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Xander & Anya

Xander & Anya

Xander & Anya

A former wish giving deamon and the Sunnydale everyman a item?! I have to admit that when I watched prom I was a little shocked when Anya asked Xander to go to the shindig with her, but as I saw how hard she was trying to get him to like her and how funny it was to see him be boared by her stories of avenging scorned women I fell in love with the idea of these two kids giving it a go.

Then low and behold come next epidsode she makes a pass at the Xan man. He is obviously flattered and seemed to be willing to give it a shot. Then the whole Asention mess interrupted them but Anya was able to give valuble informantion to the Scooby Gang that helped them form a plan to defeat the Mayor.

Anya decides to skip out of town and avoid dying when the Mayor Asends into some sort of true deamon and begs Xander to come with her. She tells him how the thought of him being hurt makes her want to vomit. She is still new to human feelings though and dosn't understand when he says he can't abandon his friends. He leaves her crying and asking for a kiss. Xander goes on to lead the students in the battle against the Mayor, proving his worth to all.

I am hoping that Anya will make a return in season 4 and she and Xander will get to be together. He will have been returning from his road trip and will need someone to hang with while the others are off to collage. This page is my little tribute to what I feel could be the best future couple of the show.

Anya News

9.9.99 Good sources report that Anya returns with Xander is season four. YAY!

9.11.99 Anya will consoul Xander as he lives in his parents basement and frets over being the only one not in collage.
