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An Irish gentleman born in the early 1700s, Angelus was a ne'er-do-well who was more interested in dr inking than in doing an honest day's work. On one such drunken binge, he encountered a vampire named Darla, who turned him into a vampire. Althougth he had never left his home of Galway as a human, as a vampire he traveled extensively. In England in 1860, he murdered the family of a waman named Drusilla, driving her mad before finally turning her into a vampire. In Romania in 1898, he killed the favorite daughter of a Romany tribe and was thereafter cursed by the tribes's elders: they restored his soul to him, forcing him to live in the anguish over the acts he had committed as a vampire.

From that point on, Angel suffered. He drifted, eventually winding up as a homeless person in a New York City alleyway in the 1990's. It was there that the emon Whistler found him and encouraged him to make something of himself. He traveled to California and decided he would help the Slayer. Initially, his help came in the form of cryptic advice, but his and Buffy's growning feelings for each other led him to become closer to both her and her circle of friends. He also revealed to her that he is a vampire and valued ally to Buffy, Giles, and the Slayerettes, and his vampiric strength and abilities proved especially useful against the demon Eyghon, the minions of the demon Machida, and against the various vampires that have infested Sunnydale.

Despite the lunacy of ti, Angel and Buffy fell hopelessly in love with each other, eventually consummating the relationship on Buffy's seventeenth birthday. Unfortunately, the Romany cuse was predicated on Angel remaining tortured. By experiencing joy, the curse was lifted and he reverted to his old vampire self. He remained un-souled until Willow recast the spell-but, right after that Buffy was forced to impale him and send him to Hell to prevent the world from being destroyed. For what was hundreads of years to Angel but only a few months here Angel was tortured by the demons of hell. Somehow he was cast out of Hell back into his mansion, naked and helpless. He was a raving animal at first but Buffy found him, subdued him, and nursed him back to health. When the others found out they at first were extremly angered with Buffy for hiding him away like she did. He was not easily accepted back into the Scooby Gang. Only at Christmas when a entity known only as the First Evil tauted him with specters of the people he slain(cheif among them Jenny Calander) and said that it brought him back to kill Buffy did they all come together to help him. He almost killed himself by letting the sunrise while he was outside, but by some miricle the day was blacked out by a snowstorm. He has since regained the trust of all the gang, even Xander-to a degree.