau of D. & Arrena           Hand etched in
                                                                      Satterwhite   concrete-Same as Nancy
                                                                                          M? Better marker
     SATTERWHITE, Nancy M.   Dec. 12, 1850       Dec. 26, 1895      Dau of D.M. &
                                                               Arrena Satterwhite
                                                                  "Many hopes are
                                                                     buried here"
         SATTERWHITE, T.F.    July 8, 1923       Feb. 23, 1994  RMI US Navy World          Military marker
                                                                           War II
       SATTERWHITE, Thomas    Dec. 9, 1858        July 9, 1946            At rest
    SATTERWHITE, Travis F.    July 8, 1923       Feb. 23, 1994   Married Sept 20,  Double stone with Alice
 SATTERWHITE, W.H. (Billy)    Jan 15, 1871         May 8, 1956                    Double stone with Jennie
      SATTERWHITE, William            1906                1959   in loving memory
            SEALE, Shermie            1926                1999                        No headstone-funeral
                                                                                               home plaque
          SMITH, Annie Mae    Aug. 2, 1892       Apr. 24, 1980                            Double Billie P.
          SMITH, Arthur S.    May 31, 1902       July 17, 1979  Precious Memories   Double stone with Lena
    SMITH, Beatrice Martha   Feb. 18, 1919       Apr. 28, 1998                    Double stone with Walter
                     "Bea"                                                                              N.
         SMITH, Bennie Ray                      March 14, 1946                         Next to Ernestine &
          SMITH, Billie P.   Aug. 24, 1896       Apr. 17, 1982   Married Dec. 25,  Double stone with Annie
                                                                             1920                      Mae
          SMITH, Billie P.   Aug. 24, 1896       Apr. 17, 1982      SEA 2 US Navy          Military marker
                                                                      World War I
             SMITH, Carmel  March 26, 1906                                           Double stone with Lee
               SMITH, Dave            1869                1952                      Double stone with Mary
          SMITH, Edna Roye   Aug. 16, 1925        Nov. 6, 1928                    Next to Billie and Annie
       SMITH, Ernestine H.            1905                                               Double stone with
           SMITH, Etta Lee   July 12, 1877        Jan. 2, 1960                    Double stone eith Sidney
           SMITH, Euna Lee   Nov. 19, 1900                                          Double stone with Otis
          SMITH, George A.     May 1, 1904        May 11, 1973            At rest
   SMITH, Gladys A. "Nana"    Jan. 2, 1922       Nov. 28, 1988                    Double stone with Willie
       SMITH, Henry Oliver   Aug. 20, 1905                        "Obbie" masonic Double stone with Mattie
                                                                           symbol                      May
         SMITH, Infant Son                       Jan. 24, 1935   Inf son of Mr. &
                                                                  Mrs. E.M. Smith
       SMITH, James Lonnie  Sept. 30, 1881        July 7, 1945   Married Dec. 29,   Double stone with Mary
                                                                             1901                    Susan
           SMITH, James P.    Jan. 1, 1859        Nov. 5, 1942                            Next to Sarah P.
         SMITH, John Henry            1903                1936
            SMITH, Johnnie   Jan. 15, 1892        Feb. 3, 1892 Son of R.K. & M.J.
         SMITH, Johnson D.            1910                1968     masonic symbol        Double stone with
               SMITH, L.J.            1871                1941                      Double stone with P.E.
            SMITH, Lee Roy   Aug. 27, 1901        May 31, 1976   Married July 14, Double stone with Carmel
            SMITH, Lena B.   Mar. 26, 1906                                        Double stone with Arthur
             SMITH, Leveta   Apr. 22, 1915       Nov. 10, 1931
               SMITH, Lula  Sept. 15, 1888       Feb. 19, 1911    A tender mother
                                                                     and faithful
               SMITH, Mary            1872                1915                      Double stone with Dave
            SMITH, Mary R.   July 30, 1879        July 9, 1953
         SMITH, Mary Susan  April 16, 1884       Oct. 15, 1975                     Double stone with James
         SMITH, Mattie Mae   Jan. 10, 1909       Dec. 20, 1992    Married Oct. 4,  Double stone with Henry
                                                                             1926                   Oliver
              SMITH, Media            1876                1962                      Double stone with Newt
          SMITH, Minnie J.            1872                1968                    Double stone with Robert
      SMITH, Nancy Almedia    Nov. 8, 1876        Mpv/ 2, 1962                          2nd stone for this
          SMITH, Nannie E.   Aug. 21, 1897       Mar. 15, 1902 Dau of R.K. & M.J.
