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Some Things my Mother Eza Etta Hallmark Told me before she Died 1981

Grandpa Samuel Winn Hallmark never had a corn planter until after Eza married. She had to drop most of the corn that he planted. The other girls did something else at the house.

Grandpa Hallmark gave each of his girl children except Emma a cow when they got married.

Momma said she never did like beef even before her pet calf. Said she didn’t like the smell.

Momma bought the old wardrobe for $5 from Jim Killingsworth who ran a saw mill. Her dad cut the logs from which it was made. Jim fashioned the old wardrobe from the lumber sawed from S.W. Hallmark’s logs.

S.W. Hallmark gave each of the girls a little cotton patch and the girls did what they wanted to with the money. A trunk apiece was one of the going things they bought and in the trunk they stored their valuable home made quilts and clothes.

Said her grandma Elizabeth Woodard and grandpa Moses Eason got sick and unable to take care of themselves in old age.  The S.W. Hallmark family took care of them. Eva, Ethel, and Eza took turns staying all night with them and doing the cooking and cleaning up. Moses Eason homesteaded the farm there. He used mules or oxen as power to pull the plows. Cleared small patches of ground.  Ground was very poor and not very farmable.  Cooked on fireplace. Momma’s grandpa Eason said after daughter Mary Roxie Hallmark bought a wooden cook stove  that cornbread wasn’t good cooked on one of these new fangled iron cook stoves.

Jim McCollum was a Baptist preacher. He was a half brother of momma’s grandma Sudie McCollum Hallmark. In momma’s youth he preached a revival at New River (Killingsworth) Baptist Church and stayed with the S.W. Hallmark family . Jim’s wife was Susan Eason McCollum, a sister of Mary Roxie Eason Hallmark. Kin in several directions.

Grandma and grandpa S.W. Hallmark allowed  no back talk from their children.

Frank Hallmark, oldest of Hopwood Hallmark kids, Married aunt Mary Berry. Their children were John, Sudie, Sid and Lela. Son John married Grandma Regina Cartherine Holllingsworth’s sister Elizabeth (Bess). John and Bess drank liquor.

Hopwood’s boy Jim—momma didn’t know about him

His daughter sis married Alec Tidwell. Martha Tidwell Manasco was the baby of this family. Married Joe Manasco and lived on Dad’s uncle George’s rental house in Miss. Their Children were Rayford, Ressie, Reba and Sherman.
Daughter Dora Tidwell had no offspring. Married a Baccus.
Andrew Tidwell—good farmer near Wiley Perry place.
Ras Tidwell
Cal Tidwell  Tidwells didn’t get much education.

Hopwood’s son Andrew (Drew) Jackson Hallmark married Moses daughter Della Eason. Their children were Gus, Victor and Annie. Double first cousins of momma and all gone now. 1978.

Hopwood’s son W. H. (Will Hallmark) married Grace Hartney. Grace’s mother died with dropsy. The children of Will and Grace were Fent Hallmark  who married Ida Woodard, daughter of George. Their children were Boyd, James, Josie and Clair.
Son Felix married a Perry girl. Ada married Bill Hollingsworth. Ida married Hubbert.  Ed married Aute Tucker’s girl Sula, and Ector.

Momma’s grandpa Eason fell and broke leg at aunt Sudie McCollums.

I, Fred McCaleb, was born where Walker McCaleb lived. Hubert was born on Barn Creek, Clancy on Boxes Creek, Raburn where Roland Roby lives, Jean in Miss. And Leroy near Bluff, Al. Ollie Tucker was midwife for Fred and Hubert, aunt Margaret Hollingsworth at Clancy’s birth, Raburn & Jean had doctors. Dr. Cowden of Shannon Ms. At Jean’s and Dr. Barnes of Winfield for Raburn. Mrs. Mag Hush, midwife, at Leroy’s birth. Told to me by my mother.  According to momma all her children were good.