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Fred McCaleb's Pictures, etc.

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McKillip/McCaleb, Hollingsworth, McDonald, McCollum, & Smith Files
Andrew McCaleb's Wife Elizabeth Lowry's Folks+ picture of their grandson Andrew McCaleb and his Wife Leah C. McCollum at end.
Zilpha Galloway Hollingsworth Notebook
Alfred McCaleb and Mary Ann McDonald Descendants
Lauderdale and Barbary McCaleb wife Descendants
Mary Brooks and Jacob Hollingsworth Descendants
Robert Logan and Jane McCaleb Descendants
Ancesters of Elizabeth Holbrook Wife of Hugh McCaleb
Berry College 1. Five Berry Farm boys 1937 2. Attendance story of Fred McCaleb 3. Speculation on Hugh McKillip of Stokes Co. NC parents and kinsmen.
Henry McCollum of S.C. Descendants
Leah Catherine McCaleb Carter Ancesters
The Galloway Ancesters + Zilpha Galloway Hollingsworth Notebook at End.
Zilpha Galloway's Beal Ancesters +Picture of Hannah Hollingsworth Reynolds family. Hannah was Daughter of Zilpha
1.Hollingsworth Family Cemetery where Zilpha Galloway Buried--dscd of Beals 2.Beal Family Sidelines
More Genealogy Pages
The Mostly Hallmark Home Page
Valentine Hollingsworth of 1600s Descendants
The Collier Descendants
Alex McDonald of Fayette Co. Al. Daughter Lucindy Dscds.
Enos McCaleb Ancesters and Descemdamts
H McCaleb and Eza Hallmark Descendants
Some More Randal McDonald Descendants
Ann McCollum's Musgrove Descendants
Letters,Write Ups,Humor, Genealogy Etc.

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Bettie Cline McCaleb

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The man on the left is Tom Worsham and the one on the right is Hubert McCaleb 1990.

The girl on the left is Clancy McCaleb Worsham, next is Fred McCaleb, Jean McCaleb Reach and Husband Ardell Reach. Taken 1998.

The man on the left is Timm Fredrickson, next is Fred McCaleb and Jean Ellen Fredrickson about 1998.

Verla McCaleb Roby Sandlin on left and Fred McCaleb on the right. Verla is the last aunt of Fred that is left. Picture about 1995.

The man on the right above was my Winfield High School agriculture teacher 1935. He was W.D. Hunt. His first wife died and the woman on the left was a Sprinkle and married a Johnson who died, then married Mr. Hunt. Picture was taken about 1983 just before he died.

Picture above of Bettie Cline McCaleb left, wife of Fred McCaleb (middle) and Ruth Roby Moore (right). Ruth's husband was Arvil Moore and she was a sister of Louie Roby who was the first husband of Verla McCaleb. This picture was taken on the Bigbee Belle on a trip on the Tombigbee river at Columbus, Ms. 1988.

