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                          Arches--- Victory in Death
                              Arrows--- Mortality
              Bouquets/flowers--- condolences, grief, sorrow
           Buds/Rosebud--- Morning of life or renewal of life
                    Roses--- Brevity of earthly existence
                 Portals--- Passageway to eternal journey
                  Bugles--- Resurrection and the military
            Crossed Swords--- High-ranking military person
                      Flying Birds--- Flight of the soul
                           Fruits --- Eternal plenty
                        Garlands --- Victory in death
                                Imps--- Mortality
                          Shells--- Pilgrimage of life
                           Thistles--- Remembrance
                               Tombs--- Mortality
                                   Trees--- Life
                Trumpeters--- Heralds of the resurrection
                          Willows--- Earthly sorrow
                     Morning Glory--- Beginning of life
                    Butterfly--- Short-lived; early death
                      Full-Blown Rose--- Prime of life
              Palm Branch--- Signifies victory and rejoicing
                     Ivy--- Friendship and immortality
                           Laurel--- Fame or victory
              Oak Leaves & Acorn--- Maturity, ripe old age
                   Weeping Willow--- Emblem of sorrow
                              Corn--- Ripe old age
        Sheaf of Wheat--- Ripe for harvest, divine harvest time
                                  Poppy--- Sleep
                               Lamb--- Innocence
             Dove--- Innocence, gentleness, affection, purity
                               Cherub--- Angelic
                           Cross--- Emblem of faith
              Anchor/Ships--- Hope or seafaring profession
                   Broken Ring--- Family circle severed
                 Broken Column--- Loss of head of family
                        Torch Inverted--- Life extinct
                   Urn with Blaze --- Undying friendship
                         Harp--- Praise to the Maker
                            Handshakes--- Farewell
                  Hearts--- Soul in bliss or love of Christ
                          Horns--- The Resurrection
                        Hourglass--- Swiftness of time
          Open Book/ Bible--- Deceased teacher, minister, etc.
       Lily or Lily of Valley--- Emblem of innocence and purity
            Tree Stump w/Ivy--- Head of family; immortality
                  Urn with /wreath or crepe--- mourning
      Stars & Stripes Around Eagle--- Eternal vigilance, liberty
          Hourglass w/Wings of Time--- Time flying; short life
                 Candle being Snuffed--- Time, mortality
         Coffin, Father Time, picks/shovels, darts--- mortality
                  Hand of God Chopping--- Sudden death
                    Winged Effigies--- Flight of the soul