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Buffy Summers

Buffy Summers

Buffy Anne Summers was born in 1981 to the now-divorced Hank and Joyce Summers. As a child, she would pretend to be the superhero Power Girl, which would turn out to be a prophetic choise of alter ego. She was very close to her cousin Celia until Celia died in a hospital, leading Buffy to hate hospitals.

Buffy started atteding Hemery High School, in Los Angeles, in the fall of 1995. She was elected the equivalent of the May Queen in 1996, and it was also then that she learned from a Watcher named Merrick that she was the Chosen One, the Slayer of vampires. During her initial foray into Slayerhood, Merrick was killed and she burned down the school gym. Her parents who had been having marital difficulties for some time finalized their divorce that same year.

Her mother gained custody of Buffy in the divorce, the pari moved to a house at 1630 Revello Drive in Sunnydale, Californa, and Buffy enrolled as a sophmore at Sunnydale High School. Reluctantly at first, she again took up her duties as the Slayer, with Rupert Giles as her new Watcher.

In addition to her increased strength, agility, and stamina thanks to being the Slayer, Buffy is also a skilled ice skater-she went through a "Dorothy Hamill phase" as a child, down to the haircut. She also sometimes has prophetic dreams. Giles seemed to think that she should be able to sense vampires, an ability Buffy has been developing over the last two years.

Buffy,s success with relationships has been limited. Her fifth-grade crush on Bully "Ford" Fordham went unrequited, though the two had been very close friends through to high school. She briefly dated a boy named Tyler, but dumped him in fairly short order. She became vaguely inbolved with two Sunnydale High boys, Owen Thurman, and Cameron Walker, but the former was more interested in Buffy's wild life then in her, and Cameron turned out to be as dull as dishwater(and a gill monster). A collage boy named Tom Warner came on to her, but he was interested only in sacrificing her to the Demon his frat worshiped. She turned down two other propositions, as well as Xander's numerous advances. Her only successful relationship-with Angel-ended very badly. Buffy and Angel, a vampire with a soul, fell in love and managed to substain a relationship. Unfortunately, the curse that gave Angel his soul was predicated on his suffering forever for his past evil deeds; having sex with Buffy led him to revert to his former vampiric self, Angelus, which put something of a damper on the realationship to say the least. While Angel has sense regained his soul, things between he and Buffy still seemed rather strained at times.

Buffy's style of Slayerhood has proven to be unique. She has a support system beyond her Wathcer (Xander,Willow,Cordelia, Oz, and Angel), the peculiarity of which was commented on by Spike, an dher training has focused almost exclusively on the physical elements of Slayerdom, Giles having foregone the intellectual side; until that episode, Buffy had no idea there even was a Slayer's Handbook. She has done a superlative job, having killed the Master, one of the oldest vampired known to exsist, and prevented Hell from spilling over onto Earth, twice.
