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Safety Guidelines
I am a National Safety Designate, and I believe in this program. It is the only way to be safe and to protect yourself. This article has been reprinted with the permission of Master Shado.

First Time Meeting Safety

So you have progressed to the "First Time Meeting" this can be an awesome
experience as long as you follow a few simple guide lines. Safety is a very
important factor to keep in mind. In these days and times we take so much for
granted. Sometimes we forget the most basic of things. Safety we often take for granted " oh well that could never happen to me ". Male or female makes no difference safety is not gender specific or prejudiced. We are all vulnerable in one fashion or another.

We have our little chat rooms that we are free to visit our "safety net" if you will.
We can do anything or be anything we so choose to be. You meet someone on-line soon developing a relationship. Everything is fine and cozy in the chat room. (really now what can happen there?) If things get to out of hand you can simply turn the thing off and walk away.

After you have had your relationship for a period of time next comes the ultimate. The question of meeting in real life, is it time to meet each other and go to the next step in the relationship? By now you both should have discussed what it is that you are looking for in a relationship. What you are expecting from a real life partner. You should have each others Phone #, addresses and place of employment. As well as a pretty good knowledge about each other.

A word of advice, don't be afraid to call each other and verify information. If you are both serious you will both be understanding of the other. ( after all you still haven't met in person ) Remember you are building on that trust foundation, this will only enhance it.

Now comes the time for the meeting. You have finally decided to do this. Now is the time for making preparations. Even though you have chatted and talked on the phone for countless hours you are still somewhat strangers. So take safety a little further, you are going to be meeting face to face. Remember anyone can say anything on the phone or in a chat room. Being face to face will be a little different. So here are 10 rules to follow.

1. Have their real name, address, phone # and place of employment.

2. Let someone you know and trust locally know what you are doing. Give them the information about the person you are going to meet. Set up a safe call for a specific time. After you have made the call set up another call for a later time. Have a code word so if you need an out or help you'll have it.

3. Make sure that your safe call has your itinerary.

4. Meet in a public place where there will be plenty of people around if you should require assistance.

5. After you meet take a few minutes to talk and get comfortable with this person. If you can't get comfortable this may not be a good situation. Question your self, Do I feel comfortable? Do I wish to continue? 

6. Don't get into using alcohol or drugs, this is a time you may need a clear head to think quickly.

7. If the situation gets out of hand find a reason to leave or a way out. Don't stay thinking it will only get better. Chances are it won't

8. When you do leave make sure you are not followed. If you feel that you are then go to the nearest Law Enforcement Facility.

9. Remember it is easier to walk away before a situation gets out of hand

10. Only accept what you have negotiated for the first meeting. Never accept abuse, at the first sign of it leave because it will not get better.

Your safety should be first and foremost, never take it for granted. If you do you may be the next one beaten, abused or even worse dead. I know these are strong words but if the other person is serious about you they will understand. Most people that you meet are good decent people. Never take safety lightly. This is not a reason for fear but a time to think and follow through. You only get one chance at life don't trust it to fate, choose your own destiny.

MasterShado  ©1998


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