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The wildcat story that grandma and, grandpa J.F. & R.C. MCalab used to tell

Alma Woodard Tucker who will be 90 her next birthday remembered the old wildcat story I used to hear at my MrCaleb grandparents when I was a young boy..Mincy Tidwell had two boys that had gone coon hunting after dark and,it was getting way on in the night and they hadn't arrived back home. Mincy was worried. She decided to go looking for her bavs. She went down a lonely dark trail through the woods. and passed under a tree that was leaning over the trail. A wildcat jumped from the tree and clawed up bar shoulders. Alma said Mincy showed bar the scars. This story put fear into my heart after dark when I was a boy. I was get into the woods at night.

Jim and Rajina C. McCaleb family visit the Woodards

Their oldest son was my dad H, McCaleb., his brother Walker and.his sister Mary McCaleb were going to visit their cousins. the Melton and Martha Hollingsworth Woodard children. Mary and Walker had the Lice.. but daddy didn't have lice in his hair, Grandma McCaleb told the children not to mention about the lice or the Woodard children wouldn't play with them, My dad H arrived at the Woodard home first and announced to his cousins to not play with Walker and Mary.

By Fred McCaleb