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&Church of Christ Chatroom U

We appreciate so much your stopping by to take a look at our homepage. The Church of Christ Chatroom is a chat club made up of members of the the Lord's Body who love Jesus and want to tell the world about Him. In fact, we are simply Christians, followers of the One who gave His life upon the cross for us all, that we, through Him, might have eternal life. It is that hope of eternal life through Jesus Christ that we want to tell the world about. Please read on and learn more about us.

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Table of Contents:
(for quick reference, click on the titles below)
Chatroom History
Chatters for Christ
What Must I Do To Be Saved?
Prayer List
View and Sign Our Guestbook
Join Our Chatroom Club and/or Email Discussion Forum
Contact Us
Page 2 of our Homepage - Christian Evidences
Page 3 of our Homepage - Do Works Play a Part in Man's Salvation?

A bit of Church of Christ Chatroom history ...

Several of us began noticing there were other members of the Lord's body who enjoyed chatting in Yahoo's Christian chatrooms. But in those chatrooms there are sometimes people who "bash" Christians and purposely exhibit ungodly characteristics. Because of this the public chatrooms began to become an unpleasant place for Christians to meet and chat. So we decided it was time for us to create our own chatroom for all those who had put on Christ (Galatians 3:27), a place where we could meet for Bible discussions, prayer, fellowship, or just to chat about whatever.

In March of 1999 the Church of Christ Chatroom was created. Since that time we have grown to become Yahoo's 5th largest chatroom in its religious category. Members of the Lord's body from all around the world have joined the room and it has quickly become a true internet ministry for the glory of our Lord.

What is Our Purpose?

To tell the world about Jesus Christ! We believe that Jesus Christ came to this world and gave His life on the cross in our place that we might have a way to escape the penalty of sin through Him. We believe that Jesus Christ is the only Way to God. We believe that God, by His grace, will save all those who have put on Christ (Galatians 3:27), who are found in Him (Romans 6:3) and faithful to Him (Revelation 2:10) when He returns to judge the world. Our purpose, then, is to tell the world about Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour.

In addition to this, it is our purpose in offering the Church of Christ chatroom to:

1) Provide a place where Christians can meet on the internet without fear of
    being offended by ungodly behaviors so common in the public chatrooms.

2) Provide a room and atmosphere where members can bring those of the
    world and share with them the good news of the Gospel.

3) Provide a place where those of like faith can meet and share in their
    common love for Jesus.

4) Provide a place where brethren can come and be strengthened, encouraged
    and receive support from one another.

5) Provide a place where Christians can meet and through interactions, learn
    more about our God.

6) Provide a means for a true Internet Ministry where souls are led to Jesus!

And last, but not least, we wanted a place where members of the Lord's body could come and find ways to heal the many years of problems and divisions which have plagued that body through the years. Instead of looking for reasons to further or sustain divisions, we look for reasons to be one in Him. It is our goal to be one in Him as He is in the Father!


Chatters for Christ

This is the name we have given to those of us who meet occasionally in the chatroom to divide up into groups and carry the Gospel to the Yahoo public Christian Chatrooms. What a ministry! Many seeds have been planted and watered and the Lord has worked among us and given the increase. Not only do we share the good news of Jesus Christ with the world, we also give comfort and spiritual guidance to those who are in need. We help people to locate a local congregation of the Church of Christ nearest them. We offer home Bible studies via the internet to all who are interested. In all, we show the love of Christ to the world!

Jesus said, "Go FFye" and that is what this group of soul winners is all about ... going into all the world via the internet to preach the Gospel of Christ ... the Good News!

What Must I Do To Be Saved?

Do you ever think of death? Do such thoughts bring feelings of fear? Do you ever wonder where your eternal home will be after you die? Hell? Heaven? How can we avoid spending eternity in hell? What must a person do to be saved? What must a person do to inherit heaven as their eternal home? What must I do to erase all fears of the life hereafter?

Friend, these same questions were asked nearly 2,000 years ago by men and women like you who lived in the days of the Bible. Nicodemus was one of the first to receive an answer to this most important question. "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God .... Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God," answered Jesus (John 3:1-5). On the day of Pentecost the question was asked, "Men and brethren, what shall we do? Then Peter said unto them, Repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit" (Acts 2:37, 38).

A man by the name of Thomas once asked the question, "Lord ... how can we know the way? Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me" (John 14:5, 6). Dear friend, Jesus is the Way to heaven! Those of old who sought to prepare themselves for life after death got into the way (Romans 6:3) and put on Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:27).

Are you in Jesus Christ today? Have you put on Jesus and given your life to Him? Can you say that if you died today that you would be found in the Saviour? My dear friend, if not, would you like to learn what the Bible says about salvation, about getting in Jesus, the forgiveness of sin, about being saved? We pray that you do. Please let us assist you in learning more about the grace of God and the salvation He offers us all through His marvelous grace.

Here are some great resource sites in which you can find a well of information that will help you to prepare for life after death, eternal life, and which will help you to build your relationship with Jesus Christ.

Allow us to refer you to the On-line interactive Bible Course (CLICK HERE) What Must a Person do to be Saved? This is a great way to study the most important question you will ever ask and to read for yourself the answer God has given.

If you would like to download or print out an article which answers the question, "How do I Get to Heaven," go to this site How do We Get to Heaven? (CLICK HERE) Article on Salvation  and read an article which has already led the unsaved to a loving Saviour.

Would you like to receive a Bible study through email? Go to this site Truth for the World (CLICK HERE) and sign up for the free home Bible study through email.

We want you to know that the men and women of the Church of Christ Chatroom love you. We want to help you in building a relationship with Jesus Christ. We want to share with you the love and joy that can only be found in Jesus Christ. If the above sites are not sufficient for your needs, if you have any questions, or if you just want to talk to someone, please contact us at . It is our prayer that the Lord will bless you in your studies and open your heart and mind to the Gospel of Christ, the GOOD NEWS that Jesus died for us all, that we through Him may have life eternal!

Prayer List
We believe in prayer! We believe God heals! We believe in praying for those who ask for God's healing and blessing hand to be upon them!


Great Christian Links on the Internet!

 Our Church of Christ Chatroom
 Truth for the World
 ICQ Church of Christ Chatroom
 Christian Resource Site!
 Great Bible Student Resource Site
 On-line Interactive Bible Course - What Must a Person do to be Saved?
 Live Broadcast of a Church of Christ Worship Service
 Another Great Christian Resource Site
 Bible Study Site
 How do We Get to Heaven? Article on Salvation. Great Site for Those Who Are Not Saved
 Free Bible Software and Downloads
 Jews for Jesus - Learn the Best Way to Convert Jews to Jesus!
 Church of Christ Bible Sermons You Can Use, Read and Learn From!
 Reasons to Believe in Christianity! Great Site For Teaching Agnostics, Athiest, and Other Unbelievers
 Christian Family Fun Site for Adults and Kids

 *The Restoration Movement* This may be the best resource on the internet for Resotration History. The writings begin with the Campbells and document the teachings of 19th and 20th century Church of Christ preachers

 *Searching For A Church of Christ? Here's a Worldwide Church of Christ Directory/Locator* Great for locating congregations near a vacation spot or along an out of town trip


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Church of Christ Chatroom Club and/or
Our Email Discussion Forum

To join either or both simply supply the information below and we'll send you an invitation to join the discussion groups where Jesus Christ comes first! Chat in the chatroom and/or participate in our email discussion forum as we learn more about God, His Son, one another, the salvation offered through God's grace, and how we all may be better servants of the Master!

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