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Can I Quote You On That?

"I'm shy with girls...I don't always feel comfortable on a date."

"I'd say i'm a kind of sweetner. I make things sweet."

"What's going on? Arn't we famous anymore?"

"I woulnd't rule out a reunion, but we're not gonna dance around like we used to. Everyone can rest easy."

"I'm a romantic guy by nature."

"Basically my heart is in entertainment....So that's basically what I do."

"my one wish would be that everyone could love each other. You don't have to wish for anthing else but that."

"I always romantasize things.... I love making up stories and fantasize about this and that."

"I think I gloss it over; put a shine on it. I buff things up."

"That's because I actually got to take a nap before I got here."

"I like petite girls who are charming, understanding, sweet, pretty and understanding."

"I love to hang out and just do nothing. I also love to sleep."

"I like to spring things on people. Surprise them."

"How do your toes look?"


"With my tongue."

"Have you ever woken up and not know the name of the person lying beside you?"

"I always make it a point to know names."

"The bras I give to my mom, the panties I give to my sisters, and I usually keep the letters."