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The Story of Leah Catherine McCollum, wife of Andrew MrCaleb Leah Catherine McCollum was born the 25th of April 1821 in Chester County S C the second child of young James K. and Sarah Carter McCollum. Her grandparents were Churchill and Leah Moultrie Carter on the matemal sides and Newmam and Elizateth Guise McCollum on the paternal side. She was named for her grandma Leah Moultry Carter. Her grandma Elizabeth McCollum had apparently already passed away when she was born, but her great grandma Ann, widowed. wife of g grandpa Henry McCollump was living in the home with grandpa Newman,, and Leah could know her as grandma McCollum. G grandpa Henry McCollum had apparently come from the old,country., perhaps from Scotland through Ireland., taking up land in SC. In 1766 and.had passed away 39 jrears before Leah was bom, so she would never get to see him. Her gg grandparents on the McCollum side appeared to be Henry and Margaret ------ McCollum of Antrimj, Ireland. She had,uncles Henry and Joseph McCollum., and-aunt Elizabeth who became a Patterson. By 1823 or 1824 the young James K. McCollum family., grandpa Newman., Uncle Joseph and g grandma Ann were on their ways perhaps by ox and mule team., from C:hester., S.C. to the western territory of Favette County., Al. Perhaps it took 6 weeks or two months to arrive at destination., and wilderness and indians were everywhere. Sarah took tare of little Nancy Caroline and Leah Catherine the best she could along the way, Newman Theodore was either about to be born., or had just been born before the trip. But mother Sarah had. slaves to do the hard work and survived the trip. Leah Catherine grew up in frontier territory. She had,left her grandma and grandpa Carter in SC. and,would,probably never see them again. Other little McCollum brothers and sisters cam along for she and Nancy Caroline to play and fight with. There were brothers Henry Carter, Joseph, James N., Charner; sisters Ann, Elizabeth, and Sarah Frances. They lived in a big two story house that Newman, James K, and.Joseph had built on the McCollum Plantation. Black servants took care of the house and.field work. Father James K. devoted much of his time to county politics and became Fayette County Representative to Montgomery 3 times. The McCollums were important people and know it. James K. and Sarah attended the Primitive Baptist Church at New River (WAde cemetery). Father James K. was the only one ever volunteering to tithe, Years of comfortable living went by for Leah Catherine and before she realized it she was nearly 17 years old and on 8th of March 1838 was standing on the front doorstep of the old McCollum plantation home at a bend of New River(what is now Hubbardville) taking the vow of matrimony with this fellow Andrew McCaleb who had been born in Stokes County N.C. 1813 and had come with his parents Hugh and.Blizabeth Holbrook MoCaleb to Fayette ounty,, Ala. Leah C. McCaleb was flxing to become mother of generations of Favette County MoCalebs and Hollingsworths.. Andrew and Leah MrCaleb first moved into a little log house up New River from the McCollum plantation and across a bend in the river from where the Hugh and. Elizabeth Holbrook MoCaleb place was. By 1839 Sarah Frances MoCaleb Was bom. Jobn Tyler came along in September of 1840. Andrew could see there was going to be more kids coming, so by that time he was building on a two scory plantation home similar to the old McCollum home. By the time my great grandma Elizabeth Jane MCaleb Hollingsworth came along on ort. 30., 1842 she was the first one born in the now house. The house burned (unoccupied and,deteriorated in 1980s) one hundred-and fifty+ years later., and w as a monument to old 'Boas Andy", Leah’s husband. Here the rest of the Leah and Andrew MoCaleb children were born and raised. Leah was raised up as a Primitive Baptist. The old McCalobs had been Presbyteriins, but Andrew NeCaleb was a church of Christ man. Andrew had no slaves, but p6rhaps had use of his parents slaves. The Church of Christ was against slavery., at least Alexander Campbell and the preachers were ---- preaching that it near impossible for a fellow like James K. McCollum to make the Promised Land. This probably didn't create too good, a feeling in James K. McCollum for his son in law Andrew. None of the MoCaleb boys were named for lames K. McCollum family. . Leah Catherine named some of her girls after the McCollum faaily. She named one Leah Catherine. This girl married "Jim" Wade.. Jim had been converted over from Primitive Baptist to Church of Christ, Jim became a preacher and spent his life as a minister of the Gospel, going anywhere needed with his buggy and horse, and never charging a penny for his services, Jim appeared to be Andrew and Leah's favorite son in law. Andrew spent his last days before dying in 1899 at the home of,Jim and Leah Catherine McCaleb Wade. Leah Catherine McCollum preceded, her husband Andrew Mccaleb in death by about 13 or 14 years. she dying in 1885 and Andrew in 1899. Leah was 64 at death., Andrew living to age 86. Leah's mother Sarah Carter McCollum died in 1858 with a brain tumorr. 27 years before Leah's death. Leah's other children not mentioned were Rejina., Margaret Ann, Marrtha Caroline, Andrew Jackson., Bashie., William "Biily", and Susanna McCaleb. They spread the McCollum-McCaleb blood,throughout the region. Leah Catherine Mr.Collum McCaleb was my grandma Rejina Catherine Hollingsworth McCaleb's grandma. You could say she was a grandma's grandma., and,,with that I Close. Prepared by Fred, McCalebs, 4156 County Road 51, Fayette, Ala. 35555 1983 .
