Christians United Press, July 2002, Page 1
Volume III, Issue VII                     ON THE WEB:                     July 2002
"But we give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word." Acts 6:4

Meet Barbara Richmon
by: Jan Hicks

Widowed in August 1999 after 29 years of marriage, Barbara is the mother of four grown children, all of whom know and serve the Lord. She is a former Catholic nun, school teacher, Christian school principal and Bible College dean. Having been separated from her natural family shortly after birth, it wasn't until she was thirty-three years of age that she learned of her Jewish father. This knowledge motivated her to enthusiastically study the nation, the people of Israel and the Jewish roots of Christianity. Teaching on these subjects has become a major, though not exclusive, thrust of her ministry.

During a wonderful interview with Barbara I asked her the vision and the focus of the ministry the Lord has allowed her to start. “The Lord started speaking to me about teaching His word because so many churches are filled with people, but so few are disciples.” She says “I want to see the church restored to her true foundation, set free from the mixture of paganism that has infiltrated the church over the centuries. Many people have prayed the sinners prayer, may be in church but they really are not growing up into the image and likeness of Yeshua. That takes teaching and being immersed in the Word.” Barbara says, “I had a very strong interest, after finding out I was Jewish in learning everything I could about Israel, about the Jewish people and about the Jewish roots of Christianity, which go very, very deep. To a great extent, the church has been robbed of their Jewish roots for 1600 years. This very quickly became the focus of the ministry, to teach the word of God from the Hebraic perspective in order to help believers grow up into Christ.” Her driving motivation is not only to see believers mature into the image and likeness of Yeshua, but to work towards the reunion of Jew and Gentile in the Messiah. The union that Yeshua Himself prayed for the night before He died when He said "That they may be one...." John 17:20-21

As we discussed the importance of prayer in her ministry and in her life, Barbara says, “As a child I remember my mother telling me often how important it is to pray everyday, to talk to God everyday. I didn’t know Him in the sense of being born again, like I do now. I do remember, even as a child I developed the habit of praying everyday and felt what I know now, to be His presence in the room,

that He was listening to my prayers. As I got older and born again I understood that prayer is not just one way, that it is really a two way conversation with God. We have two ears and one mouth; I think we are supposed to listen twice as much as we talk! Often, most of us have been the opposite of little Samuel when he was in the temple with Eli. Eli said to him to go back, and when you hear that voice again say ‘Speak Lord for your servant listens’. I think most of us say, ‘Listen Lord, your servant is speaking.’ Prayer really is that wonderful opportunity to fellowship with your heavenly Father who loves you beyond anything you could ever describe. I learned early in my Christian walk to carry over the priority that I had been taught as a Catholic, the priority of prayer. It has been the single foremost strength in my life, that daily time with the Lord. Prayer is worship, it’s listening, it’s talking to Him, listening for His answer, praying over the Word, bringing petitions, praise, a little of all of that. We communicate with Him in different ways at different times. I don’t know what I’d do without prayer; it is the mainstay, the stability of my life. Prayer and worship. Without prayer I’m thoroughly convinced nothing happens of any eternal consequence. To fulfill the call God has on your life, you have got to have an intimate relationship with Him. There is no shortcut to spending time with Him, to feeding on His word and it doesn’t happen overnight. Without prayer you won’t have the anointing that Yeshua has.” When asked if there was a certain time of day that she has appointed to spend time with Him, she states, “We human beings need regularity, we operate best that way. I have, to the best of my ability, a set time that I get up in the morning, early,

that was my time with the Lord. It was taught to me and drilled into me early in my Christian life to give God the best of the first fruits of my day. Prayer for Israel is a priority, and a commandment, I pray for them every day. This is the responsibility of everyone who says they are a bible believer.” When asked to give us some directives on praying for Israel. She says, “In the last days God wants to draw His people back to Himself. There is a move of the Holy Spirit to call the Jewish people back to the scripture. If we go back and read the book of Acts it was a powerful time but, the New Testament wasn’t put together until the year 110. How did they preach the Messiah from the Old Testament? They preached Him from the writings of Moses and the prophets. If the Jewish people will go back to the synagogues and the scriptures they would put themselves in a position to have the Messiah revealed to them. Much more than some American coming from a Western standpoint imposing an “American Jesus” on them. One of the greatest things to pray is for the spirit of God to draw the Jewish people back to their own scriptures and to their synagogues. As they do that, HE will reveal the Messiah to them.”

Barbara certainly brings a challenge to not only pray more, but to learn how to preach the Messiah from the Old Testament so we can reach the Jews, His chosen ones. Please make sure you take time to visit her web site, order her book and sign up for her daily newsletter to help you understand the truth of Israel and how to pray for their needs.
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