            SMITH, Newt A.            1875                1918                     Double stone with Media
   SMITH, Newton Alexander   Feb. 25, 1875        Feb. 7, 1918                          2nd stone for this
       SMITH, Otis S., Sr.   Dec. 19, 1898                                          Double stone with Euna
               SMITH, P.E.            1862                1936                      Double stone with L.J.
     SMITH, Reuben Clifton            1906                1990                        No headstone-funeral
                                                                                               home plaque
          SMITH, Robert K.            1865                1955                    Double stone with Minnie
           SMITH, Sarah P.   Oct. 31, 1869        Feb. 6, 1946                            Next to James P.
          SMITH, Sidney L.   Nov. 14, 1870       Feb. 17, 1940                      Double stone with Etta
          SMITH, Walter N.                      March 19, 1936  Texas PVT 143 Inf
                                                                           36 Div
       SMITH, Walter Nolan August 30, 1921    January 20, 1998 AMM2 US Navy World          Military plaque
                                                                           War II
       SMITH, Walter Nolan August 30, 1921    January 20, 1998   Wed May 20, 1944        Double stone with
                  "Smitty"                                       Together Forever                 Beatrice
     SMITH, William Bunyan            1894                1920                        Next to Nannie Smith
  SMITH, Willie B. "Honey"   Apr. 21, 1920       Jan. 25, 1989                    Double stone with Gladys
      SMITH, Willie Bunyan                                                          Broken Woodsmen of the
                                                                                     World marker-he has a
                                                                                                new marker
          SPANN, Billie J.   Sept. 7, 1937                                         Double stone with Jeral
           SPANN, Jeral D.   Oct. 18, 1936       June 11, 1980                    Double stone with Billie
         STEEL, DONALD Ray    Jan. 1, 1914       Jan. 18, 1944
         STEEL, Frank Earl   Feb. 22, 1910    November 7, 1968                      Double stone with Ruby
            STEEL, Leassey   Dec. 26, 1867      April 18, 1950       Gone but not
        STEEL, Ruby Esther    May 12, 1915                      Wed May 26, 1934,  Double stone with Frank
                                                                  Children Bobby,                     Earl
                                                                    James, Donald
        STRINGFELLOW, A.H.                  amputated Oct. 22,  Here lies the leg         Engraving of leg
                                                          1884                of…
           SWIFT, Artie S.    Dec. 1, 1917       Oct. 31, 1971                             Next to Raymond
           SWIFT, Homer G.    Feb. 8, 1886        Mar. 2, 1962                               Next to Zadie
         SWIFT, Raymond L.            1916                1983      TEC 5 US Army  Military marker-Next to
                                                                     World War II                    Homer
           SWIFT, Zadie M.  March 22, 1889        Aug. 8, 1964                               Next to Homer
          TATOM, George S.    July 9, 1888       Jan. 11, 1942   In loving memory           Next to Maggie
          TATOM, Maggie M.    Feb. 8, 1890      April 25, 1953   In loving memory           Next to George
         TATOM, Mildred S.   Nov. 21, 1898       Aug. 24, 1986            At rest            Next to Riley
           TATOM, Riley S.   June 20, 1892       Jan. 12, 1954            At rest          Next to Mildred
          THOMAS, Alvis A.   Mar. 24, 1913       Dec. 31, 1991  Wed Dec. 24, 1935  Double stone with Lovie
            THOMAS, Andrew   Nov. 11, 1872        Apr. 5, 1968                     Double stone with Rosie
          THOMAS, Annie B.            1899                1989                      Double stone with John
            THOMAS, Corrie  Sept, 21, 1894      March 16, 1968
       THOMAS, Gus Gilbert    Dec. 2, 1919       June 13, 1972      Rest in Peace
        THOMAS, Infant Son                       Mar. 23, 1938   Inf Son of Mr. &
                                                                 Mrs. A.A. Thomas
           THOMAS, John A.            1898                1993                     Double stone with Annie
          THOMAS, Lovie M.   Nov. 12, 1912                                         Double stone with Alvis
          THOMAS, Rev. Gus     May 5, 1894        Aug. 3, 1954                              Masonic Symbol
             THOMAS, Rosie   Aug. 11, 1872       Aug. 14, 1964                    Double stone with Andrew
       TROUTMAN, Donley E.   July 18, 1912       Mar. 16, 1996  PFC US Army World          Military marker
                                                                           War II
       TROUTMAN, Jessie B.            1882                1951                               Next to Susie
     TROUTMAN, Susie Smith            1877                1936                        In between Jesse and
   WILLS, Barbara Hallmark   March 4, 1938                                         Double stone with Jimmy
        WILLS, Jimmy Macon   Dec. 25, 1938                       Married Nov. 13,        Double stone with
                                                                   1965, Children                  Barbara
                                                                  Craig and Lezli
     WILLS, Marjorie Smith            1938                1965                     Next to Lena and Arthur
             WINDHAM, J.N.    June 1, 1852       June 19, 1905        She was the
                                                                  sunshine of our
            WOOLEY, Waymon                                                                 Blank marker-no
                                                                                   dates-spelled with only
                                                                                                   one "L"
         WOOLLEY, Allen E.  April 17, 1912       Oct. 13, 1976   Married Jan. 23,   Double stone with Vera
                                                                    1932 Together
  WOOLLEY, Annie M. Thomas    December 11,       Feb. 26, 1987                    Double stone with George
                                      1900                                                              G.
         WOOLLEY, Annie R.    Dec. 3, 1918       Nov. 29, 1997                           Double stone with
          WOOLLEY, Armendy    Dec. 6, 1888       Sept. 5, 1972                    Double stone with Joseph
           WOOLLEY, Boonie    Nov. 8, 1906                                         Double stone with Jesse
           WOOLLEY, Burnie   Dec. 22, 1879       June 14, 1908
           WOOLLEY, Claude  Sept. 17, 1899        May 20, 1977                     Double stone with Helen
     WOOLLEY, George Grady    May 17, 1905        Dec. 1, 1980                     Double stone with Annie
        WOOLLEY, George R.            1873                1952                    Double stone with Rachel
            WOOLLEY, Helen    Apr. 5, 1909                                        Double stone with Claude
            WOOLLEY, Jesse     May 6, 1904        May 15, 1987   In loving memory Double stone with Boonie
           WOOLLEY, Jimmie            1916                1998                        No headstone-funeral
                                                                                               home plaque
      WOOLLEY, John Waymon            1869                1963
        WOOLLEY, Joseph A.    May 16, 1871        Mar. 6, 1966                           Double stone with
           WOOLLEY, Lizzie   Sept. 7, 1881        Nov. 7, 1899 Gone home to rest,
                                                                side says "Infant
        WOOLLEY, Nollie G.            1918                                               Double stone with
        WOOLLEY, Rachel E.            1892                1949                    Double stone with George
         WOOLLEY, Sarah A.   Jan. 25, 1837       Mar. 29, 1900    His Wife "Their   Double stone with W.A.
                                                                  toils are past,
                                                                    their work is
                                                                done, they fought
                                                                   the fight, the
                                                                     victory won"
         WOOLLEY, Vera Mae     January 25,                                         Double stone with Allen
            WOOLLEY, W. A.    Oct 13, 1837        Apr. 4, 1925                     Double stone with Sarah
        WOOLLEY, Waymon A.    Oct 13, 1837        Apr. 4, 1925 Louisiana PVT Co C          Military marker
                                                                       19 Regt LA
                                                               Confederate States
          WOOLLEY, Willard            1902                1963                    Double stone with Nollie
       WOOLLEY, Woodrow W.    Feb. 4, 1916       Nov. 13, 1978                     Double stone with Annie